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 Aug 2015 a
Corlene Beukes
 Aug 2015 a
Corlene Beukes
it starts slowly.
drip. drip. drip.
cells stand in line.
drip. drip. drip.
thoughts pack their things.
drip. drip. drip.
air collects its children.
drip. drip. drip.

the opening in front them,
like a gaping wound,
beckons and gleams.

cells, thoughts, air
stumble against
the throngs of others.

it stops slowly.
drip. drip. drip.
cells leave their line.
drip. drip. drip.
thoughts lose their luggage.
drip. drip. drip.
air abandons its children.
drip. drip. drip.
 Aug 2015 a
 Aug 2015 a
I've never seen blood,
When he sold me an ocean.
A wonderland of lust,
swaying me like a sirens song.
Losing myself out,
in the rolling sea of
 Aug 2015 a
damsel in distress
 Aug 2015 a
damsel in distress
You told me you were a yo-yo
That even if I always push you away
You will aways come back to me
But where are you now?
Why are you in another girl's hand?

*Now I realize that I don't even know how to play it
And maybe I didn't hold the thread tight
 Aug 2015 a
Daniel Ospina
There goes the rich man walking down the street
With a godly gait and patronizing eyes.
He’s running late for a massage to his feet,
Exhausted from gobbling all what money can buy.

Do not dare invade his personal space;
We’re not worthy to reside in his presence.
If you must speak, do so with great haste,
For his time is precious and of the essence.

Come and marvel at his opulent mansion!
Gather around; bear witness to such glory!
Let’s praise and worship his lavish fashion!
Better befriend him or you’ll be sorry.

But surely when his gold mine runs bone dry,
He will fall into oblivion, left alone to cry.
 Aug 2015 a
Life Support
 Aug 2015 a
When I was falling apart,
You fixed my broken heart.
When I had the blade to my skin,
you loved and let me in.
I would've take a bullet for you...
but you were the one pulling the trigger.
You held the gun,
not knowing I was the one.
Your touch brought me happiness,
But my touch brought you pain.
But after all the madness,
you were the sunshine in my rain.
But you realized that you still loved me, even after the war.
I was the one drowning but you brought me back to shore.
You saved me. I saved you.
Being each others life support, is what pulled us through..
Sorry I haven't posted in a while, but I am back for good this time.. This poem was inspired by sam smith's song "life support" its my favourite song right now. It also tells the story of my current relationship. Pj and I have been dating two months. However we were dating a few years back. When we realized we were each other's life support , we decided to try again .
 Aug 2015 a
Mark Ipil
I carry my pain all across my wrist,
No one wants to see me like this,
No one cares, but everyone knows,
That I’m just hiding all my lows.

I gave up a fight, not worthy of life,
But one day I woke up, still alive,
If sorrow and pain will ****, now I’m dead,
Looking at myself above there instead.

I came this far, not knowing why,
I’m still alive, all a lie,
Since day one I’m ill,
Surely, no big deal.

I know one day, I’ll be dead,
YES! It’s finally the end,
Where no people will wear red,
Good bye is my only end.
 Aug 2015 a
Liam Wales
The Candle
 Aug 2015 a
Liam Wales
Nothing will come between us
A solid still flows through the gap
Our candle remains lit for eternity
Why would anyone try to blow out the candle?

It isn't an ordinary candle
This candle, anything it can handle
Gigantic cockroaches threaten its flame
How come this flame has not gone out?

Darkness surrounds the object
Nothing can stop it, not even the dust it collects
People puff with all their breath
Our flame will never go out
 Aug 2015 a
Julie Butler
 Aug 2015 a
Julie Butler
to replant or relearn
like they're the same thing
that to swallow a seed
is like eating the tree

water feeds worry
& words tell me
n o t h i n g

but you told me that you loved me
& it is all I can believe

tonight i'm finding poems
in every place you stood
& I am digging deep in gardens
busting knuckles over wood

the grace to understand, my love
is doing me no good
it is the way you burn inside of me
I wish you understood
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