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 Apr 2015 Anna
Natasha Teller
 Apr 2015 Anna
Natasha Teller
I want eyes that
cut like a fjord; I want sharp
geography, mountain-peak cheekbones,
I want God's calligraphy, two thick eyebrows,
shadowed sky-soot,
I want lunar eyelashes
tuned to the singing of the moon.

I want fingers
that shimmer like the aurora borealis,
I want to be your palace on fire-- I want
to vanish into the storm at your core,
the whirlwind blizzard of
thousands of cold caresses.

I want lips like glaciers--
like campfires, lips that chill doubt,
that burn my resolve,
that etch hymns into my bones;
I want a voice like a gray wolf,
a growl to tremble my blood,
a low song of protection.

I want a room: a vault of ice,
a glass-topped pod beneath a canopy of stars,
a wood-walled retreat embraced by trees,
with your wave-sharp eyes, your
sky-mountain bones, your celestial
fingers, your fire-bright lips, your--

I want things
I never thought
I'd want
from you.
 Apr 2015 Anna
party time
 Apr 2015 Anna
Coffee stains and cigarette burns
I don't know how to feel, my head kinda hurts
Sweet seventeen and the pain has just began
Drown yourself in alcohol, it'll help you feel numb
Your body is so *****, the night is far from done
Everybody can come over, my mom and dad are gone
 Apr 2015 Anna
Gwen Johnson
Here's a thought
Stop crying out
And start reaching
And I'm not calling you attention seeking
Because I wouldn't mean it
But If you don't let anyone help
Whose gonna stop the bleeding
And if you're telling yourself that pain is on your side
When no one else is
Try to let someone else in
 Apr 2015 Anna
Those tiny buds blossom;
Like miracles,
Or prayers from the dead.
Uncurling like a baby's fist
White then pink then red.
I forgot how I missed
Those precious beads of life
A transient ode to the suns' first kiss
An end to unending winter,
death, and strife.
The start of new life.
 Apr 2015 Anna
Musings 04
 Apr 2015 Anna
Chipped nails and ripped tights,
she is delicate and mysterious and beautiful,
but still so dead inside.
 Apr 2015 Anna
Ian Canavan
I drink coffee
from a mug
that says
"I love tea"
because I have
a healthy sense
of irony
 Apr 2015 Anna
What if
 Apr 2015 Anna
What if I mess it up and you realise I'm not
"the one".

What if I break your heart and grind the fragments into a million tiny pieces?

What if I say goodbye only to realise that the word I was looking for was

What if you can't handle the pressure of being with someone so beautifully insane?

What if our differences tear us apart and we end a potential lifetime of laughter with

What if every "what if" I have in my head destroys us before we even begun?
I am so worried that I will hurt you
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