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 May 2017 Dawn
f ł ø w ë r
 May 2017 Dawn
f ł ø w ë r
Do you have that person?
You know what person I’m talking about,
The person who is literally your motivation to get up everyday.
The person who will brighten your day when no one else can.
The person who would drop everything to help you.
The person that will make you try new things because they know you better than you do.
I have that person,
We all do,
Some of us haven’t found them yet,
But they’ll be there soon.
They are the only reason we stay alive.
 May 2017 Dawn
Worst Nightmare
Funeral of my dreams
Enlightened by your presence
I, a living ghost, proudly announce
The DEATH of my DEATH.
 May 2017 Dawn
JL Smith
 May 2017 Dawn
JL Smith
Pause like a comma
Breath hesitates
Anticipating distraction
Contemplating mistake
Throat dry as desert
Words clamped to tongue
Exchange of introductions
And we've only just begun

© JL Smith
 May 2017 Dawn
i'm sorry
 May 2017 Dawn

it's my mantra:
i'm sorry

it's my mantra:
i'm sorry

it's my mantra:
i'm sorry

it's my last breath:
i'm sorry

it's engraved on my gravestone:
i'm sorry

i'm sorry
 May 2017 Dawn
last love.
 May 2017 Dawn
don't tell me about your first love-
tell me about your last.

tell me how he made you believe in love
when you thought your time had passed.

tell me how he made you feel
when you thought the butterflies were dead.

tell me how you tried silencing your heart
and all the crazy thoughts in your head.

tell me how he taught you
to love just a little bit again.

tell me how it was like taking your first step
how it was like to once more begin.

tell me how you thought your heart was dead
how you'd been hurt too many times before

tell me how you saw yourself falling for him
and constantly wanting more.

tell me how you thought you weren't worthy of love
tell me how all those thoughts vanished with one touch

a year, a decade, a century
how no time with him was too much

tell me how he excites you
how you're seeing colors you didn't know existed.

tell me how you finally gave in to giving love another chance
how you couldn't fight it, no matter hard you resisted.

tell me how you thought that love just wasn't for you
tell me how being with him makes you feel love is just for you.

tell me how the world seems just a little better
tell me how the grass is greener, the sky a little more blue.

tell me about your last love;
the one who really stayed.

how he's the missing piece of the puzzle
the one for whom you always prayed.

tell me about your last one
the one standing by your bed.

the one you hold on to a second too long
before you forever rested your head.
 May 2017 Dawn
Penelope Winter
I replay it in my head

L osing our temper
O verthinking
V iolent words
E xaggerations

Y ou walked
O ut the door
U ncivilly

S till, I wait
T omorrow you might come back
I leave the door unlocked
L isten to our song
L et it play over and over again

I pour another glass

A llowing myself to
L ose my mind
W ondering
A pologizing to myself
Y our voice in my ears
S uffocating my thoughts

W ould it have ended differently
I f I had let you win
L et go of my pride
L ooks like we'll never know

- p. winter
i ******* up
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