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 Oct 2018 Gidgette
 Oct 2018 Gidgette
Whether it is poetry
or even prose,
the orchestra of words
differ musically
In sound
In space
And even in rhythm
But never in meaning
Never in sweetness
The music of words has a myriad of meanings. I fall in love with words over and over again.
My body is feeling rather weak but I'm gonna try and write some of the Masked Bard. Its not as bad as yesterday, thankfully.
Again, everyone, thank you very much for your out-pour of kindness.
Truly, I'm humbled and touched. I know I may sound like a broken record but I just want you guys to know how much it means to me.
It's really helping me feel better.
Hugs and love to you all! ^^
Lyn ***
 Oct 2018 Gidgette
zelda rangel
stumbling upon the branches
wings has been cut
skin has turned into blush

still her heart
says yes
alternative name: bravery
The soul is missed by me dearly.
It contained within it, simultaneously,
spark, spirit, care, and glimmer.
Lit by an inestimable null.

The escape of which I now suffer.
Is a daily sick.
Of waking up with shuddered groan.

I miss the soul when it had chance.
Even if my end were purgatory.
I'll take the grey to the decisive ends.
Focused edge where bright meets blurry.
poor decisions early ruin a lot later on
wish i learned how to cope instead of how to stop, drop, and roll
 Oct 2018 Gidgette
eric calabrese
Sometimes I look up at the sky
I wonder if  simultaneously you are too lucid dreams of levitating through these walls and coming back to you
Our souls dance in circles around the sun beating with the sound of our hearts in perfect unison
The moon envys our energy
Mars red from how we move in rings around Saturn
The way we melt into one you’d think we were made from mercury
But the God of Neptune exclaimed we’re fresh like the bay or sea my waves to your sand pulled you close to me
A Venus fly trap opening up for the fly Uranus stopped and stared and even dropped a tear before I returned to my bed a lightning bolt appeared must of been Jupiter the God of the sky ripping us away
It’s punishment for noise we made above where he stays.
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