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Mar 2024 · 31
He'd like to write something clever,
he'd like to build something fun
he'd like to describe himself
or flatter a loved one.

He'd like to be unique
he'd like to be smart
he once thought he was great
but he's really  not.
Jan 2024 · 78
Music takes me to different realms
More simple, more exciting
It makes me fly away for some time
As I dive in it's chords.

Music makes me blossom
Feeds my imagination
My emotions, my mood
It helps me heal inside.

Music guides my spirit
To places I wouldn't care
To visit otherwise.

Music cures me, hurts me
It helps me find
Versions of myself
I thought I'd left behind.
Oct 2023 · 232
I want the buzz
of being proud.
I want to dance of pure joy;
And overall feel satisfied
that I've done what I've been doing
and forgiven what I have not.
Poetry has never really been my thing but it might be good to try something different.
Sep 2023 · 364
You talk of love
always of love
wonder, beauty
tenderness and care.
I don't think you know pain...
you talk of rainbows
bright colors, sunsets
sunny days and starry nights
but I can see none of the above
the same way you do anymore
because I know pain
and I can't seem to forget what it's about.
Sep 2023 · 105
Had I not been born  
my mother would've thrived,
anyone who ever met me
would be happier...
or nothing would change
because meeting me
changes nothing for the better
and maybe not even for the worse;
It changes nothing
because I play no role,
I teach no lesson,
I have no personality or goal.
Had I not been born
nothing would change
not for those around me
but I would be surely happier
if I didn't exist.
Nov 2022 · 129
I was freed
from the room I lived in
and the state of mind
I loathed.
I was freed from my chains
from my brain, from abuse.
I was freed and went out
celebrating, grey sweater
black pants, in the crowd
of colorful people
with souls like black holes.
But the city is mine
Yes, the city is mine too,
it's big enough for me and you,
you get the churches
I get the beaches,
you avoid me
And I avoid you.
May 2022 · 482
Walk out in the rain
pouring down, soaking wet.

Walk out in the rain
without an umbrella or a hat.

Walk out in the rain
dark clouds are all you see,
because if you never feel cold
you won't appreciate the heat.
May 2022 · 135
There's something wrong,
something is so wrong,
I can see the red lights.

Alerts ringing on ears,
from the inside, or outside?
Are the sirens real?

There's a problem,
or several, dozens of them,
all at the same time,
creeping up on us.
Apr 2022 · 189
You took a step forward,
you're closer to your goal,
such a crucial act.
Oh, yeah, you acted.
How dare you act?
Didn't they teach you this in already?
Did your parents raise an idiot?
It's fine to have dreams
If they're too individual,
get on society's nerves
"you should keep them to yourself" and
"don't even think about it",
"do something else, like this... and that..."
"you should take some steps back."
Mar 2022 · 99
The hidden strength
behind dead eyes,
seemingly empty minds
running with scissors
but avoiding fights.
Mar 2022 · 246
The moon is round in the sky,
both of them are,
don't ask, there's two.
The moons are full,
seemingly close
hiding their apparent ******
behind a black bra made of clouds.
Mar 2022 · 118
I've been speaking concisely,
in a monotonous tone,
never too passionate
about a thing in this world.
My logic skills are tremendous,
my bills are paid in time,
I'm basically a robot:
efficient, emotionless and dull.
Mar 2022 · 123
I'll go to bed soon,
a bed of sand,
sleep on the shore,
embraced by waves.

I'll go to bed soon,
I'll lay my head on a pile of clothes,
watch the sun set above my eyes,
stare at the dark of the night
and the light of the moon.

I'll go to bed soon,
a couple hours from now
when the last bus arrives
and takes me to the sea, my home.
Mar 2022 · 111
I'm sorry, you know,
I'm sorry I'm not
who you needed me to be.
I'm sorry I'm so distracted,
I'm sorry I never know
how to respond accordingly
when you talk about yourself
like you're the center of the world.
Feb 2022 · 123
My brain is so **** empty
my thoughts echo on it's walls,
should I watch the news?
They talk about war (war, war, war)
and crimes (imes, imes)
disease (ease, ease).
What can I do to feel good?
Watch your skulls down there, y'all,
I'm about to throw my TV out the window.
Feb 2022 · 278
Yes, laugh young ones!

Laugh as loud as you can.
Be sure of yourself,
make fun of everything.

Laugh, young ones,
laugh like a hyena
as you run down the streets.

Laugh with your friends,
enjoy this teen years of yours
for when you see what's life
you'll see no fun anymore.
Jan 2022 · 477
What is the right way of seeing people?
Is it as individuals or groups?

Only numbers to be added to statistics, potential predators and prey...

Are we even so smart at this point?

If the industries hadn't made us see each other just as competition, it'd be very clear
that the right way of seeing a person is as a person, period.

What kind of meaning do you even see
in living with so much hate for one of your own
buried within?
Jan 2022 · 210
I'm tired of saying:
"I'm tired."
Tired of sounding tired,
while looking exhausted.
I'm tired of being tired,
I want to write about something else
but when I scan my mind for topics
I realize I'm tired.
Jan 2022 · 215
Somewhere out there right now
someone is getting married...
someone's child is being born,
but someone else's dog died.

Somewhere out there right now
someone lost a loved one...
someone is being murdered,
but it's the best day
of someone else's life.
Jan 2022 · 207
In these lonely afternoons
roaming around the streets,
sunny or rainy sky,
I always find what I'm looking for
and I claim it in no time.
Jan 2022 · 133
My mistakes consume me,
eating my body inside out,
a torturing, deadly fever
with no way to cease.

My skin feels hot,
almost like it'll melt
and expose my rotten flash
for everyone to see.
Jan 2022 · 122
Black bird
There's a black bird in my heart,
it's like Bukowski's blue one,
but instead of sleeping with me
it keeps me up at night
and it's demands are not fun.
Jan 2022 · 119
Heads Down
How empty is this house
without echoes of your phone
ringing insistently from the next room...

How empty is this house
without the sound of you typing,
making someone else's phone ring
in someone else's home.

How empty is this house
without the image of you,
a perfect statue, sitting,
staring down at your phone.
Dec 2021 · 747
A Walk
I'm going out tonight,
watch the street grow lights
as the sky blacks out
and the stars are lit.
I'll listen to new voices,
men and women talking,
I'll see dogs play fetch
as I slowly walk.
Dec 2021 · 301
The sun looks brighter,
the people look better,
the sky looks "bluer",
the world looks like heaven.
If you ask me about my state of mind,
my drinking status,
I can only say
my "shot count" is way more than seven.
Dec 2021 · 821
Some of the weights you carry
aren't even yours to handle,
drop a few along the way.
Little stuff season.
Nov 2021 · 2.0k
1 AM
And when we run out of things to talk about,
may our souls still be fond of each other
as we sit comfortably in silence.
Nov 2021 · 1.1k
I'm the Good Guy, Duhh
Beloved son (of a)...
Sweet mother...lover.
yes, please,
write this on the gravestone
I'll rest under.
You must mention my NPO
for the poor on our streets,
you can still see me adopting stray dogs.
Remember my kind smile
brightened by the sun,
or the flash of a camera,
helping cats stuck on trees.
I'm gonna leave a lot of footage
for my memorial, but you see,
it's important that you remind people
that I, a good guy, have done all these things.
Oct 2021 · 287
I want to do more, and feel less
I want to be better somehow.
Yes, I'm working on it
but this is what I'd call relapse.

I'm collapsing under this weight,
my burden is the past on my back,
also doubt, fear for the future
and what the present means.

I wouldn't say this out loud
but after all, I'm kinda scared.
I pace around and beg myself
for an answer I'm not sure I have.
Oct 2021 · 531
By Chance
The bus is not so full now,
through the glass the sky begins to redden,
my bag's on my lap,
my eyes are on the road.
In this rectangular metal box
I pierce the city's veins,
watch them pump, pulsate
with people I may, or may not, meet someday.
Oct 2021 · 336
Balloon Soul
The strange feeling of floating,
dissociating from my skin,
sliding between this world
and something beyond.
I'll keep it together until I'm alone,
I'll ignore the clarity, for now.
I'm detached from my past,
present, whatever is to come.
Well this feels good,
but at the same time it's wrong.
Oct 2021 · 145
You're not perfect
and if that bothers you,
it shouldn't.

You can have nice eyes,
polite words, a good heart,
and then you might not have money.

You can own cars, houses,
a couple companies,
and be full of hollowness.

You can be a good dancer,
and not be a good singer.

You're not perfect,
and that's okay,
you can improve yourself,
none of us are perfect either.
Oct 2021 · 536
I've been running away
from what's the most important:
myself, and everything I offer.

And I know I'm not the only one
looking for comfort in places
that should instead be avoided.

I tell myself it's okay to let go,
try to be constructive,
but the chicken inside me
wants to keep me running away
when I feel like stopping.
Oct 2021 · 143
Leave It
Yet again the moon rises,
indifferent to daily stress,

despite all doubt and pendency,
it hits the hammer,
and demmands you to accept.

It brings much needed closure
so before you move on, friend,
you can take a rest.
Sep 2021 · 433
Things that bring genuine joy
often come randomly,
but require sensibility
to recognize their bright.

Allies we didn't ask for
often come our way
almost as if we're offered help
when we get too drained.

Lonely nights blur all beauty,
invisible curtains of selfdoubt
hide the infinite, starry sky.

So it's always nice to have a talk,
sometimes I feel like I'd be lost
if I didn't have people of vision
to guide me when I go blind.
Sep 2021 · 550
Before I met you I had nine lives,
safely preserved, well kept,
it's hard to believe I lost four
just in the day we met.
You spent three months around,
I lost three more each hangout,
now you're gone and I only have two,
but I'd give them to you without a doubt.
Sep 2021 · 583
Riding the bus at night
is one of my few comforts in life.
Reminds me of happy days,
returning home from the park.
I remember a tall white building
standing, reaching for the dark sky
with red neon lights spelling "MOTEL"
I felt compelled to come inside.
I don't know.
Sep 2021 · 111
Many different levels of pain,
some hidden, some explicit,
some creeping, some screaming,
hiding, refusing to go away.

Many attempts to hide what's within,
many shots, many laughs, many made up dreams,
none of them able to disable the feels,
none of them able to redeem.

To make up for past scars
open more in different places,
damage different tissues, cry again
and call it a day.
Sep 2021 · 729
The oldest form of entertainment,
neon lights, loud music, stranger;
that was the last night of a cycle
for today I'm no longer 20.

A buddy, also tripping,
after the bottle is empty.
The night is young...
but Monday morning **** sure isn't.

An aspirine and lots of water,
dizzy, nauseated;
the world span, when it stood still... I didn't.
Aug 2021 · 411
Everything requires composure,
discipline to look collected,
smart decisions, dry eyes,
get up from the ground.
You need to look tough,
whether you'll join the army
or sell cans by the pound.
Aug 2021 · 173
Triple crescent moon,
one on the water, one on the sky,
and a third one, the best, in your eyes.
Stars look brighter today
and I might have a theory:
the universe gave you the spotlight.
Aug 2021 · 388
I keep high hopes in a little shelf,
hidden from the public,
gathering dust.
Like the toys I owned as a kid,
my skate as a teen,
now my pride as an adult,
they might eventually be sold.
Aug 2021 · 280
Waves going up then down,
as coconut trees dance to the wind,
and the sun sets on the orange sky.
The Jeep slides along the coast,
I feel the salty fresh air
easing the stress in my disguise.
Aug 2021 · 122
Inflamed ambition,
potent visions, hopes,
latent plans of action...
Trifling in my own version
and order of things.
In the middle of chaos,
the only factor
that fails to enter the equation
is the means that'll enable me
to achieve my end.
Aug 2021 · 177
Desire... maddening...
...destructive inside.
What a waste of a healthy body
designated to be mine.
These healthy limbs have no use
under the command of my crippled mind.
My head spins in disgust for my own kind,
for myself, for my equals, for my life.
This need is like acid, corroding my every cell,
leaving me cornered on my own edge.
My skin is burning... and it's desire,
a primal urge haunting me at night.
Aug 2021 · 843
You have tricky eyes,
they lie.

Outside they look grey
but you have rainbows inside.
Aug 2021 · 312
Other people look so efficient,
they look so collected,
I wish I could see that in my reflection.
Anybody else seems so lucky,
their lives look so much better,
I wish I was in someone else's skin
but I suspect the portrayal isn't accurate.
Aug 2021 · 776
Traffic Fall
Emerald eyes shine,
lit by bright stars upon,
the moon is so close,
it's like it's drawn
to the street lights.
A million cars around,
beeps, drifts, signs,
but I don't mind the rush hour
if you are my ride.
Aug 2021 · 143
Grey Days
It's just a grey day, dark sky, rain clouds
these grey days come and go,
gloomy, empty, boring, dull.
The sun will come again soon,
then you'll go outside and be proud
for yet another victory over the storm.
Grey days are worth the fight
'cause when the sunny ones come
you'll be alright.
Jul 2021 · 222
A thousand pairs of judgy eyes,
grey, blue, brown, green,
all colors spinning around me
attached to bitter faces,
expressive frowns.
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