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My heart doesn't beat.
It slams against my ribcage.
I picture my heart exploding
in my chest, nothing but
blood and shrapnel. Sweat
washes over me like a salty ocean wave
and if my heart doesn't explode first,
surely I will drown.
I try to swallow oxygen but
I choke on it! I try to drink water but
I choke on it! I can't breathe!
I can't breathe! I can't remember how
to be a human anymore.
No idea why panic attacks come out of nowhere and try to destroy my life but if you have any tips on how to deal with them, please let me know.
1. Sufficient to cause death.
2. Very harmful or destructive"

The dictionnary's definitions of lethal is my only definition of you.
i lived on a mountain of death,
surrounded by only the voices of my head.
lost and never to be found.
i stumbled down the mountain,
breaking my bones
and snagging my heart on the thorns,
turning black and fading,
till i no longer feel it’s pain.
at the bottom i came across a lake of tears,
born from his storm-filled eyes.
so i tried to paddle across,
in a boat made from my soul.
but there were many holes in the wood,
so the boat sank
and i was left drowning
in his sadness,
while death crept down the mountain
and into my lungs.
How could you really be gone?
And how is this fair at all?
Seems like the days just continue dragging on
But I can't seem to understand the fall

I mean, YOU FELL?

How could you have fallen???
How did no one hear you yell?
You didn't die from old age,
You didn't die from being unwell

You died???
Someone tell me, how could you be dead?
My mouth can't say the words out loud
It's hard to think them in my head

You're not here anymore?
You're really not coming back?
I'm shaking as I type the words
But it's true, you've faded into black
It coats my thoughts,
clings to my breath,
grips to my skin,
circuits through my blood,
latches to my heart...

it's so unforgiving,
settling deeper and deeper,
*It's constricting hold will **** me.
People who fight
their battles alone
either lose the battle
or lose themselves.
Sometimes you'll feel hands around your throat
as you try to speak the words needed
to no longer make you choke.
Just remember you're stronger than you think
and if you choose to speak
then you refuse to sink.
Reality is the fact of life and fact of peoples...
    Newspaper and News shows the reality of world......
  Social media shows the reality of people and shadow of life
in real world......

    Reality can be an imagination. or perception of people....
It's not what do you look at that matters, it's what you see. 
People seem to get those two confused.
               "looking" and "seeing"....

I'm walking home
One foot at a time
2 years have come and gone
I never thought I would go back
I left them in pain
Said I would be something great
I would be famous
I failed though
How will they react
I should just turn around
But I have nowhere to go
I'm scared
There is a key under the mat
But I'm just walking home
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