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You showed me yours
a week ago.
It was on my mind
since then.

I hadn't in a year
"I won't get caught"
I think.
So out comes
those tools
the inconspicuous ones.

Silently I rub it,
play with it.
Now it's on my leg
amist the light browns
There is a shimmering red.
I'm smiling
yet there is a tear.

Now I feel it
how I made you feel
how it feels to feel.
Summertime sadness
blaring on my radio
sitting on the floor in my room.
Sometimes the ceiling
is so comforting.
I don't know really.
If you’d just hold out your arms and lead;
force feed my feet to eat up the floor and once I - promise -
find that rhythm I will tip the tables and turn them so you’ll
be led in a waltz around the place, until your head is hidden by your hair and the dub-step-house-trance coming from the speakers turns to Mozart’s fifth, a symphony that features woodwind and strings in an endless kiss.

Will we dance to all four movements? you say

*Yes, until we become a dance floor nuisance, something more than a blur and an illusion and we're asked to leave.
My tummy stood still; a statue of a stomach that paused as she passed by
to get into the used bookshop line to pay for her basket of titles and authors I'd
no idea existed, but I'd be willing to learn and read and not breathe until I had
enlisted the use of Wikipedia to find out a one fact about each of them so to break the ice
and breach that border of conversation, because I'd want to tell her in some Woody Allen
way that her eyes were nice and that Cambridge could be ours tonight if she wanted to.
raindrops reflecting
colors splashed across the sky
a kaleidoscope
A little bit more
Just a little bit more
Pushed forward slowly
Steadily moving

Edge fast approaching
Pushed little by little
Step by step over the edge
I fall, Down I go

A little bit more
Was too much you know
Accept me the way I am
Do not push me so

Now it is too late
Am over the edge
Where darkness prevails
In the land of the dead
Sometimes when we keep pushing children to do their best, we do not know where to stop. The child may end up feeling down, low and depression may set in. Be your child's friend and listen to them. Encourage them to do their best but do not push them so hard that one day you will have to shed tears for their loss.
Thoughts of you
Makes me dance
To the rhythm
Of your heart beat
ive written about meeting him for a second time and where i thought we would stand and how i thought we would change and where i thought we would be in our lives. ive written about knowing each other only in passing and imagined learning about each other again.
its not like that though is it? i need to stop living in the future. i should have thought we are not together now. point blank. i should not expect nor dream or imagine but live in the present. because now we are us. then you were you and i was i. and before we were we.
i am okay with you being away now. and i was okay with not talking to you at all. but i am happy to be the person making you happy whether its miles or minutes away.
the space between us has changed us both. we went from the same page to very different books. even reading at different speeds, we have found that the spaces between words and lines and before paragraphs are universally the same size and that is where we stand for now.
i will gladly listen to your voice through all the in betweens.
 Oct 2014 Allyse Bégin
 Oct 2014 Allyse Bégin
My love can be pure
Even if yours never was
Still, I'll let you go

"I've already replaced you, I told you"

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