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 Aug 2015 a
 Aug 2015 a
I'm not the type to miss people when I leave,
Or think about them when I'm gone.

But I met you.

And suddenly,
I'm starting to think that I might just miss you when I leave.

And it sticks like a thorn in my side,
To know that I too, can feel such sorrow.

 Aug 2015 a
Queenie Florentino
The way he looks at me,
with magnificence and praise
Slices my heart to bleed
in hopes that,
May his love
looks at me
the same way
his lusts do.

But the truth is:
While his eyes worship me,
His heart sees me as nobody.

- qyf
#costsofbeinginlove #passion #nolove #pain
 Aug 2015 a
I blink the tears away
As I lie to you, "I'm okay,"
But I'm not
I'm dying inside
Giving up on this fight.
 Aug 2015 a
i slept inside of your ribcage
until you purposefully broke all of your ribs

you threw yourself down the stairs
and didnt cry until i disappeared

i tried to repair your broken bones
but all i had to my name was some dental floss

now my teeth are rotting out of my skull
because i stitched you back together
 Aug 2015 a
 Aug 2015 a
a song at random
woke me up at 2 a.m.

a song that shuffled
all of the cards in my deck

and turned up face cards
with your picture on them
 Aug 2015 a
Hey there
Girl with the veil
Eventhough you cover yourself with a scarf
Your inner beautiness radiates through it
Displaying the real you
Without any other distractions

Hey there
Girl with the veil
You are not shy to voice out your feelings
Even with that hijab
It doesn't mean you are timid
The speculations of the ******
Makes it harder for you to go on
But you don't care

Hey there
Girl with the veil
You seem to have been writing poems
Hopeless romantic ones lately
Is your heart lost?
If you need any help
I can help you to find directions again
Dedicated to the girls wearing veils
 Aug 2015 a
|| DIRGE ||
 Aug 2015 a
I'll sing to myself.
The song of the devoted lovers of insanity,
In the orchids with their hands intertwined and their souls moving perfectly in sync.

I'll sing to myself,
The melody of the rain,
Which poured its heart out on the blooming flowers and the tall native trees,
Along with the tender breeze,
Rolling gently in the distance whispering your name.

I'll sing to myself,
The harmony of the brook,
Transcending into the deep seas,
Like it was designed, destined and fated to be a part of it.

I'll sing to myself ,
The song of the lonely mountains,
Beneath the moon, which have seen the untold sunrises, disheveled tides and the low valleys screaming in the hollow yet the alluring land.

I'll sing to myself,
The strain of love and of despair,
Of curse and of prayer,
Of disdain and of admiration-rare.
Of loneliness and only of tears.

I'll sing to myself about thee,
Because you're not here, to sing to me.
Pray that your loneliness may spur you into finding something to live for, great enough to die for.
 Aug 2015 a
 Aug 2015 a
And Beloved?
              You will never die
  Because I will preserve you perfectly
                     In my ink.
Keep holding on and we'll make it through.
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