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  Oct 10 Traveler
Maimoona Tahir
Can we be more than just a  produce for this world?
Conjoined to the core so I can claim you mine,
So I can feel more than your flesh and blood,
So I can feel your soul and it's innocence,
With a quill I shall write our sorrows together,
Yet describing the depth of your eyes is all my quill is bound to do,
You colonized my heart with one embrace,
Claiming everything yours,
It was already yours,
But I would rather write than say,
It's all a shattered spectacle can do,
The hum of your heart is rather enticing,
Its coarse yet delicate how surprising,
"You are a whim of my heart" is all I can say
A whim that shall never perish and ruin me away
  Oct 7 Traveler
Sia Harms
She was the villain.
She could feel it
In her heart—
Yet there was nothing,
Not a “sorry”
That could salvage
What she had done.
We are all heroes
And villains in
One and another’s
but she still wished
she could be
     only the light
I never meant to be the villain in your story.
  Oct 7 Traveler
tabitha asiana
In this life you can meet someone
and then unmeet them in the process of time.
There will be days you will long for their presence,
and days where you wished you never met them at all.

In those paradoxes of life, I have found much meaning.
That life is meant to be lived and that it meant to hurt.
We are truly alive when we feel certain emotion, every emotion.
Every ups and every down reminds us of living the life.

That life is pretty and at the same time messed up,
That there is beauty in sadness,
and there is danger in too much happiness.
nothing much in mind lately, but these thoughts circling back as I am reminded of how I only write when everything in me is falling apart.
  Oct 7 Traveler
S R Mats
Yes, this is true of aging,
That as we get older
We become more of ourselves,
A refined reduction
Down to the essence
Of what it is that we are,
The true self like cream rising.
A sliver of optimism becomes a slice
And it is delicious in its simplicity.
  Oct 6 Traveler
S R Mats
The Biblical heart
The complete inner person,
including one’s
and goals.

The metaphorical heart
can be led astray,
down a path,
into harm,
be joyful
jump for joy

Know your own heart
For out of it are
The sources of life,
Your "fate."

Fate is not
something written
and unchangeable.  
It is the will,
the determining cause
like an arrow aimed taking a certain course.
That depends on the skill of the one aiming it.
Fate is in your hands,
not the universe.
It is not an unforeseen excuse for you to use.
Keeping things tight
letting the light out
a little at a time
but we all shine
don’t we?

And we all vibrate
we are a song on
some celestial soundtrack.

In trying to justify
the means to an end
I tend to prevaricate
bluster and obfuscate
and then
there is no answer.
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