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I once met love and asked her.."why do you keep running away from me?"
She said..."Coz i fear that you will self-destruct if you come in contact with me."
Then i met life and asked him..."what's your deal?"
He replied..."My deal is pretty simple...i 'll push you to the edge of sanity and test the limits of your patience."
I am a woman. Descendant of

Queens and


I am the warrior who kept fighting

And the one who waged the war.

I am fire, water, air,

and earth.

I calm the storms

and start the fires.

I am generations of keeping this race from dying out

And no thanks for it.

I was not made to be silent

Or to turn a blind eye.

I was born to fight, to rule,

To change what I see.

I am a woman.

Do not mess with me.
This poem was inspired by my mother's boyfriend, and the way he believes I am nothing more than just a twenty-year-old child.

For more, check out
As I descend downward
into darkness.
I find myself collecting
omens like a *******
collecting diseases.

Fighting demons,
my eyes cannot see.
Doesn't mean they're any
less real than you or I.

Living in the dark.
The Sun's too sad to shine today.
And you, my Love, are equally as sad.
They asked me why I keep saying that I'm heartless. I told them it's a long story. But I saw the eagerness in their eyes. So I said that it all started the last time I fell in love. When I'm in love, I give my whole life. When I give my whole life, I mean literally everything. There are no walls, no boundaries, no space in between will keep me and my love apart.

I fought the most terrible wars and survived all emotional storms and droughts. I sailed all seas and climbed all mountains for the sake of love. I held on so tight to the rope connecting me and the one I cherish the most. I rode all traveling trains and skipped all stops. It was nothing but magical. Every morning was a glory and every night was a sweet dream.

I was so in love that I cared too much. I cared too much that I left my physical body on the ground while my spirit flew to the sky. I jumped from clouds to clouds following you like the moon to the sun. I couldn't keep my eyes off of you.

But I was a prisoner of love. I loved you so much I became selfless. One day, I asked myself If I really did fully figured you out. Sometimes when I look at you, you give a smile that wasn't genuine at all. You were like a strange mountain no one has ever discovered yet. Were you not comfortable to show your bare self to me that you kept putting bricks to form a wall?

I was dumb enough to think I could dig you up with my rusted shovel. I always hoped that the everyday love I offered you will give you sunrises not sunsets. But as you took them, all I could see was your hungry soul eating all positive energies. You were blue like a cloudless sky.

I felt like the wine bottle you drank from each day. I slowly became empty. I was never refilled.  And they say that saints and heroes are the only martyrs and for the first time in my life I felt like one. Strange how my only motivation was a flag with an inscription of the word love.

Do you remember that very night when you asked me to let you go? It hurt me even more. I've been spending all my time just thinking about you. I loved you too much. But was that it? Was it because I loved you too much? Was it that you couldn't handle it? You never told me the reason. I watched as you readied yourself for the coming war that would end all city fires. You shattered all glasses in my shelves once you turned your back at me. I waited for you to utter your last words but you never did. You walked away like a member of a funeral band. I was left standing with now a hopeless dream. It was too late when I noticed that you were holding a cloth in your hands. I didn't know what was inside until I watched my hands unconsciously hold onto my chest. At that moment, I fell on the cold ground and swam on my own blood. You took my heart with you. You stole it from me.

Before I closed my eyes that day, I swore to never love again. But why would I love? I am now heartless. My chest is now empty. I can never love anyone again.

People like you come and go. I never knew that your true form was a thief with a black coat. You steal hearts and leave.
 Jul 2015 Olivia Walters
I swear
I've been trying to scare you
with cigarettes and scars
since the first day you told me
that you loved my kerosine eyes
and that I had your heart.

And you haven't left my side
even when he is holding my hand.
I wish you were in his place
I know it's hard to understand.

I swear
I could spend so many nights
just talking to you about
some **** band
or whether love exists.
I guess until then
I'll sit smoking cigarettes
and you can ****** your fists.

And we will never fall in love
I swear
I swear I won't love you.
for jh
Sleep…Come back to me.
Take this room of coal black

and turn it into a vision of the sea.

Transform these tangled sheets
into a luscious robe fit for royalty,

and have thy citizens kiss they feet.

Let a soft cloud be thy pillow rest

up high in the dark, starlit sky.

Letting the clean air fill thy chest.

Make this bed one made of roses.

Have thy sweet laying beside thee

with a ring hidden before he proposes.

Let the curtains shut out the light

so I may stay in this false reality;

for behind my lids hold a prettier sight.

Took this vision of the sea 

and turned it into the dawn.
Sleep…Come back to me.
 Jun 2015 Olivia Walters
Rain is falling.

   Thunder is crashing.

        Lightening is striking.

That's a daily;

    How can it not be?

        This isn't just a storm.

Electricity and precipitation?

    Honey, they aren't from the sky;

         Not tonight.

Tonight, you inquire?

   That's sad but simple, you see,

        The storm comes from the heart

         inside of me.

 Jun 2015 Olivia Walters
 Jun 2015 Olivia Walters
welcome to delusion, sir
your seat is right this way
we've been expecting you
we knew you'd be here one day
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