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 Jan 2018 Wick
This is not a poem.
This is just a clichè story
About a girl.
A girl who always laugh.
Who always smile.
Who is always full of happiness.
About the same girl
Who also cry every night.
Who's broken inside.
Who always wanted to die.
This is just a clichè story.

This is not a poem.
This is a hidden plot
Of that girl
Living in a clichè story.
Where she enters to the house
Of unexpcted people
They tell nothing to her
That make her so unease
But someone says;
"It is okay to cry if wanted to"
She cry. Cry. Cry. And cry
For the reason of nothing she is crying
They let her cry.
They let her tell her story.
They are just there.
Not just watching,
Not talking.
Not judging.
They are just there.
Not just watching.
Only listening
Only understanding.
They are the people
She always wanted to have.

This is not a poem.
This is just a clichè story,
Having a fake hidden plot—
Let's make it real.
To my unexpected people, THANK YOU :)
 Jan 2018 Wick
Imran Islam
No one knows you're the moon
in my secret sky
I want to talk to you, sweetie
but I'm so shy!

I want to walk with you,
but I'm nervous
You are so cute and so sweet,
but your mom is dangerous!

Sweetheart, I love you so much,
but I'm worried;
You still act like you're very young
that's why I'm confused!
 Jan 2018 Wick
He just swims in his mind
drowning sorrows in drinks,
the light has burnt out
he's unable to think,
about life and what to do.

He sneaks off in the night
taking heavy-hearted steps,
he leaves nothing behind
he just wants to forget,
about life and what not to do.
 Jan 2018 Wick
I’ll take the blame
Because I know it’s harder for you
To admit your wrongs
To realize your wrongs
So I’ll take the blame
And I’ll listen to your pain
Because I know it’s harder for you
To heal
To move on
So I’ll take the blame
 Jan 2018 Wick
I love to photograph
the wild things in the land
If it weren't for the finned and clawed creatures
We wouldn't understand the
technology in our hands

Sonar is what we use to get a glimpse of pre-born babies
We have sonar from dolphins and bats
and yet we scream, "Rabies!"

We wouldn't understand infrasound if it weren't for
the elephants
But we only see their ivory, not their intelligence

Tigers and leopards are born to be trained assassins with
their patterned camouflaged coats
But we make them our trophies because humans need to gloat

We owe omega three's to the schools of fish who gave us healthy brains and hearts
But instead we fill their bellies with plastic and tear their reefs apart

Savannas and forests are turning into deserts because of climate change
But we insist it's just a theory
Who cares about polar bears anyway?

Yes, I love to photograph the wild beasts with
fins, claws, and tails
Because I'm afraid that someday
future generations will ask,
"What was once a whale?"
 Jan 2018 Wick
 Jan 2018 Wick
We still share
I hold mine dear
I wish I'd never
Crossed you there
Still, in the end
You were never
Really mine
Except for these
You left behind
Traveler Tim
 Jan 2018 Wick
My Last Poem
 Jan 2018 Wick
So this journey has come to an end
Whether you don’t know me at all
Or think of me as your best friend
This is my goodbye, my final call.

Thank you for the adventure; thank you for your time. I have nothing left to give, no words left to rhyme. This is my last, I’ll leave with a whisper. This is all I have, what I began writing for.

Should you ever neeed a shoulder, please find me. No matter where I go in life, where you need me is where I’ll be. Hold me tightly in your thoughts and I will hold you in my heart.

Merry meet, dear rhymers, and merry part.
This is the last of my poetry. Thank you for sticking it out with me for the past four years. I've decided to focus on other goals I have since my life is essentially falling apart. Poetry was an outlet for me, but it more feels like another way to indulge my burgeoning escapism.

So, I've decided to take away the place I escape to so I can relearn how to face problems head on. I've got a lot of self-adjustments to make in the near future and this is just one of them.

Of course, if I am contacted on HP, I'll come flying back to respond because it's been home for years, but I will (most likely, hopefully, probably) no longer post here.

Again: Thank you for the fond memories,
 Jan 2018 Wick
i. blue entwines with red
the solar spectrum stuns me;
gently, the sun sets.

ii. darkness seeps the world;
the star speckled sky above
shines like diamonds.

iii. crashing on the rocks,
tranquil blue meets jagged grey;
recede and repeat.

iv. the world is blinded;
rays of the sun hit just right,
peeking at the leaves.

v. you are every song,
every word and melody;
it flows in my veins.
 Jan 2018 Wick
sometimes i wonder,
do you find solace in the
arms of another?
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