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Oct 2023 · 404
a m a n d a Oct 2023
I miss you.
I miss YOU.
I miss y o u.
Sep 2023 · 541
do not disturb
a m a n d a Sep 2023
it’s just true
that the world is different
with no
hope of you.
Aug 2023 · 362
one on one
a m a n d a Aug 2023
he can’t hide
the dreams in his eyes.
so i guess I’ll
lay on this flowered couch
and watch the birds
in a hall & oates love song rampage.
Jul 2023 · 304
a m a n d a Jul 2023
why even pretend to decide
whether or not
to lock
the memory
Jul 2023 · 483
what is there
a m a n d a Jul 2023
i can play something,
with a certain
semblance of structure.
it is all I can promise.
Feb 2023 · 332
flow state
a m a n d a Feb 2023
some kind of constant lurching.
some kind of wildly flailing
forging ahead.
Jan 2023 · 435
electric drum dreamland
a m a n d a Jan 2023
there is nothing like the feeling
of the pen releasing the ink...
so i draw.

there is nothing like
the vibration, the song...
so i beat drums.

there is nothing like
a word falling into place...
so i write.

there is nothing
like this internal fire,
this inescapable light.

wake to dream.
let hips sing.
float in the stream.
Jan 2023 · 226
Red Shift
a m a n d a Jan 2023
Carousel tilt
Hell on wheels
Universe in universe
Lip to lip
A wave a wave a wave
Dec 2022 · 370
a m a n d a Dec 2022
message send failure
an accidental mullet
a bird on the wire
broken bones
faulty valves
ungiven gifts
welling eyes
icy pavement
Dec 2022 · 474
lavender air dreams
a m a n d a Dec 2022
the view is everything
from here,
in my lair.
this view is everything;
the night sky
the trees covered in ivy
covered in snow.
the icicles on the window.
the blanket on
my body,
the sun in my mind.
Dec 2022 · 475
before change comes this
a m a n d a Dec 2022
it’s winter,
verses unwriting themselves
before they’ve begun,
and when i close my eyes
i see the moon in grey and blue and silver and white.
and for a moment the air is warm
and for a moment i am happy
because i know i didn’t imagine
that smile.
Dec 2022 · 282
floor scrolling
a m a n d a Dec 2022
it seems that this night,
i feel very strongly
that i need something
made of feathers.
Nov 2022 · 238
california dreaming
a m a n d a Nov 2022
do you, all covered in gold
curse the day
you met me?

a seed in a stone,
the blood and the sand.
Nov 2022 · 317
winter moons
a m a n d a Nov 2022
the spark caught fire
and i saw a slowly
rotating snowflake on a
black blue background
Nov 2022 · 691
cobalt & gold
a m a n d a Nov 2022
i dreamed a dream of you
an entire beautiful dream
Nov 2022 · 165
deep purple
a m a n d a Nov 2022
when the gong tolls
and that **** starts to reverberate,
brace yourself.
Oct 2022 · 118
holy moses!
a m a n d a Oct 2022
like lightning,
but the bolts are my veins,
electricity branching
in waves upon waves
Oct 2022 · 475
m o v e d
a m a n d a Oct 2022
it's ok that
you can't see
the turquoise and gold.

it's just that you don't even know
you are a brilliant orange tree
coming up on me,
taking my breath away.
Oct 2022 · 135
things i don’t say
a m a n d a Oct 2022
you’re a golden sundial
spinning counter-clockwise
got me
thinking bout moons
Sep 2022 · 150
of moons and elves
a m a n d a Sep 2022
“i am going to
get what i want,”
she said,
Sep 2022 · 244
harvest moon
a m a n d a Sep 2022
(lunar impact)

i looked up silently,
and i f e l t
her see me.

mind imagine mind life

i told her my dream
and i knew that she heard.

and then i saw the spoils.
Aug 2022 · 268
a m a n d a Aug 2022
i like living life
on this side of dreams.
Aug 2022 · 370
the beast in me
a m a n d a Aug 2022
i feel sorry for you
since you don't even know
i am a golden lion
swimming in pink petals.
Aug 2022 · 153
“i’d eat that shit!”
a m a n d a Aug 2022
thank you kindly, gentlemen,
for the notice.
Aug 2022 · 148
whole lotta love
a m a n d a Aug 2022
what could be better
than finding the prototype
Aug 2022 · 234
a m a n d a Aug 2022
so so real
it feels like a fiction

here to
take me somewhere

perhaps i imagine
this life of dreams.
a m a n d a Aug 2022
sometimes there are
just a bunch of scattered golden seeds
or flattened green bark
or whatever the ****

and that’s fair

i don’t think i have
any bright ideas
just don’t leap into Mordor
at the drop of a hat

don’t get any ideas
Jul 2022 · 405
drip sauce
a m a n d a Jul 2022
what are you really
prepared to do
with a
living falcon,
other than
put her in a cage?
Jul 2022 · 215
cascade event
a m a n d a Jul 2022
you don’t even know
about the endless bass,
the shifting shapes,
this internal energy.
my god,
all the lines drawn.

you don’t even know i’m
an octopus,
a living audiowaveform.
Jul 2022 · 363
a m a n d a Jul 2022
open to
r e c e i v i n g

a splash
a cymbal
a request

a vanishing tide
an inscription in stone

the ability to
f i r e.
Jul 2022 · 277
a m a n d a Jul 2022
my beautiful girl.
you left a
definite emptiness.
my pretty princess
the prettiest girl in the world
(chirps like a little bird)
my perfect angel
my absolute dream.
a m a n d a Jul 2022
only to return
made of magic
cuz i made you.
Jun 2022 · 1.2k
mind moves
a m a n d a Jun 2022
you don’t even know about
this constant stream of light
this dancing gleaming undercurrent

you don’t even know
i am a lioness
an empress
Jun 2022 · 151
holy water
a m a n d a Jun 2022
i won’t send my
guttural song,
the rumbling scream.
only these pleas.
Jun 2022 · 137
i run this shit like cardio
a m a n d a Jun 2022
at least the wired connection
has no delay.
solid metal,
instant sound.
Jun 2022 · 317
monday cat bath
a m a n d a Jun 2022
torn dress,
claws in chest.
Jun 2022 · 248
w h i s p e r
a m a n d a Jun 2022
if you can hear this,
then you are the transistor,
a resist o  r.

you are the molten liquid gold,
and the shell by the sea.
Jun 2022 · 216
i'm my own glorious santa
a m a n d a Jun 2022
and other tales
from 2022
Jun 2022 · 174
we ride at dawn
a m a n d a Jun 2022

through green meadows
and orange haze,
hooves thundering
manes in the wind.

we ride at midnight,
under the pull of the tides,
the atmospheric forces,
the nebulous light.
May 2022 · 370
from sea to shining sea
a m a n d a May 2022
the endgame
the price.
look around,
this is the
p r i c e.
not free d o m,
freedomf  r o m.
May 2022 · 405
to be here now.
a m a n d a May 2022
i can surely tell
you what it's like
out in these streets.
but i don't think
you're going to like it.
May 2022 · 228
off the grid
a m a n d a May 2022
i don't know how to say
that i appear to be off
whatever grid
the rest of ya'll are on.
May 2022 · 167
<\-[|\";:><?||\\ -\>
a m a n d a May 2022
if you want to love a thing
that lives in dreams
moves to unheard music,
well here i am, bro.
May 2022 · 196
if not us, then who?
a m a n d a May 2022
i don't like the word evil.
it is removed,
there is no evil.
there are only men.
wrong thinking,
wrong actions,
and ineffective systems.
we cannot fix evil.
but the shape of society
is up to us.
we are responsible
for the growth or destruction
of our minds.
May 2022 · 213
a m a n d a May 2022
some codes
Apr 2022 · 201
create the space
a m a n d a Apr 2022
in a time like this time,
when it appears
you have been plunged
into a winter
that will never end,

when winds howl
and shake your foundation,
sleet drives itself down
and everywhere you
look appears bleak,

know the beginning
is around the corner.
the sun will not fail you.
flowers are pushing their way
above the ground,
and new life
is about to emerge.

this is true,
both within the earth,
and within your mind.
seek it
and you will
find it.
Apr 2022 · 333
Staple Lord
a m a n d a Apr 2022
And you may ask yourself, "How did I get here?"
And you may ask yourself, "Where is that shiny automobile?"

And you may tell yourself, "This is not my beautiful house"
And you may tell yourself, "This is not my beautiful face"

And when the task before you
is thousands of files,
staple - on staple - on staple
You bite that bullet,
Staple Lord.

With every fiber of your being,
you hunt them down
and wrangle them out
like you were born for the thing;
because you are alive and
it's the task before you.

you tear dem ******* out like
it's your Sistine Chapel.

do all things this way
nothing is wasted.

the light of your attention
reflecting back on you.
Apr 2022 · 501
tame impala
a m a n d a Apr 2022
this is such an impossible
that there is no way
to sever
this beautiful
glittering thread
that leads to you.
even when every cell is different.
even when the entire structure has changed.
Mar 2022 · 165
a m a n d a Mar 2022
the time for forward thinking
is always
n o w.
Mar 2022 · 579
a m a n d a Mar 2022
if you can find it within yourself
to see the art
in everything,
you will never be bored.
not for one moment.

i can promise you that.
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