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Q Aug 2024
Oh gracious night

Light my path

By moonbeams and sad sights.

Grant me the death's sweet kiss

So I may find relief

From the manic moon

That blisters my blood

And summons the depraved demon

Whose words turn everything to venom

And turns my eyes into black holes incapable of seeing the light.


The only lights i see are infernos that are my friends and foes alike who spread hurt through their need to survive.

The abomination ravages my skin and turns me black.

The sweet kiss of death?

I know not what I say

for with her fangs

she dripped honeyed acid into my world.

Her candy coated words slithered under my skin and sunk into my unsuspecting mind.

Ive seen another corrupted by the acid until he withered away.

And yet her offer holds my thoughts like a siren song.

I am cursed with a temperament as mercurial as the weather.

And a soul as dark as the ocean's depths.

I am foresaken.

I am lost.

I long to be found.

Yet a hopeless dreamer I am not.

The stars have fallen from my eyes.

In the dusk I wait for the monster to wake.
Q Aug 2024
Daughter daughter,
Why do you hide?
I'm only your mother
I don't want to pry.
Mother mother
I don't want to abide
Because every time I do
I end up crying inside

Mother looked at her
And narrowed her eyes
Something lurched inside daughter
Something devious and unkind.
You're hurting me the daughter cried
"And if you do not listen I'll devour you from the inside"

Then there was a terrible scream
As daughter died
And all that remained
Was the scratches and tooth marks
Left by mother
On her mind.
Q Aug 2024
Darkness fills my eyes,
As the stars disappear,
And the sinkhole becomes a black hole,
Until I’m left suspended.
In the nowhere,
In the somewhere.
Between chaos,
Between pain,
Part of the one?
No, I’m another.
Because I must be something other than this.

I think I must be a child of the stars.
A stolen kiss between the night and day.
Forbidden to exist.
That’s the only explanation that would explain
Why just the simple act of breathing,
Offends the gods.

It seems everyone is made of some scintillating light,
Twinkling and dancing,
As they hold each other,
As laughter and love seem to be their constant companions.

Why is it when I see those brilliant lights,
Shame and wonder tear through me?
No, I know why.
I was woven from the sorrow of abandonment.
More midnight than bright light
And made up of nothing more, than finite moments.
I am brought out by the darkness,
Only to be forgotten when day comes.
Is it selfish of me to ask
For you to hold me tighter?
For just a little longer?
Just long enough
For me to make a permanent memory
Of this fleeting moment.
Q Aug 2024
The sticky sap crawls down my limbs
Violating the purity of flowers and foliage all around
I want to become one with the trees
One with the garden and dirt
From which I sprouted.

I look at the crimson endlessly pouring from my wound.
It lets me know that for now I am still human.
Not yet plant or earth but soon.
Soon I will be.

Maybe the creatures
will have families and love
So in death I could have
What I could not receive in life.
My bones will finally be a home
that they never were for me.
Q Aug 2024
Ive never been a believer
Not in the preternal, supernatural entities
That command our lives.
When chaos errupts
Or the ensuring peace in the eye of the hurricane
The feeling lingers
a want, a need arises.
Suddenly when I look at myself
In the hollowed reflection of the mirrors gaze
I have never prayed more fervently
To a god that I don't believe in
That thinks my life a sin
I pray, postrate and beg,
Til my tongue is full of blisters,
And my lips are cracked
That I could be welcomed into the silence

Give me peace.
Give me death.
Give me quiet.

For it must be hard to love someone
Who loves death more.
Q Aug 2019
As the days heated up and the weather turned warmer..
We found ourselves and discovered the world was ****
I talked you listened..
You made me think of things I never thought of before.
I realized the things family did in the name of love was wrong
We talked about religion, and how things should be yet they weren't
We talked about the future and our lives that were yet to be.
Past loves, heartbreak, and fun were always welcome
You told me I wasn't an ******* or a bad person
Even though you were good cop, and I (all things considered) was bad cop.
For the first time I had a best friend
The kind they write movies about.
The kind in the stories that stick with the protagonist through it all
This novel was a tragedy though.
You ended up going away, through taking your life
And now I'm here - wondering where you went
Why you left
Why I hadn't seen the signs
And why in my own beast of a sadness
thought you were my friend out of pity (and so ignored those texts)
And what could have been had you, had we, continued.
Should I have been worried when you told me about the gun?
Or when you had that sad expression (the same as mine) on your face?
I should have sensed you thought the same morbid thoughts as I
That we may fly away on higher wings to another place to avoid this wretched life.
It's up to me to be good cop now but that was your role wasn't it?
On the day the earth swallowed you and we lay flowers on you, your mom asked why I hadn't talked to you.
She thought my words could've soothed your soul enough that we would have made it through.
The thoughts don't stop. And that particular one acts like a plague on my mind.
One that is shoved into me as a diseased hand of depression grips my skull.
I'm lonely without you.
To my best friend. I miss you.
Q Sep 2018
Tell me there's more than this
Because god I feel so stuck now.
The stars are bright
Then they dim in the night
Gift me with those eyes
Eyes that seek a purpose.
Life shouldn't be being stuck
In the frames of decisions and consciousness.
This isn't it. This isn't what I wanted.
Let me choose my own heaven and hell.
Let me dig my own grave.
Because these ruts and paths to nowhere are all I got.
And is nothing all it's chalked up to be?
You got me wondering
These nights where I stay in the hidden place.
Or those days infinity found us.
Just remember those days you say.
The truth is I can't remember one particular thing about them.
Try to grasp onto any fleeting feelings.
I'm trying to catch a ghost.
Let these feelings wash over me.
Let me bask in my glory
Or frown in my unhappiness
And yet I silently scream.
Unable to express what I feel
Because the people who need to hear are deaf to me
And try as I might nothing can change a heart that's set in stone
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