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a m a n d a Jan 2021
post your post your post your post
circle surrounds circle
surrounds circle
together we go down
for the sake of
your education.
Jan 2021 · 240
m a k e r
a m a n d a Jan 2021
you really only have you.

yet you are simultaneously
no one and everyone,
both everything and nothing.

and you cannot have anything,
not one single thing.

observe and reflect
absorb and reject.
build and destroy
build and destroy.
Jan 2021 · 160
see without seeing
a m a n d a Jan 2021
i had never even guessed
that anything
had to be undone,
let alone
e v e r y t h i n g .

or that so much
can become clear
simply by
asking the question.
Jan 2021 · 606
there is no way to say
a m a n d a Jan 2021
there is no way to say
what i cannot say
other than to say
i can’t say it.
Dec 2020 · 119
the observer saw
a m a n d a Dec 2020
where is home?
where is home?

it must be here.
my god,
it must be here.
Dec 2020 · 90
a m a n d a Dec 2020
i’ve been doing
     a lot of typing
     and deleting
     as of late.

     bringing thoughts
     to the present
     assigning letters
     and codes
     and then

b a c k

     letter by letter
  a retreat
to the succinct
the appropriate
the vague
the non-committal
the veil
the chain
Dec 2020 · 107
to see
a m a n d a Dec 2020
this layer of life,
(or living itself)
is permeable
your ability or
even desire to see
hazy or
seeing only what
can be perceived
in that

to be fully present and aware,
to see all the layers
the tilt-shift perspective
the zoom in
the micro
the macro
the meta
the step-back
c l e a r l y

is such a rare
and beautiful thing.
Dec 2020 · 87
fucking FIGHT
a m a n d a Dec 2020
clarity can arrive and depart quickly
a vision through a tunnel
a sharp e x p a n s i v e place
o u t

just know
that once you are unleashed,
you are impossible to
once again contain

you can go into
sleep mode
a haze of forgetting, ignoring, tolerating

but just because you forgot
does not mean
you cannot remember
although it
may be

if you remember
try as hard as you can,
and then try harder,
and then *******
try harder still

******* FIGHT
not to s

however* you must
y o u.
a m a n d a Dec 2020
i never think about my armour,
but i suddenly realize i have to
because there is no
"load previous save"
in this game.

there is no going back.
e v e r.

there is only
forward motion
with constant revision

and that is a hard thing
to grasp and hold

a strange place to be

forgetting and remembering
entire different
lives and selves.
a m a n d a Dec 2020
is it me
that is so
hard to reach?

or is it
all of you?
Dec 2020 · 106
(and that's ok)
a m a n d a Dec 2020
sometimes you don't even realize
that all you are doing
is struggling
trying to align
a false construct
of what a life should be
with a life
you can actually
live with.

but if you can
break free
               s h o u l d.
Dec 2020 · 92
where is the source?
a m a n d a Dec 2020
you can't know something
you don't know
unless you do know
but can't remember
you know
and if that's the case
you might as well not
know at all.

does there have to be
a   s o u r c e ?
w h e r e
Dec 2020 · 114
a dream about my eyes
a m a n d a Dec 2020
i dreamt
that my eyes
itchy and irritated
so i looked in a mirror

they were disturbingly red
with contacts in them
but i don't wear contacts,
and couldn’t remember
how they got there
so i took them out

i looked down
to inspect them
and was shocked
and confused

the contacts were not transparent

they were grey, opaque, and very thick.

there was no way to see through them

yet i thought i had been seeing the world
perfectly fine
just moments ago.
Dec 2020 · 224
a catalogue of pain
a m a n d a Dec 2020
there is what i call
"typical" or common pain
a stubbed toe
a bee sting
a broken ankle
a broken foot
a migraine.

then there are
gallbladder attacks,
topped only by

i wasn't aware of these other kinds.

pain from the absence of feeling
   where you know feeling should be.

searing, burning, hot fire pain.

sharp, tingling, breathtaking pain.

electric zap pain

overwhelming pressure pain.

deep, constant, rigid spasm pain.

pain that cannot be touched
by anything
other than
a m a n d a Dec 2020
i mean,
for real -
all i’m saying,
is that sometimes,
people with the authority
to say so,
will tell you
pretty *******
like life, liberty,
and the pursuit of happiness
kind of concerning.

and then
quite simply
send you
Dec 2020 · 124
(dropped like a fact)
a m a n d a Dec 2020
i dreamt
that our bodies
timema c h   i    n   e s
a m a n d a Nov 2020
what is it like to be loved?
what is it like to be loved?
what is it like to be loved?
Nov 2020 · 92
a different route
a m a n d a Nov 2020
i somehow
have to
b e c o m e

it is the only
way to be
f r e e
of it.
a m a n d a Nov 2020
(a note to self, really)

you don't seem to realize
that some of the things
you are asking me to describe
seem to be out of
the realm of known
things with known

so i mean,
i'm doing the best with
what i have,
ya know?
Nov 2020 · 68
Great Milenko
a m a n d a Nov 2020
i suddenly know
without a d o u b t
that in order to become
the strongest possible human being
i am capable of becoming,
i have to integrate
e very
y o u.

but the hilarious thing is,
since i simultaneously
k n o w
we are already

o n e t h i n g

there isn't even
anything for me to do!
Nov 2020 · 87
squirrel queen (reprise)
a m a n d a Nov 2020
when i become
      squirrel q u e e n
and you become m e...
  (in those woods)
  (under that sun),

i h o p e you
   recognize m e.

i h o p e you listen for
    my steps,

and i h o p e
    you follow me
  w h e r e e v e r
i go.
Nov 2020 · 75
>equip new spell<
a m a n d a Nov 2020
every new thing you learn
is like
Nov 2020 · 145
the surface & the depth
a m a n d a Nov 2020
there are many ideas
and theories about
art appreciation,

and what one needs to know
in order to
appreciate a work of art.

it appears to be true
that art can be appreciated
  without knowing
who, what, where, when,
why -
or how.

it is possible to only
have the raw sensory experience
of a thing -
and then to extrapolate (or
not extrapolate)
any further meaning or purpose,
and to just appreciate
a thing for
its semblance and

but what happens
when you do
find out the
who, what, where, when,
why -
and how.

what t h e n?

and so it is the same for people.
Nov 2020 · 73
the w a y
a m a n d a Nov 2020
i think
i must have thought
there was only
one way.
one path.
one love.

now i know
there is no w a y -
only infinite paths
and infinite love.
Nov 2020 · 74
where is this place
a m a n d a Nov 2020
in the end,
it just may be
that we are both able
to imagine the same world
                     with the same rules
                          the same love
and so this imagined world
hovers nearby
unwilling or unable
   to be brought
      to fruition.
Oct 2020 · 103
not advised
a m a n d a Oct 2020
(primary care THIS, my blood pressure is fine, thanks for asking)

hello, ma’am!
i am here, in your office
that you appear to be advertising as
a place of business, specifically; the business of medicine. for humans. a human doctor, if you will.

i read every word of the brochure
of appalling lies you gave me,
willing to give you ½ my workday,
a copay, and spent an entire
evening printing,
scanning, categorizing and labeling
records that i am AWARE are ELECTRONIC. however, as so many of
your colleagues have suggested,
it’s almost “impossible” to get any information, and it’s my *******
responsibility to be my own *******
secretary since yours ****. and i should know BECAUSE I HAVE DONE THE JOB.
i can see the program you are using
which i am proficient in. i might still have my own logins if someone else didn’t do their job. i’ve been behind the curtain so don’t play these ******* games with ME.
i have done all the things.
i have gone above and beyond
in MY preparedness, since
in this country you are advised
“to be your own advocate”
because you cannot trust one single
******* to do it for you,
even if it’s THEIR LITERAL JOB.

i digress, i am here.
and i am calm.
with hundreds of pages
of reports in hand
categorized in reverse chronological order
and further labeled and divided by
date, provider, and tests.
calmly letting you
lead the conversation since
within the first 3 minutes of
meeting you
looked at me above your
mask with wild eyes
and told me
you “don’t have time.”

i thank you for your brilliant observations,
complete lack of any compassion
and apparent complete disregard for the
health of your patients. thank you for not
looking up my medical history or having
any notes or results even though i gave your office the information when
i made the godforsaken appt,
you refused to look at, read, pretend to read, scan or save even though i told you
you literally could keep it
because i wasn’t born yesterday
and have a ******* copy.

i don’t have time for YOU,
*****. thanks for nothing
and i hope you sleep
******* great tonight.
Oct 2020 · 88
a m a n d a Oct 2020
you can keep
trudging forward.

other t i m e s
the whole system
Oct 2020 · 129
only in dreams
a m a n d a Oct 2020
i had a dream
that for a moment
we were walking together
and when i held out
my hand to you,
you took it.
Oct 2020 · 113
the red pill problem
a m a n d a Oct 2020
you can’t
u n see
m a t r i x
Oct 2020 · 49
a m a n d a Oct 2020
i already forgot
the lesson i learned 12 hours ago,
so don’t ever listen
to a word i say.
Oct 2020 · 266
don’t stop me now (queen)
a m a n d a Oct 2020
don’t test me,
i will 100% strap myself
into a rocket ship
without a second thought
(it’s something i’ve spent
a considerable amount of time
thinking about).

jesus, guys!
what a ******* song!
like seriously,
just listen
(and take the ride)

burning through the sky, yeah

and send me the ******* coordinates for this supersonic good time you speak of.

(asking for a friend on a collision course, a *** machine, an atom bomb.)
a m a n d a Oct 2020
i don’t know
   how to say
i can see the underlying
structure of too many things
Oct 2020 · 166
a little thing
a m a n d a Oct 2020
i tried to imagine instantly  
  the cheapest item at the cheapest
store that i would
genuinely be excited to purchase
if it was the last dollar
i could scrape up

and the immediate reply was
Oct 2020 · 94
the look back
a m a n d a Oct 2020
there was a moment,
long ago
when i looked up
   and there your gaze was
   and i l o o k e d for a fractionofasecondtoolong

because now i know it is
the moment i actually saw you.
Oct 2020 · 82
(i must have leveled up)
a m a n d a Oct 2020
...because what else could it be?

i can suddenly see the menu
   of my hidden moves
and unlocked weapons.

and now i am armed.
Oct 2020 · 86
4 min of hope
a m a n d a Oct 2020
[******* guys and your stupid hope]

hope that disintegrates
as quickly as it arrives
is more damaging
Oct 2020 · 435
underneath it all
a m a n d a Oct 2020
could it really be
that all that was needed
was to hear a little
no doubt

to make me
remember who the *******
i was
all of this?

f e a r l e s s
Oct 2020 · 74
fuck the fall
a m a n d a Oct 2020
and i even think
that by acknowledging i
can’t remember,

i have remembered.

i can get on board with this color palette, i suppose, but only briefly.
for a moment today
the trees glowed orange
   and red and yellow in the gold light
   and my breath caught,
   (it really did)
   but only for a second
because i don’t like the green
mixed in.

i like my reds and yellows
in the sky where they belong
at dusk sometimes
on beaches

and where the water is blue
and the sand
is white

the smell of leaves
is the smell of death,
in a way.

i prefer clean palettes,
and no sane person
goes around putting
  orange and green together,
   i’m just sayin’.
a m a n d a Oct 2020
(and i’m fairly certain one is)

i’m just trying to
bring all the things together,
this entire time.
that’s it.

tagging and
  linking and
highlighting and
  tearing out and
layering and

it’s just a reflection
of my reality.

- no - that’s not right,
not a reflection.

it is more of a
p r o j e c t i o n,
i suppose.
a m a n d a Oct 2020
will   things   love   time   thing   life   eyes   feel   light   people   mind   beautiful   find   heart   thought   man   face   place   good   night   day   hard   moment   earth   sun   imagine   better   going   music   truth   hope   air   woman   space   men   hear   break   white   understand   women   ****   black   wrong   body   best   girls   brain   wall   real   lies   sure   suddenly   cry   fire   word   sound   art   terror   stand   blue   path   keep   speak   thoughts   matter   dark   hold   pretty   sleep   thinking   tears   fool   years   human   move   red   state   left   *******   feeling   strange   ****   voice   learn   sad   coming   times   crazy   golden   water   record   wanted   making   glass   sense   felt   fear   listen   desire   sky   matters   power   mine   person   kind   care   hair   bad   queen   breathe   lost   create   song   long   forward   true   deep   winter   green   hey   woods   watch   dream   days   knew   strength   close   cold   moving   bright   stupid   guess   live   quiet   write   *******   paper   fall   beauty   choose   decide   help   walk   listening   bird   reality   pieces   eye   smile   honest   trees   cast   feet   sister   birds   single   entire   remember   money   silence   happened   lips   figure   metal   lines   silver   hate   question   piece   silly   inside   bass   fine   gonna   hell   head   pull   ***   wild   dead   paint   sadness   work   closer   sounds   pain   nice   afraid   hands   burn   takes   chest   year   realize   car   god   lights   describe   fast   wine   blood   trust   high   color   looked   big   ready   call   ideas   breath   alive   songs   heavy   gold   ground   children   stars   build   cool   point   thinks   stay   grey   waves   taught   sit   running   today   walking   smoke   full   fact   simply   family   follow   game   straight   slowly   loved   minutes   nature   sake   grasp   great   seek   girl   literally   free   wood   bones   wait   lose   tree   dreams   sweet   ways   despair   baby   easily   hiding   clear   heard   throw   house   mouse   memory   hand   storm   bring   side   universe   note   slow   story   order   utter   job   young   death   reach   standing   gin   whisper   constantly   revealed   fair   boom   mitsubishi   warm   corner   cousin   brilliant   leave   ****   pay   gotta   education   telling   escape   fly   rush   opponent   second   open   soft   watched   cheese   humanity   country   apart   happiness   colors   gaze   void   imagined   opposite   circles   room   ice   clearly   bed   worth   force   data   save   father   deserve   boy   grow   flow   jesus   pretend   hide   dragon   shape   meaning   hot   nights   perfect   alert   yellow   start   *****   tiny   rage   aware   answer   told   wind   blankets   liberated   crying   idea   decided   happy   school   arms   action   finally   simple   die   sick   guts   moves   wife   sir   turn   tight   teach   attention   completely   strong   yeah   admit   assault   change   liar   empty   knowing   surely   miserable   feels   challenge   forget   angry   lives   happening   shadow   secret   roll   stones   child   purple   reading   hurt   pink   eat   circle   failed   wanting   seriously   guys   retreat   shine   vast   energy   ugly   rare   funny   lay   crushing   calm   weight   low   struggle   falling   pounding   ago   moon   distracted   recognize   ahead   leaves   teeth   government   exactly   land   direct   talk   names   turns   worst   play   fail   expect   legs   hours   center   news   stories   sitting   met   utterly   held   purpose   dance   caught   problem   mouth   future   consider   watching   serious   absence   shining   president   mile   cuz   turned   touch   catch   paying   group   reflected   view   brings   letting   fed   pulling   shoulder   violence   strike   fun   push   reaching   laugh   confusion   heat   add   allow   gods   ink   orange   unable   general   someday   growing   dancing   drama   bend   fingers   pretending   walls   reasonable   searching   neck   brought   grass   dare   instant
15.8k words | from my profile
a m a n d a Oct 2020
does anyone else
k n o w they lose
entire poems?

a whole world imagined,
words stream suddenly
come together

s o m e h o w reading
your own mind story
almost as if
an observer.

a glimpse of understanding,
an ( ((awareness)) )

and it is only
together but for
the moment of

immediately the structure frays
the words come a p a r t
| scramble back up |
and it is

i have imagined
and lost
entire lifetimes.

births and deaths.

ways to be
and ways to

noticed and appreciated
and listened and described
and understood
in b r i e f
of clarity.

there is nothing to be done,
except wait attentively
and with excitement
for the next loss.
Oct 2020 · 96
october 12
a m a n d a Oct 2020
i mean,
i can see how christopher columbus
“discovered” the Americas from
his perspective.

the same way that
we “discover”
things that are
|new to us|
like space, or the ocean
or a new ******* restaurant.

but if i hike into
the woods and
“discover” some area
of land, or a lake, or a cabin,

the fact that i am seeing it for the first
time with my own eyes
does not mean
that thing did not
exist before i saw it.

there is nothing wrong with
exploration - it is vital
and necessary and exciting.

but exploration does
not equal colonization.
exploration does not
necessitate ownership,
theft, or ******.

it just doesn’t.

so good job, columbus,
for being an explorer and ****.
but maybe let’s try
to see the w h o l e picture.

because if i “discover” your cabin
in the woods and
decide it’s mine, **** you,
take the cabin,
enslave your family,

then have a yearly
where i celebrate my

i’m just gonna go out
on a limb here
and assume
your enslaved family and their
ancestors wouldn’t
much appreciate that ****?

so let’s just say what we mean.
it’s good to explore.
thanks for being a *******
explorer, columbus. we like
this land, fine.

but we aren’t going to
celebrate the
systematic theft
of land, murdering and
enslaving of other human beings, ok?

unless that’s your thing, in which case
you should just be honest about it
and scream it from the rooftops.

let’s just stop pretending things
are the way we want them to be, and
acknowledge how they actually are.

is that not something we can agree on?!
ugh! i’m just sayin’!
Oct 2020 · 104
a pink-orange light
a m a n d a Oct 2020
every time
a c o l o r
catches my eye
(which is very often)
in my mind
i instantly analyze it
break it down into its primary basics
then reconstruct it
in my mind with paint.

for example,
what first i took as pink,
upon further gazing
is really more of an orange.

start with white
add |this| amount of yellow
then this tiny minuscule
shard of (red)
together, white and red make pink.
yellow and red make orange.
pink and orange are different
points on
a spectrum.

and you can see how
orange and
p i n k are.
and how so very
far away.

and then that
blue-purple light
juxtaposed -
that is another thing
a m a n d a Oct 2020
for a second
i imagined
myself trying to
  actively resist
the imprint
  you are pressing down
like paper
from the
impending ink
soaked stamp.
Oct 2020 · 68
sharingisc a r i n g
a m a n d a Oct 2020
in order to share
at least one person
needs to have s o m e t h i n g.

and someone else must
notice and
want some kind of part of that
s o m e t h i n g.

then both have to
openly acknowledge
these terms,

in order for the sharer
to know
that they
need to
let go
s o m e t h i n g.
Oct 2020 · 94
i’m so old
a m a n d a Oct 2020
that my default behavior
when desperate to
fix an electronic device
is to blow into it
like a nintendo game.
Oct 2020 · 213
a m a n d a Oct 2020
in the end,
   even Odo gave in
to the desire
  to rejoin the
      great link
Oct 2020 · 119
the under_current
a m a n d a Oct 2020
NOTHING is always
one thing
or another.

it’s just not possible.

not one thing
is f i x e d

you have to
for a l l things to
—  (     (  ( ((flex)) )  )     )  —
Oct 2020 · 90
the unraveling
a m a n d a Oct 2020
(since i’m at least trying to be positive)

i mean,
i guess at least now
i can f e e l the
   beginnings of the
untethering sooner?
and therefore
have more time
to throw out
hints and outright
warnings  ¯_(ツ)_/¯

[i wanted to say that
i give you more
than you deserve,
but that would be mean.]

Oct 2020 · 129
re: please clarify
a m a n d a Oct 2020
is my back
  against the wall?
or am i on
    the e d g e of a cliff?

i only ask
because sometimes
it’s hard to tell.
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