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 Jun 2015 Olivia Walters
lying in bed
dying, nothing i said
meant any thing at all
 Jun 2015 Olivia Walters
there's mold and dust
what was golden once
now cold and rusted
entrusted with fifth grade kisses
a list of lost kittens and *******
the bed at an unreasonable age
locked away
in a cage
in a cave
in a wave
of soda exploding
opening a lethal dosage
of emotion and
friendship is born again
 May 2015 Olivia Walters
the things I do
in borrowed rooms
but never speak of
 May 2015 Olivia Walters
there's a Heart of Virginia Festival magnet bleeding out onto the
countertop. it's been like this for weeks, i think. i've
been sitting here for weeks. letting the phone ring and
not picking up. a couple of old strawberries molding in
my palm. two ibuprofen waiting to be swallowed resting
pretty on my tongue, melted down to sulfur and acid.
i'm not the right kind of sick for you. bees buzzing inside my
skull, lazy and
sticky sweet. blood dripping from your face to the tiles.
gutted and fresh and stinking, and
you won't stop carving dead languages
into the meat of your thighs, muscle gaping red and raw
you sit in the bathroom of a Macy's and howl,
like youre wild,
like you're hoping someone will round the corner, fists flashing
and ******* stop you.
youre not a Real Boy, you say, spit it out quick and harsh.
thats what momma said- you'renotarealboy.
faster than before. like you're scared. (i know you are.)
my shoulders go up once, twice. what the **** is a real boy?
In the space between paychecks,
walking back and forth to nowhere
in a post-wage, first world shooting gallery,
                         we make
bland backgrounds,
                                dull grey blurs
from miles of stretching, chain link work weeks
                       sore legs stride fast
                        all the same.

Think of climbing but your lead feet won't play.

Blaming long nights for stiff necks,
wax poetic. Piling losses
pin each stanza to our thin, unrav'ling sleeves
                            we'll take
our chances
                        with cheap drinks,
cheap thrills and priceless conversations
                       swelled tongues talk fast
                       all the same.

We're taught to pave the roads to our own graves.
I am a proud supporter of messy hair and sweatpants
With unidentified stains.
I am a supporter of unkept beards and bags under eyes
From stressful, sleepless nights.
I believe in “Just one more coffee” and “I’ll get it done later.”
In “I love you too.”
In chosen family.

How we live is who we are. I believe in
Embracing that.
I support shameless self-love
And unabashed assurance.
Life is messy,
And so are we.
For more, check out
I don't cry - but sometimes
When there are no more battles to be won
Tears fill my eyes.

I don't live outside - but sometimes
I step out from the shade in the sun
And let the light in.

I don't beg - but tomorrow
When the world skips and I lose my place
You'll find me pleading

I don't pray - but today
When I open my eyes and can see your face
I'll count my blessings.
Count my words as though they will soon lose

Silence is golden; leaving my words weightless.
If the truth set us free, I would have sacrificed

Shed the debt, you free the monster.
Chin up, it's good for your posture.

I don't age - but sometimes,
I look in the mirror at the scars that I fear.
My expression fades as my complexion withers.

Smile... Take a picture.
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