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  Oct 11 Traveler
laying in bed
unable to move
trying to find the words
to let go of you
thought I was there
oh such a fool
what I need now
is the greatest of tools
a source with no end
a well that never stops
a joy that protects from light and dark
He who never sleeps
He who never slumbers
He who is always there watching over us
He can help me let go of you
remember the greatness beyond us two
Traveler Oct 11
What if we don’t choose sides
of each political and social situation being presented in these end times?

Can we just witness these atrocities without reacting or allowing ourselves to be pulled into the drama?

How about a call to peace instead of revenge?

The experience of childhood is the richest gift life has to offer.
The gift every child on earth deserves served with a heart of gold.
Everyone on earth deserves dignity.
  Oct 10 Traveler
Carlo C Gomez
I know your glow
it moves on tracks
of never-ending light

illumine, my dear glimmer

an ornament of love
spiraling along
flightpaths to each other

one maybe a failure in flickers

yet another a successful sparkle
drifted down gently as snow
about the tactile lanterns
of your hands and face

  Oct 10 Traveler
Carlo C Gomez
Lipstick to void. She is a race against time. The beveled past a disruption in her lines of influence.

Travel is dangerous, and tonight it darkens the highway of blood vessels coursing through her extremities. She wants to be luminous and under the skin.

While Dorothy dreams of tornadoes in Kansas, she dreams of remote climbs in lesser Glasgow, of party drugs in Tokyo. How many lights does she see?

In her hair are sixty circuits. But she waits, religiously inclined on the hotel bed. She drove through ghosts to get here wearing nothing but Las Vegas.

So strange at this hour, in a city full of sleepwalkers for the taking, she now dreams she's a bulldozer, she now dreams she's alone in an empty field.

  Oct 10 Traveler
Maimoona Tahir
Shall I spill words?
Shall I spill tears?
Or Shall I spill blood?
Indegenious to my nature is the fact,
That it can't stay,
It needs to flow,
It needs to be felt and heard by another existence,
A much kinder and understanding one
the sacrifice to spill has left a dauntingly adverse repression,
Nothing has sustained,
all has been robbed,
"Shall I spill away all that has been left of me?"she wonders
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