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 Jan 2018 Tyler
have you ever wondered
why   am   i   always
f  a  s  c  i  n  a  t  e  d
with the phenomena
of     a    red and rare
l u n a r   e c l i p s e?

with every time we meet,
i turn red;
but with every time we part,
i don't turn blue.

rare doesn't mean
"once in a lifetime."
it only means that
you'll always return,
no matter how long it takes.

and i believe that
for sure
*i'll see you.
aren't we all fascinated with the things, events, and people which come rare?
it makes us cherish them well.

 Jan 2018 Tyler
Fritzi Melendez
the ringin g in          my              he ad       doe snt stop
it                   is                              so            lou d
a const a nt              dea d           s i lent  soun d
              eee e e e e e e e e  e  e    e            e          e           e             e                            
                          e e                      e ee                                     e e

         b                          w w aa                 a         a               a       a        
   a                        a                          ­ a    a                         a  
                                         w         a  a  
                   a            a                    a        a        a            ­  a               a  b      b

i   fe el               w eightl es s
im no t            m y se lf                                                          
p l ease          le ave         m e                                alo ne

  i wa n t                 t o                       be                       f ree                                  
  i t                hurt s                                      so mu ch

i ca nt                                   h ear                    
i      am n ot                                         m e                  
i dont wa nt to            c ry
a     ny                                               mor e
                 i    m    sor ry

i h ad to  te ll the m



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                ­                                            h
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                                                               ­     s
                                      ­            i
                                                               ­                                             n
                  ­                                                  a
     ­                             e
 Jan 2018 Tyler
blushing prince
I drink pink grapefruit flavored drinks
my face smells like the citrus
when I lose things and people
I change my hair
it helps me cope with the idea that I can never finish a stick of lip balm and most of the people I've known only yield disappointment
no one is at fault here
but the blame is usually pushed into my intestines
and I spend five days throwing up
I used to be afraid that I would never see the entire world
now I'm afraid I'll never spend enough time in a place I can call home
every morning the smell of grapefruit grows stronger
this is a poem about grapefruits
 Jan 2018 Tyler
Melissa S
The dedicated readers who read every line
and the lines that are in between as well
The dedicated writers who let their heart's
spill onto the page writing out their very heaven or hell
We are known as the elite squad of HP
Please read our stories...
Sorry been watching too much Law and Order SVU :)
 Jan 2018 Tyler
Dazed Dreaming
Stop setting yourself on fire for people who will sit back and watch you burn.
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