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Denise Uy Sep 2018
the weather's amazing
my wallet's not empty
i have good company
i've never gone hungry
roof above my head
healthy and not dead

but where are you?
It's all good but where are you?
Denise Uy Sep 2018
While I swam in insecurity,
you took me to land.
You were the fox that
swiped me from misery's hand.
While my shoes were too tight,
you offered yours that fit.
You held the rope that
pulled me from the filthy pit.
While I swaggered carelessly,
you taught me to walk.
You lit up the air
when you dreamily talked.
While I sat dazed on the bed,
you helped me stand up.
You elected a friend
whose soul was corrupt.
I tucked away your glasses
so you couldn't see me -
The disproportion and defects
of my mind and body -
But you weren't blind
and you didn't flinch at me,
So I'd do the same for you
and accept everything you'll be.
To the one who helped me learn to live again <3
Denise Uy Sep 2018
We're really just trees
We can grow
Sprout out new leaves
We can be tall
Our trunks are not weak
We could break
Filed smooth and neat
We could break and still be amazing people even if we're not the same anymore.  :)
Denise Uy Aug 2018
I’ve noticed for a while
You give me shy smiles
When I glance you look away
When I talk to you you don’t
seem to know what to say
You confide in me, you trust me
You wait for my replies hopefully
Your gaze is different from my friends’
You don’t want to be just friends
You don’t think I know
You’re obvious, you don’t think it shows
It kept going and I just waited
Maybe my assumption was wrong?
One day you came to me
Nervous and awkward but I waited
Words shot out rapidly
If they were bullets there’d be
nothing left of me
But you said what I expected
You confessed, I rejected.
You said you wished to be with me
Oh, but if only it came true.
Denise Uy Aug 2018
I'm used to myself and not getting help because I'm way up the
shelf and none of you can reach.

I try to talk, I break the walls that build up again so no one can breach.

I set my moods on fire so I can say that I'm not tired,
so I can say that I'm fine and I don't cry sometimes at night.

Funny how I water down the frown forming on my face,
set my lips to a sincere smile and it's the best lie I don't have to say.

People surround me and they laugh too, but they're all corpses designed to look like clowns:

watering down their frowns and putting on a facade of youth and energy.

I know they're tired, too.

I know they too suffer from the same pretense I have to go through when I'm not being me.
I'm not the only one dying inside.
Denise Uy Aug 2018
we're see-through,
we're the ones exposed.
it's the life we choose
and we could be opposed.
we risk being destroyed,
we could be cloudy or clear.
though it's what we enjoy
there's danger lurking near.
we could be left a mess
if it doesn't end well.
anxiety and unrest,
walking quietly through hell.
falling endlessly is real
when it's our turn to speak.
i pray and i kneel,
because with publicity,
i am weak.
This is me overthinking when someone talks to me especially when people ask for my opinion. I can talk about my opinions and even love it at times but there's always that bit of anxiety.
Denise Uy Aug 2018
I stare blankly, sitting like a stone.
People are around me but I am alone.
They are one with others, I am one with myself,
By my thoughts and silence they are repelled.
I can't find anyone who feels like me,
Because I am different to some degree.
I think with my heart and feel with my mind,
Does that make me one of a kind?
My voice is scarce in their presence,
But my thoughts deafen me in their absence.
Does it scare them when I say no words?
Do I need to talk much for us to work?
I ponder on ideas quietly,
So that later I'd write them privately.
I'd hide them so no one would know,
And I'd appreciate them on my own.
I see minds all around, just none like mine.
For now I'll hope that I'm not right.
To be alone for a while is quite alright,
But fulfillment to me is finding someone alike.
I've always been selective 'bout friends and who I trust but it's not all good since the feeling of loneliness is always there.
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