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AndSoOn Nov 2015
I'm in love with a man
One who doesn't speak too fast
One who thinks I'm precious
One who knows how to wait

I'm in love with a man
And I'm feeling free to be me
And I'm feeling loved for being me
And he makes me feel like I'm enough

I'm in love with a man
He knows I can't talk about It
He knows It will upset him
He knows I'm so fragile, I might break
AndSoOn Oct 2015
I've got this ball inside my stomach
I've got my breathing rhythm so high
I've got giddiness, like I'm going to die
I've got the heart, like it's having an attack.

I'm trying so hard, and I speak too fast...
So, I'm creating trouble, and I'd like to be careful
I'm not mean, always trying to be respectful.
But who am I, trying to change the past ?

Even when I know I'm not alone,
I can't stop thinking I'll be left
And I'll be lying down, bereft.
I'm broken as ****, it will be known
AndSoOn Sep 2015
They are not that many
And it's already too much for me
Their name is heard so often
Supposedly for our heart to get soften

As they took my heart as a hostage,
I am loosing sleep and courage.
They frighten me, daily, nightly,
What is the ransom going to be ?

I either will be scared to life
And hide myself behind bars
Or I'll open up… Even though
I'll get hut, for what I know…
AndSoOn Sep 2015
We all have dreams
Some we remember, some we forget,
Some we hold on to.

I have sensitive dreams too,
Just enough of them to make me one of us.
I dream about love, cuddles, kisses.

We all have the right to hope,
Hope that those dreams make sense,
And still hoping when they come to reality

Because we never see them come true
Loving having dreams, we often lose focus.
And the dreams we dream about, fade away.

They slip away, in front of us
Because we aren't paying attention
To those dreams which came true

We all have too many dreams,
Some are too small, some are forgotten,
Some are reality now, most are too big.
AndSoOn Aug 2015
In the shades of my life,
You've been the light I've been waiting for.
Your hand on my thigh,
Your head against mine,
Us cuddling through the dark night,
This late, one morning, on a journey.

I'm so afraid, to be broken again.
But I tell myself your touch is worth
Worth a billion fears and a billion years...
Your eyes into mines,
Your smile when you try to titillate me
Your jokes, as funny as they are.

It reflects you. And I'm all in.

And it's not much,
It is just me: a broken girl who fixed herself.
It isn't much at all,
And you probably deserve more.
But my mind isn't right since I met you
And I keep thinking of you.
AndSoOn Aug 2015
I am tired, physically
Feeling my mental exhaustion.
The rhythm of my life takes me
Where I would rather not go:
Places embraced by a fog of fatigue,
While I experience moments of weirdness.

It taught so much, about myself, about us.
It took so much, of my time, energy, and personnality.
Is it enough, and does it worth it ?
Because giving myself to others is scary....
Am I able to retrieve what I gave
When I am free of responsibilities ?

I am not certain, because I feel loneliness.
I feel that there isn't that many people like us.
I feel we are left to ourselves, and being not able
To ask for help, when it comes to recomposing.
Recomposing ourself. Resourcing our batteries, so,
When our weekends end, we could go back to helping others.
AndSoOn Aug 2015
It is already today
A today nobody wishes is that day.
It is already boring, long, painful,
A today we endure as fools.

We all behave like lemmings
And you follow like sheep, without even thinking.
Where is your critical mind?
Or am I the only one caring about our ****** up kind?

Today is that day, cry on it.
And we are ****** at ****
**** we created, made, encouraged without thinking
While we kept being fools with no reasoning

From that day, there isn't a plus
Children are more likely to die before us
Sky is blue now, but what about tomorrow ?
What about when today is tomorrow…
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