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 Jun 16 Victoria
Saint kaya
The sky is
A graveyard of stars

And I remark
Something so tragically beautiful

Just like fireworks of art
From here to the nearest star

And I wish
I could lay awake
In the night

With you
And our lingering hearts

And tell you all about a tragedy
Called life
 Jun 16 Victoria
scared to fall,
but more scared
of never flying,
so i sit at the edge
and wait.
i need to be more okay with letting myself fail every so often.
 Jun 16 Victoria
i wore it again
and people complimented me
they say red is my color
and it suits me.

it's too thick and dark
did i overapply
no, it's the right amount
just enough
to make them think
i'm fine.

i look at myself
in the mirror,
and they're right
red shines on me,
so i applied
another layer,
and another
until my lips felt too thick,
but my eyes still see
the scars beneath it.
 Oct 2018 Victoria
if the freckles
decorating my skin
were like the stars
dancing in the night sky
would you come near me
orbit around me
just long enough
to trace all the lines
to map out constellations
drift through galaxies
lose yourself
in space and time
if the scars
decorating my skin
were like the stars
dancing in the night sky
would you press close to me
fill the space between us
play connect the dots
just long enough
  to see the sunshine
in my atmosphere
 May 2018 Victoria
 May 2018 Victoria
Numbers are good
for tests
Numbers are bad
for weight
Make yourself small
Minimize your worth
to a grade point average
Stay up all night
until the bags under your eyes
become more to bear
than the AP textbooks
Yet get your beauty sleep
because it’s important
you maintain flawless skin
Drink coffee to stay awake
yet not too much because you’ll get headaches and acne
Forget your friends, family and hobbies
but don’t complain too much
Work hard
but then you’re a try hard
who apparently never tries hard enough
because in the end your number
could always be higher
unless you’re on the scale
then it’s lower
because apparently
we all agreed
that our self worth
isn’t self determined
May 24th~han
An ode to high school and being halfway through
 May 2018 Victoria
Kyle Dal Santo
Let’s start with how beautiful you are
You’re a firecracker strapped to a bottle rocket,
Tied to a battle axe, wrapped in lace *******
I want you. I wanted you last year.
When I see you, my tongue gets lost in my throat
My hands forget which one’s left,
My body goes limp, and whatever I’m doing
Becomes a mistake
You’re a margarita on a beautiful beach mid morning
With three days off, and the smell of barbecue in the air
You’re a chocolate covered strawberry served with cold egg nog
Next to a warm fire at Christmas
And I am a wreck
I’m a car wreck, baby
You should just drive around,
and let the paramedics sort my insides out
when my heart broke, it shattered like a car window
into a thousand pieces in every direction
and there I let the pieces stay
and we’ve only begun to see the damage
if there’s anything left, I’d give it to you
but I can’t promise there’s anything worth saving
this all started before you
I don’t even know if it can be fixed
I don’t even know if I can salvage
You need something more intact
My last driver was a little reckless
Drove it like she stole it
Drove it like she planned to crash it
Like she planned to die along with it
And between her and some others,
I’m afraid I’m a little spent
And may need some time to mend
You’ve got promise, you’ve got plans
There’s nothing but carnage down my road
I’d only end up damaging you too
Like most of the people who’ve tried before you
This isn’t easy to say, it’s not smart or manly
I want you more than you want me
I’ll regret this for a long time
Hate myself for even longer
But I’d rather run and wonder
Than hurt you. And hate myself even more
The fact that I’m writing this at all is all the proof you need
To know I don’t deserve you, and you’re better off without me
I just really need some time alone.
Kyle D.
 May 2018 Victoria
poetry runs like blood through my veins
words strung together to emote beauty
or pain, a beautiful necklace wrapped
tightly around my throat, the things
I'm dying to say dripping from
the tip of my tongue. Honey or poison,
both sticking to my gritted teeth,
unable to escape and create
the beautiful poetry
bleeding on the page
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