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 Oct 2016 Anna
Gwen Johnson
 Oct 2016 Anna
Gwen Johnson
I've stopped searching
for my missing pieces
Not because I'm whole
but because
I finally
 May 2016 Anna
Gwen Johnson
 May 2016 Anna
Gwen Johnson
I want to be creative
I want to have amazing streaks of imagination fill me
Until they flow out onto paper
And I want that everyday
I want the world to inspire me
I want to paint the world in a new perspective
To share it with you
 Feb 2016 Anna
2:00 am
 Feb 2016 Anna
2 am is for the poets who
can't sleep because their
minds are alive with words
for someone who's not there.

For the alcoholics drinking
themselves into amnesia to
forget someone who left.

2 am is not for the lovers
asleep in each other's arms.

It is for the lonely, the ones
who are inlove with the
loved but are not loved in
Hello to all 2 am people out there!
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