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  Sep 2014 A Girl
I want to print out my poetry and paste it on the walls
Let them scream my emotions
In swirling patterns of fading text

I want to rip off the ceiling and sleep under the stars
Watch them glow like I’ve always wanted to glow
In a sea of midnight blue

I want to lie in damp grass and watch the clouds passing by
Fleeing across the sky while it catches on fire
In the most outrageous of ways

I want the music in my ears to be drowned out and silenced
By the music radiating from my soul
  Apr 2014 A Girl
"forever isn't real," I tell the boy
who thought we would last forever
A Girl Apr 2014
She stands there in her beautiful gown
made of the shadows and light
She smiles at me as if she knows.
As if to say my time has arrived.

She left me for good, but she will never leave
I want her gone, but i beg for her return.

She stands there in her beautiful gown
a flicker of hope and faith
Watching me as if she sees

I could mimic her scars, do as she's done.
leave by my hand, this world of suffering

She stands there in her beautiful gown
A ghost of my nightmares
She smiles as if she can tell
Her death will soon be my own
A Girl Mar 2014
falling into the hole,
demons cling to the walls on the sides, shouting out at me.
They say that which my mind has been telling me from the beginning.
Only difference now is i'm beginning to believe it.

A never ending trench,
leaving me wishing i were dead.
I shout out to those above, only wishing for a helping hand.
Nobody hears me, nobody sees For now i'm gone not leaving a single thread.

A bottomless pit,
I hope you never understand the feeling
The pain that wrenches through your body as the air blows past.
But if you do, i'm here to be with you, hoping to help reach someone for you.
A Girl Mar 2014
A light is glowing at the end of the winding path.
You just have to take it slow.
The faster you run the further it appears.
The only way to escape is to accept that which you fear.

I cry out into the darkness, having run so fast
it completely disappeared.
There is no more hope for me left here.
I have no chance to be saved.

Never rush what is needed to be done.
Do what is right and forget about the face
at which your peers believe you must hold.
For if you deny and rush, your light will never glow
A Girl Feb 2014
I fell in love, with a boy who knew.
He knew my troubles and he knew my life.
I fell in love with a boy who has changed.
He once was sweet and kind.
But now he's hateful and ignores.
I left for a few days, promised i'd be back soon.
He never called, not a hey, or an I miss you.
While I was gone there was this other.
He also understood my troubles.
He was kind and different, Not like the last.
He was sweet and gentle to me.
I did nothing with him but talked.
It was nice to be relaxed.
But now i'm back in the arms of the first.
But my mind wishes I were somewhere else.
Somewhere with the last.
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