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 Oct 2014 Tina Marie
Kelly Rose
She lives in
a Faery Tale World
Odd from conception
She never quite fit in
Flawed and damage
Her parents sought
Others more perfect than she
So she lost herself in Faery Tales
and tried to live her life
like a romance novel
Always knights,
Too many knights
And well maybe not so shiny
Dragons, Griffins, and Unicorns
Yes, these were always
part of her dreams
Now the years
have gone by
but still
Like Delta Dawn
She wears her faded rose
Looking for a love
Looking for an acceptance
that maybe,
that maybe...
Can only be found
in Faery Tales
and Romance novels
Always on the outside
Always looking in
Always wondering
Why or what it is
that is so unacceptable about her
Even she thinks she 's odd
Her head up in the clouds
Searching for something....
Making impossible demands
Living in her Faery Tale Land
Living on the outskirts of reality
She's an Echo,
A Shadow of something
not quite real
She just a Faery Tale Myth
Real, but not....
Sad to think I live in sandcastles in the air
 Oct 2014 Tina Marie
Arcassin B
Battle of the Bands

tonight we jam, it's the battle of the bands
there's smoke on the stage ....***** on the stands
smoke in the rafters, from puffin live
this crowd is ready to rock and jive


One guitar in hand,
Calling you out animantium plans,
Of having rocktastic fans,
Tattoos and silver lens,
Naked babies,
Naked babies,
Naked babies.


this joint is rockin'
and we be jammin'
some slam dance ritual
and hip hop breakin'
who's gonna take it?
who's gonna take it?
alright...take it to the bridge!


There is no stoppin what we doin,
Do you smell us when were cookin,
Serving you a hot plate this funkalicious music,
Some old skool flava,
Let us see if you can take it,
All you gotta bop it , move it ,break it,


gonna run some crazy riffs across your brain
sweet heavy metal you insane
step up the action
raise the stakes
let's see if you got what it takes


Lead guitarist,
Got a jazzy a vocal,
Bass solos and drums knockin in your ear holes,
Fresh lyrics on a platter,
Cut up nicely,
In to pieces of rock heaven,
Its time to get godly,


home boyz gonna kick it
take it to the next plateau
while your jammin'...face dancer
play those licks real slow
the soul of creation
right there in your hands
this pure fusion..the battle of the bands!
Me and the legend of rock
 Oct 2014 Tina Marie

This path I wander, aimlessly
through evergreen and stone
As sunlight fades the calling mist,
I’m lost and all alone

With broken branch and tilted leaf
as footsteps fall from view
These endless thoughts a’ swirl my mind
in hopes of finding you
I dance with fairy creatures
that live among these trees
Enchanting stones and casting spells
that will lead your path to me

Your heart is the one I've chosen
but I'll cast no spells to bind
Your love, to me, for eternity
you must choose of your own free mind
Walking long of moss dream windings
Brittle earth my feet they fall
Weary as these eyes perceiving
Echoes on the silence call

Following my heart’s direction
Shimmering a light does bend
There beyond the fern leaf visions
Dare I pray it not pretend
A dash here and a sprinkle there
of pixie dust on my toes
I'll take those last few steps to him
except... I got some up my nose

Ahhhh-Choooo!! I sneeze and lose my footing,
falling swiftly on my ***
I see a face peeking through the trees,
now I feel just a little bit dumb
What was that, ahead, the clearing
a giggling I can’t resist
Parting quick this brush divider,
squinting, I peer through the mist

At this sight my feelings ponder,
beauty fore my questioned brow
A fairy, whom I feel connected
on the ground, she smiles now
"Well don't just stand there looking silly,
come over and take my hand"
I smiled and waited, beaming,
it was all going just as I planned

Now that he's close, I pounce on his heart
knocking him onto his back
"Gotcha!!" I squeal, delighted with my prize
"I'm so happy you made it, at last!"
I took her hand and fell in love,
such happiness her smile it brings
My shoulders twitched, as I looked back,
I saw that I had sprouted wings

She kissed me and my world did bloom
in joyful song and endless laughter
I knew right then we’d spend our days
living happily ever after
A collaboration with my talented friend Ana Sophia.
 Oct 2014 Tina Marie
Xan Abyss
**** it then,
Let the strangers be scared.
I wanna bend you over a chair,
Lift up your skirt
Rip off your underwear
Wrap a hand around your throat
Grab a handful of your hair
And bury myself deep
As I feel you gasp for air.

I want to beat you, but not
out of Anger or Hate,
I want to treat you like a Queen
until you plead
to be *****.
And then I will Take You
Violate You
Invade You
Your Body
Is a Temple
I'll Pray at
And then Raze.

I want to leave you,
Drenched in sweat
Raccoon Eyed,
Hair a mess

While you recover,
I'll recharge-
and like a Lover,
I'll tend your Heart.
Until you can move
And tell me you have
The Energy
And I'll throw you back down on the Bed,
With the same violent intensity.
I'll love you with a vengeance,
My battering ram at your gates
As I conquer your sacred kingdom
in this
Incendiary Embrace.

My lust for you is Oppressive,
but my Love burns brighter than All
I want to be the Tyrant of your Body -
Absolute Control.

I want to hold you down by the wrists
and stare in your eyes as you cry my name
Drink in the dance of your perfect ****
As I assail you with pleasure and pain
I long to feel the quake of your legs
As ****** consumes you again
Heavenly Daughter of Eve,
I'll ******* like a Child of Cain.
An attempt at being overtly ******, inspired by my feedback from the last one.
I want a glass of bubbles
To warm my icy throat
And thaw my tongue,
Which always seems to be too frozen
To say anything right.
And I want to chase the fire down
With your kisses.
I want my heart to slow down,
Just a little,
Enough to keep in time with my
Lazy thoughts of you.

I want to hear your voice
Like a velvet dress,
Clinging to my body
In whispers of never letting go.
And I want to feel cold again
While you go out for a smoke.

And I just want to watch you
As you tug on those **** sticks,
Looking like a kind of mystery
I could ponder over for years.

I want to watch the smoke come off your lips,
I think I’m learning to like the smell
Of your smoky clothes.
And suddenly I’m as addicted to you,
As you are to them.
And I’m jealous
Because I want to be your addiction
And suddenly I’m like a cigarette
And that’s weird.
Glass bottle empty,
Thirst hardly slowed.
Something spins,
Focus can't focus.
But so thirsty.
Legs go limp
When you try for more water,
Spilling half
Until your lips,
Dry and cracked
Find the opening,
And flood the desert.
You're still coughing here and there.
And your mind goes wild.
Thinking of all the things
You usually think
Except with more intensity.
Because suddenly,
Everything has a
Morose backstory.
And some of it scares you.
Now you can feel
Each ****** thought
Take power physically.
And that is terrifying
And sensational.
You try to calm your frazzled
Head by holding it,
And focusing on
The water-
A normal task of drinking
That hardly feels normal.
But that's all you can do.
Is he the reason
I like poetry?
Did I adopt his taste for it
When he read me
Short, unfinished,
Reading them out in
That voice I loved,
Probably would still love
If I heard it again.
He paused slightly after
Reading the one he wrote
About me.

I didn't try my hand
At writing poems for a while,
But now they keep me safe
Like first love.
You'll go quite well together-
Liars with cigarettes.
Your minds lie to themselves
When the green haze
Moves across the pathways,
Telling you it's all alright.
Giving you the confidence,
Sense of security,
You need,
To maintain such a bloated lie.
I hope when this is all over
And I'm gone,
You'll hurt each other.
I've found a poet
Who sings
A boy
Who feels
And let's his voice
Shake in songs
About airplanes crashing
Who tells me
He loves me
Very very very very much
Happy Birthday darlin'

He has dark hair
And walks on a bridge
To watch a
Bowl of oranges
Float away.

The Calendar Hung Itself-
He says.
He'll visit the band in the morning.

God he strums smiling-
In pain
Brimming with paint-
What a waste-
A stepping stone on a path.
If you haven't heard Bright Eyes- give em a listen... My favorites are The Calendar Hung Itself, Lover I Don't Have to Love, At the Bottom of Everything, Waste of Paint and Bowl of Oranges
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