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 Sep 2016 Adrian Newman
Dear Poet Friends, while trying to retrieve my old poems from ‘’ which is closing down by this year end, I found this love poem of mine which was composed in the year 2010!  Hope you like this short love poem where the beloved begs her lover not to leave, but to spend the night under the ‘shamiana’- which is the ‘canopy cover’ created by her dark eye lashes! Hope you like the same! Thanks, - Raj, New Delhi.  


O my love, please do not insist on leaving me
Instead, keep sitting under the shadows of my
collyrium-laden eye lashes,
Where you shall find peace comfort and
Please do not insist on leaving again, nor be
Sit under the sprawling shamiana* of my
gazelle-like eye lashes,
Which I have spread beside the oasis of my
two brimming eyes, -
Whose bottomless depths reflect my love for
you always!
For here you may bathe to get refreshed,
and sip your sweet vine sitting by my side!
But do not insist on leaving me behind,
to remain alone in the silence of this night!

My love, let us sit and relish these few ephemeral
measured moments,
Granted to us by the munificence of merciless time!
For once gone, these moments shall return no
Whisper softly into my ears those sweet words
of love;
Saying all the while how you love me,
How you cannot live without me, even though
it be against your will!
And transform this into a magical, mystical
For even a falsehood spoken convincingly, and
repeated like a sweet refrain, again, and again,
Assumes the colour of Truth, I heard people say!
But your words shall make this lovelorn life of
mine worthwhile;
And all my efforts to possess you for the night
shall not go in vain!
                                              - Raj Nandy
(* Shamiana = like a tent or a canopy cover)
He worked vigorously
Tired himself out
He began to forget
What true loyalty was about

He played even harder
Exhausted to the bone
He wandered aimlessly
With no where left to call home

He touched the sky
On more than one occasion
No matter how many people cared
He kept himself out of the equation

He reached rock bottom
A few too many times
Got himself stuck in a hole
That was too far down to climb

He laid on the ground and prayed
For his one true saving grace
She reached her hands down
And pulled him up, with a smile on her face
The gravity of this reality is holding me down
This life is too heavy to hold on my weak shoulder
I cannot stand, I fall to my knees on the ground
Surrounded by my dreams as they slowly begin to smoulder
Can anarchy have empathy?
Yes, in our land of Aussies,
We say no wucking furries,
Always more snags on the barbie,
Still listen to a bit of Acca Dacca,
More burgers and fries from Maccas,
Frocked up in trackie dakkies,
Yes, it's the land of Aussies,
Our form of anarchy has empathy!
Feedback welcome.
She said hooray you ate your lunch today.
It reminded me of how you would praise a child for doing something good.
Only she said it to me, I’m almost 16.
I’m not angry that she said hooray, it was nice to hear her voice and see her smile.
I’m not upset, why would I be?
I ate my lunch, that’s a good thing.
I've said it in different ways
and a million different times
but no matter how I tell you
you can't believe my crimes

I'm a criminal among criminals
a murderer in the midst of thieves
a liar surrounded by players
but I've got nothing up my sleeves

I have laid it all out for you
piece by piece by piece
my misconceptions; false truths
but still you don't believe

I'm a criminal among criminals
we live each day a lie
for when it comes to tell the truth
we all would rather die
It's really cold
I'm really tired

I'm restless at the same time,
I remain uninspired.

Hope draining from my eyes
the tide out to sea.

Placed on a bed of wilted flowers
a white sheet covering me.
Love is a real gamble with no loss and no gain
So a lover should be ever ready to be just a loser
Love is not as simple as it seems to be just plain
Beloved is a winner but a lover can not be chooser

Let my love play this gamble whether lose or win
Real love is sheer worship in front of whom to bow
It is a supreme emotion it is just not a blind sin
So Let us promote our love with out being in row

My sweetheart for your sake I can go to any limit
Let me love you like a real partridge loves the moon
Let me quench my love thirst with beauty bit by bit
Let us be totally wet in drizzling rain of monsoon

Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2016 Golden Glow
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