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 Oct 2018 Gidgette
Shiva rocks

a womb on

his forehead...

just to marvel

at Shakti's

broken water.

those ripples impale

his core...

every drop sets his

eyes upward~
 Oct 2018 Gidgette
Alexander Foe
Golden brown, a lush trickle
Flows like curly, hanging moss
That tells its own story.

The creepers latch tightly, before two caverns
Black contours surround them
Darkness in the caverns, out flies an angelic flare
Into the wild.

Mountain peak rises, a ridge
It supports a twin fork crown
Down below, it gallantly holds a steed down

Red rivers, a soft powder
Decorates the salient structure
It shines and draws an infectious smile
Raising my ears and lifts my eyes.
I felt enchanted by a recent photograph of a person's beauty and decided to write this little poem about it. However, I think the universality of the description can allow anyone to appreciate the descriptions here based on whoever they imagine.
I have been alone most of my life.
Every now and then someone would walk in, cup my chin,
give me a moments peace from the anxiety of living and not knowing how my day would end.
I could close my eyes, measured breathing into sleep.
I would dream for days, breaking only to sup and eat.
I could forget my sin and remember my goodness.  
A reprise. No need for forced politeness.
It was a break. No moving forward. Without or within.

Then, one day, I would think that I could awake, unlock my heart and carefully peer outside.
But every time my benefactor would be gone, and I was alone again.
When I was alone I would go through terrible bouts of insomnia that would effect my bipolar. Occasionally with a person sleeping next to me, for a while, I could break the cycle, but it never lasted long and I was back to having the world on my shoulders and not sleeping. It took a long time to break that cycle. Years actually.
look at the little people.
arms held high. the medicine
is in the cabinet, they cannot
reach it.
 Oct 2018 Gidgette
Lora Lee
Under the weight
of loneliness
I wear the universe
like a cloak,
pressed around me,  pinned
holding me close in
its wild womb
gathering up the shards
of warm fire laughter
and voices
that weave into bones
rising in chants
pinnacles gently rocking
into a frenzy
of dark lunar dance

and my
inner moon rises
it's spackled lights
like penetrating eyes
wrapping me in its
blanket of
Just an intense moment in time that passed
 Oct 2018 Gidgette
the candle flickers,
yet the lion’s roar grows
the wind blows slightly,
yet even the wise owl knows

that the fire of the forest,
the ever burning light
would always start small
yet grow ever so bright

as the wolves stop to howl,
and the cocoons start to crack
the old man looks out the window,
wondering what it is that he lacks
[the monster was overcome with what he learned was fire. it gave warmth and heat, yet it burned his skin. how could something be able to help yet harm? how can something be essentially good yet evil? he could not understand]
 Oct 2018 Gidgette
How I would have loved
To sit at a table
With the famous poets of old
To pick apart their brains
And Hear their words of gold
Learn the secrets of how they write
And have more insight into their life
At least we have their memory in ink
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