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Zeus's weapon of choice,
For water of life,
companion and voice.

When rain is scarce,
we pray and we cherish.
When there's too much,
we're afraid that we'll perish.

Water of life,
feeds our souls and our earth.
Precious ingredient,
leads to infinite birth.

Anomynous. 9/1/2016.
Poem dedicated to Maria.

I'm standing here

       In this doorway

   Halfway between where I have been
And where I will go

     *And I can't help but cry tears of joy.
 Sep 2016 Adrian Newman
Fay Slimm
Ebony's Gold.

Dark fast erupts with decisive lust,
locks in skybound eyesight
between banks of low cloud.
and blocks all sight of a sinking sun.

Dusk folds early into twilight's hold,
attacks any last view of
homecoming bird flight and
wraps shadows round ebony's gold.

Night awakens and strikes daylight,
cuts sunset's late shine from
evening's nocturnal edges
then shuts pitch darkness in, tightly.

Battle for might ends and what wins
is descending blackness
but dawn's fight prior planned
sun's mighty push shall again begin.
 Sep 2016 Adrian Newman
In ancient meadow yonder
She frolics with butterflies
Wearing a halo of wildflowers
Written: August 25, 2016.
Dedicated to my three favorite poets:
My mom, Hilda, and my Dad, Timothy,
And also to my dear friend, Lena S!!! :) ~~~~~<3
After a long hiatus, I have returned!!!
Hopefully I can write more poetry soon!! :)
 Aug 2016 Adrian Newman
gray rain
Holiday homework
Is like living a dream
Or a nightmare
It depends what kind you mean.

I had the time to do it
5 weeks to be precise
But I just couldn't be bothered
So I'll do it on the last night.

As I start the reading the instructions
And realize there's no cheat way
I put my pen to paper
And realize its going to be a long day.

And others have another week
But my school starts earlier than the rest
And my pen ran out already
This day is just the best.
Last minute homework before I start year 11 tommorow. I'm not looking forward to being back at school.
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