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Aug 2015 · 551
Aira Aug 2015
Isn't it funny how time can hurt you so bad
You procrastinate
You don't cherish the moments
You take everything for granted

Time can take everything from you
Someone you love may be gone forever
You may be oh-so-happy for now
But Time is merciless

All the happiness can be **** out of you
Only regret would be left
Pain really demands to be felt
Until it makes you numb

But you know what makes it sadder?
Because it's somehow your fault
Time has given you enough
Enough to express your feelings and thoughts to others

But we're coward
We're foolish
We're scared to show that we care
Too dumb to realize how important it is

Now, time had to take you away
We had endless chances
But what did we do?
Express your emotions and feelings to those you love. To your family, friend and special someone. Tell them that you like them, you love them and show them that you care.
Apr 2015 · 697
Fated to Love You
Aira Apr 2015
Stand by me
Please remember how we used to be
Stand by me
The memories will soon come back to me

Don't ever leave
For it will make my heartbeat stop
Don't ever leave
I promise we'll make it to the top

Hold on and be brave
We can beat this war I swear
Hold on and be brave
I don't want you to go coz I *care
Apr 2015 · 588
Aira Apr 2015
One of the things people should know in  life is that we must not underestimate a person because you might be surprise about what he/she is capable of doing. He or she may not appear to be too strong for now but it is possible that he or she would be greater than you when the right time comes especially if he or she has an ambition of his/her own. It makes me feel sad and disappointed that some would say how immature and weak a person is.  With those unkind words, they don't realize that they are not being helpful and there is the fact that they are not even on the right position to say those things. Can't we just support them or encourage them to fullfill their dreams? Or atleast be happy for them. If we can't do that, the very least that we can do is to leave them alone and let them mind their own business.
*just random thoughts
Nov 2014 · 575
Some Nights
Aira Nov 2014
Some nights you will feel
That every inch of you explodes
Some nights you will feel
That your eye pours out everything it holds

Some nights you will find
Yourself abandoned and alone
Some nights you will find
Faces that were blurry and unknown

Some nights you'll think
That you're too weak to stand
But please don't be afraid
Coz I'll be willing to offer you a hand
Nov 2014 · 15.4k
The Cake I'd Bake For You
Aira Nov 2014
If our relationship was a cake
What ingredients would it have?
How long do we have to bake
To get the desirable taste of love

An ounce of respect and care
A handful of faith and grace
This kind of cake is rare
So be careful not to *waste
Nov 2014 · 6.0k
Selfless Yet Forgotten
Aira Nov 2014
She wears a fine white dress
With a simple smile across her face
She lives a life without selfishness
And that's the kind of a girl a man would chase

She gives her hand to the unfortunate
Without expecting anything in exchange
She gives her all and doesn't hesitate
Coz her heart seems clear as a page

But there's a part of her she doesn't want to show
She's lost on her little world
And no one would know
For they failed to noticed the tears she holds

She gives her heart, her mind, her soul
But her delight suddenly turned to shiver
Her heart was left with a hole
Coz no one dared to look back at her
Sometimes we're taking for granted those people who loves us most.
Nov 2014 · 2.7k
Aira Nov 2014
You tried to fake a smile
Just so I won't see
The sadness in your eyes
The tears that flow continuously

You tried to look so firm
Though I know you're shattered inside
So I asked you why
The feeling of sadness so strong

You told me you aren't loved
For you're not as good as them
But darling don't be ashamed
For you are worthier than them

Beauty is just an illusion
Yes, you heard me right
Coz what matters most is
The thing to be found inside your heart
Nov 2014 · 1.7k
Aira Nov 2014
Today at Chemistry
I saw your face again
My eyes followed you
As you walk down with a friend

You settled at your seat
And I blushed without you knowing
So I tried to suppress a smile
To hide what I am really feeling

Your seatmate called my name
And I had a reason to look back
It feels so great to stare at you
So I almost began to crack

But as I began to talk to her
You interrupt me and I almost died
Though it seem to be exaggerated
That's really what I felt inside

Oh baby, it's like a piece of heaven
For I haven't imagined that you know me as well
You asked me about the composition of ether
And I was glad 'coz I knew what to tell

The next day I won't forget
I'm sure you'll talk with me today
But As you walk past to me
The glow on my face went astray

I wondered if you had an amnesia
So I glanced back to you again
The pain won't even fade with an anesthesia
Coz I realized that **you don't remember me at all
Notes (optional)
Oct 2014 · 7.5k
Aira Oct 2014
Changing the world may be almost impossible
Changing the nation may take a lifetime
Changing your community may take a long time
Changing yourself won't happen over night
But changing anything for the better is worthwhile
Oct 2014 · 322
Aira Oct 2014
Staring at the moonlit sky
I wonder what awaits for me
What the world could offer
Is still a great misery

But day by day I try
Solving the puzzle untold
Figuring out where I belong
Seeking what lies in this little world

Just like the stars, I know
I also belong to a mighty constellation
I would be someone that you would seek
And be amazed how I shine
Oct 2014 · 1.5k
Aira Oct 2014
There are times when I feel so small
Very small that I can't barely stand on my feet
Times when I feel so weak
That a hurricane might probably tear me to ashes

There are times when I feel so miserable
I can't managed to do the things I want to
It's like every part of me was wrecked
And all the faces that surrounds me remains unknown

there are times when I feel hopeless
Coz I fear every little thing there is
That's how vulnerable I am
For I may just break down

But there are times when I feel so high
Seems like my adrenaline was up
A feeling that everyone desires
For the rest of their lives

I may be unpredictable
But that's what life's all about
Coz if I didn't feel any of these
I guess I may not lived at all.
My first ever poem that I posted here. Hope someone likes it^

— The End —