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Apr 2016 · 401
Ghost Stories
Amaya Danzy Apr 2016
There is always someone over there in the corner
maybe it's just a dresser
and maybe it's just me.
Mar 2016 · 887
Overwhelming Kind
Amaya Danzy Mar 2016
My love is not the overwhelming kind.
It doesn't devour my insides and corrode my thoughts.
It creeps silently along the edges of my brain,
attacking at moments of weakness.
Mar 2016 · 930
Like Mother, Like Daughter
Amaya Danzy Mar 2016
As the blood runs down the drain
I begin to wonder why me?
Why this life?
A life full of saddens and fake smiles.
No one notices the darkness when you try to shed light.
But the shadows always win.
The creep around the edges and close in.
When they take over, darkness is all that is left.
Everyone can see what you've been trying to hide.
They don't care, though.
They know the sadness will leave this time.
But it didn't.
The darkness stayed until it suffocated me.
Leaving a shell of a person.
Why didn't they help me?
Am I not as good as their perfect daughter?
One wrong move and it all falls apart.
No one believes in you.
You're just a stupid *****.
No better than your mother.
As the blood dries,
so do the tears.
I want to run like a faucet,
letting everything out until I'm empty.
Jul 2015 · 743
Forever. Always.
Amaya Danzy Jul 2015
Light a candle in the night for me
Hide it so no one else can see.
Save me from this drowning pool
People may say you're a lovesick fool.
Drag your knife across my heart
Poke and **** at me until I'm torn apart.
I may forget your face one day
But the memory of you will always stay.
Jun 2015 · 493
Carry On
Amaya Danzy Jun 2015
As the war rang out around us
We sat still.
We would not fight back
our silence is enough.
They try to put us in our place
but we will never fit into their box.
Our will is too strong.
Our brothers and sisters will continue to fight
until the very last breath.
We will fight with peace on our minds
but they fight with hate on their lips.
They will beat, bruise, and bury us.
Yet we will still carry on.
Even as our brothers die before us
we mustn't give up until this is
**equality for all.
Jun 2015 · 579
Amaya Danzy Jun 2015
Into the night we fled,
only following the shadows ahead.
We no longer fear the dark
this is just an eclipse of the heart.
Jun 2015 · 756
Unable to Break Free
Amaya Danzy Jun 2015
Petals in the wind
Take me for a spin.
******* away
So the fears can't stay.

Grass grows greener
As her words turn meaner.
Sky stays blue
I'll keep true
Until the grave takes you.

Butterflies gather 'round
As my thoughts leave town.
Father doesn't care.
All he does is stare.

Leaves burn to a crisp,
Reminding me of all I missed.
You didn't protect me.
Never where you should be,
I was alone in this world
You only thought of me as a little girl.

Ray beams of sun.
Look what you've done.
I can't be fixed,
When your hearts in the mix.

Locked in my head
Every book I've ever read.
There's a story of a girl
Who couldn't handle the real world.

I made my own reality;
To deal with his harsh brutality.
Other children have toys,
But I only have head noise.

The people in my dreams
Make life better than it seems.
No one understands
Why I can’t deal with the demands.

Imagining helps me escape
From this terrible place.
All I had to do was make haste.
But my feet were made of past.
Apr 2015 · 615
Bleeding Red
Amaya Danzy Apr 2015
I want my blood to bleed red on the white snow
I want the snow to kiss my skin
And wash away my tears.
As my thoughts drift away
Remembering things we've done
I wish to see your face.
For my love that got away
Apr 2015 · 673
Timeless Shadows
Amaya Danzy Apr 2015
I saw a boy crying in the shadows
He asked me "why?"
I replied "time"
He nodded as if he understood.
He paused for a moment and asked
I replied "part of your imagination"
Feb 2015 · 405
Remember the Fallen
Amaya Danzy Feb 2015
Humans need not forget, but remember all the fallen.
Every dying breath that made that way for your next one.
How will you you live the life so many gave up?
How will you sleep at night knowing many are sleepless?
Everyone has a past; some may even run from it.
As long as you don’t look back
Time, as meaningless as it is,
will continue to move forward.
Feb 2015 · 694
Amaya Danzy Feb 2015
Lay your weapons at my feet
Bow your head in defeat.
I'll rip your heart out
As well as tear apart your soul
When I'm gone
All that will be left is a hole.
Jan 2015 · 874
Voices Inside My Head
Amaya Danzy Jan 2015
They talk so loud
Yet no one can hear the shouts.
They yell their words all for you
Till you manage what they want you to do.
Destruction is the only path
Yet all they do is laugh.
No one else can understand
All the power from the devil's hand.
Jan 2015 · 4.6k
Where I'm From (rewritten)
Amaya Danzy Jan 2015
I am from a place unknown.
I am from a place no one should go.
I am from him, I am from her.
I am from the dirt underneath the Earth.
I am from ink and paper.
I am from the thoughts they think.
I am from the golden snitch
to the Quidditch pitch.
I am from gumbo shrimp,
To pumpkin pie.
I am from the stars in the night sky.
I am from craziness and noise.
Yet I still manage to have poise.
I am from the things that make me, me.
The original poem is by George Ella Lyon; I just made it my own.
Jan 2015 · 804
Amaya Danzy Jan 2015
She doesn't know.
She can't see what they are doing to her
They use her for their games and tricks
They don't care that hearts are in the mix
Bodies against bodies
No one knows where to start or where to end
But I'll try to mend
Her broken heart
Jan 2015 · 672
Death is always hard
Amaya Danzy Jan 2015
The last breath is always the hardest
it literally ruptures inside you
and forces its way out.
Making you explode in a million tiny pieces
pieces that will never be restored,
pieces that will cut others like glass
only leaving sorrow in their wake.

The end is alway peaceful for those going,
it is the ultimate battle for those who stay.
as you travel on to a better place
we are left here wondering what to do.
wondering why such a thing has to happen.
but you know, as you always have
death is not something to grieve
it is something to strive for
in death all the miracles of the world are discovered;
any question you ever wanted answered is right at your finger tips
and here is the kicker,
It is exactly what you dreamed it would be.

Your childhood fantasies playing out
right in front of you.
You are now the master of the universe.
For a moment you can’t help but think,
is death really the wonder you thought?
Emotional turmoil has taken its toll and turned you grey
Jan 2015 · 793
Rhyming Sickness
Amaya Danzy Jan 2015
Magnificent eyes,
full of many lies.
Holding no expression
only leaving ghostly impressions.

What I’m about to say
may blow you away.
Your daughter is sick,
so stop being so thick.

Demons laugh
there are two halfs.
You broke the mold
never doing what you're told.

Flying glass,
you tell me it will never last.
Dry throat, like smoke.
My parents are a joke.

Open your mouth wide
let me look inside.
Let me take a seat
while you raise with heat.

Inside the girl, there is sickness.
Inside the sickness, there is death.
Inside death, there is darkness.
In the dark things are healed.
Dec 2014 · 365
Scarlet Letter
Amaya Danzy Dec 2014
Confess your sins in the dark
Barring your red mark.
Lies and sins filling you
Never knowing what to do.
Bring yourself into light
All for the child's delight.
Leaving a trail, dark and unwell
Reveling in your own hell.
They will never make you pay
for all the things you say.
Dec 2014 · 512
Amaya Danzy Dec 2014
Sink into me.
Use me
Abuse me
I don't care how you do me.
I'm here for you pleaser
And your pleaser only.
Own me
Take me
Any way you can have me.
I'm yours to keep
Till death
Dec 2014 · 661
Amaya Danzy Dec 2014
My heart is in prison
Your arms are the cage.
I don't want to break
But all you do is take.
Love boils
You coil.
Releasing me
Capturing you
What are we going to do?
My next question is who?
A beautiful girl
With many curls
Pretty as a pearl
You make me hurl.
Your eyes full of lead
I hope your dead.
You beg please
I'm such a tease.
Wishing you were free
While I drink my tea.
It's this so much fun?
Don't you love my pun?
I strip you of your tongue
Your lucky I don't take a lung.
I'll tie you up
make you drink from a red cup.
Sleep honey
While I make money.
When you wake
I will take
What is left
Until death.
Dec 2014 · 447
Not Enough
Amaya Danzy Dec 2014
Not enough.
Never enough.
Life will never be complete
If we are always trying to compete.
We pretend everything is fine
We do this all the time
All you do is whine.
I'll just have to take my time.
How did I end up in this bind?
They will never know
How I did it so.
Your body untouched
Only your eyes clutched.
Put up a good fight
I'll wish you goodnight.
Dec 2014 · 626
Getting Even
Amaya Danzy Dec 2014
My heart is heavy
My body is weak
I don't even dare to speak.
The darkness is clouding over
no light shining through.
How dare I think I belong with you?
The air is dense
I have crazy fits.
Time stands still
I’ll just take another pill.
One more time
and I’ll explode,
waiting for the world
to implode.
You've seen the shadows
every one.
Oh, look at what you done.
You break my bones
I’ll have to watch my tone.
Drink your drink
I’ll clean the sink.
I get the knife
sharpen it twice.
It’s time for bed.
Now you're dead.
Dec 2014 · 515
Amaya Danzy Dec 2014
He went away
leaving me here to stay.
Never looking back
Not knowing all I lacked.
Crying unwanted tears
releasing all my fears.
The days turn grey
making me wish he stayed.
One day he will come
and I’ll be completely undone.

— The End —