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4.3k · Jun 2014
Bra-Tee Jun 2014
Real pleasure was never meant to come from a Man/Woman... But real pleasure comes from creative thinking, and seeing what you think come to reality by the hard work of your own two hands....

3.8k · Jul 2014
Bra-Tee Jul 2014
One hot day in the middle of the night. Two dead men woke up to have a fight. Back to back they starred at each other. They took out their swords and shot at each other...

#Nobody owns poetry...
3.4k · Oct 2014
Bra-Tee Oct 2014
I had a bone, so I threw it in the bush... I guess this ***** doesn't believe in things that are far fetched.
Out of your schoolbag, give me pen & ruler, cause this is where I will draw the line.
Nowadays I get curious... (Like a young boy who never got the answer to the Question, "Where do babies come from?")
Sometimes life and living are completely two different things: Like a young mother telling a biology student that he never had a Father...  
I'm a Skinny guy with big fat imagination... Size doesn't matter, Does that make you feel any better?
Nah! We both know where babies come from. But we both don't know which direction babies are going to...
Nine-months later, the truth always comes out... I am Father to Poetry... But I'm not yet ready to be Father, so the EXIT sign is a must...

#Hello, Goodbye.
3.1k · Jan 2015
Bra-Tee Jan 2015
Unkind critics would say that poetry is a waste of time! It is garbage and predictable and that anyone could jump in and write those words without much effort.
But then again, critics don't know much about writing, which is why they're critical.
2.9k · Jun 2014
Umqombothi (African Beer)
Bra-Tee Jun 2014
In the middle of the night, I met death at the kitchen: Having a glass of milk. I didn't wash them dishes, so death be not proud; for drinking out a ***** cup... Oh spare me death, my beef was not with thee; but with my own flesh...
Whilst by the stove,I feel the coldness u brought with. I jest for a favour,can you please have "Ubuntu" and hand me over the spoon so my lips can taste the sip of mercy? My cup runs over yet I never drink from it. Allow me this once to say my final prayer and vanquish my hunger with mothers mqomboti...tonight I met death inda kitchen.... No cookies for my milk!
2.6k · Dec 2014
Bra-Tee Dec 2014
I'm Doper than I were 2 blunts ago...
****, I'm so High I should've been a pilot.
2.4k · Sep 2014
Bra-Tee Sep 2014
She's beautiful even if she's 3years old.(Says uncle Sam who's starring from outside the toilet window)
#And protect our children... Amen.
2.4k · Jul 2014
Bra-Tee Jul 2014
Left eye, looking to the Right. Love looks better when its out of sight.. Dark skin to yellow bone... Girl, Don't judge me by my colour. Cause I'm like SuperMan when I write poetry; I will throw you in the air and kiss you in the clouds.
From Venus to Pluto, how many shooting stars will it take for the galaxy to miss us? In a world full of gold, diamonds and rubies. As if Dragonball doesn't know who Majin Boo is...
2.0k · Jan 2015
conversation with an inmate
Bra-Tee Jan 2015
I used to have a lot of sweet metaphors to add in your girlfriends cake so she can bite the sweetness that will soon make her teeth rot and have them removed by the same dentist who made your sister pregnant with the same **** that had DNA of an 8year old child that was ***** and killed 2years ago found dead in the dustbins of Khayelitsha.
Moral of the story: Just because they are labeled as a Doctor, Lawyer, Pilot or Pope. Times have changed, but it didn't change the fact that we can trust Anybody.
1.9k · Jan 2015
Bra-Tee Jan 2015
I always wanted to have a woman who has an Afro. One who is tall, afrikan, smart, sweet and soulful.

We finally met, we clicked, we vibe for a year. After that, we didn't talk for like six months. I moved on with a light skinned girl who was a blond,
But that natural black Afro always stayed in my mind.

It wasn't long till fate took me face2face in the same room to that Afro that I've been trying so hard and so long to forget.
But we was cool tho, she kept her distance, I kept mine...(We shared a lil bit of eye contact)
Meanwhile, I'm at home kissing and flirting with this beautiful blond; but the only thing trapped in my mind is still that Afro... Eish
1.8k · Jun 2014
Bra-Tee Jun 2014
The letter "B" doesn't Buzz; only Bees buzz... "You reap what you sow" is the only reason I wanna reap your ******* OFF.
Coz **** girl!! You got a bright future behind you. And I can promise you that it doesn't have to get dark for you to turn me ON...

#And since your body is a Temple, I will sweep it with my Broomstick...
1.5k · Jan 2015
Bra-Tee Jan 2015
I sit in a restaurant, quietly drinking my wine...

I notice our waiter in his black & white clothes, His shoes were old and raggedy.
I think of him struggling to earn a living,
Surviving off the tips customers give him after serving their food and drinks...
And yet he is smiling.

I watch a 65 year old couple playful arguing about what to eat.
Surely They've been doing this for years cause the waiters greet them by name.
Aah, Love never grows old. *(Mr & Mrs Koekemoer)

I see a business man suited and booted. His always on the phone and always in a hurry. He spills some coffee on his white shirt.
Ag! He seems to be annoyed with himself...

Now I'm looking at this Girl in front of me. A cute yellow-bone with a mini-afro.
She has brown eyes and her lips are shining with cherry lip-gloss. Her smile can sink a thousand ships.
Wow, I'm happy around her.


I notice the missing finger she tries to hide with her other hand. No poetry can describe thy brutality.
But still, she is WORTH it...
I wanna tell her this but I am too shy...
So, I smile at myself for being a coward. (coward, as I slowly drink the rest of the wine...)
1.3k · Sep 2014
When Khoi had a Son®
Bra-Tee Sep 2014
Inhale and exhale 46664 times... My heart spent 27 years behind bars of my skinny ribs; I remember every inch of her Tibia and Fibula...

The Cold air from our long distance formed cracks inside my heart, luckily these cracks never developed large enough for you to escape. And if you did escape; I'd go standing in the Kalahari desert tracing your every step back to the exact tile where the first syllables from our mother tongue has made the Click. "QuQuQaQa" what if our past was written on stone by feathers of an ostrich? The same ostrich who ate the seeds from our forefathers now growing inside his stomach...
#My bare feet are standing ontop of shining stones similar to the ones found in Kimberley: Kimberley the place where untold stories are buried beneath the Soil of guilt... So, Can you DIG it, Sucker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
South Afrikan
1.1k · Dec 2014
Bra-Tee Dec 2014
Good men don't smile...
Around women who they do not like.
1.0k · Feb 2015
Old school
Bra-Tee Feb 2015
Back in the old days...

I miss the good old days when the only pain I ever felt was was scraped knees and f*cked up elbows...
The days when going to the doctor meant getting a lollipop or a sweet.

The days when I thought my shadow was spying me and that I could become a superhero just by using any towel as a cape.

Those days when I could wear anything I wanted to because the other kids didn't care about what I wore; And that if I had shoes that lit up in the darkness I was "THE ****!"

And in the car, I miss the times I would get angry at my older sister for taking the front seat. The times when getting your pencil or rubber stolen was the only real drama in the world.
And to get Girls; all you needed to do was run fast...(**** I was slow as a turtle)
Oh and I miss the magic shows; And I miss those Sportdays I never went to... Hahahaha!!!!
1.0k · Jan 2015
L for Loyal
Bra-Tee Jan 2015
Wanna know where she got the scars from? The answer is YOU...
See, just because she's good at keeping secrets doesn't mean everything that happened in the past doesn't exist.

And just like YOU, I'm also disappointed at Her for sleeping with the whole Nigerian soccer team. And that dress she had on lastnight, matches the colour of my bed sheets...
And the reason I keep calling Her a ***** is to remind YOU that Afrika is surrounded by a Beach.

But let me stop wasting my breath because the word "NO" doesn't seem to make You stop... And the only time I ever heard Her beg is when she was begging somebody to get ontop of Her body...
Take the blind man's advice: Don't believe in love at first sight
976 · Feb 2015
Bad d•_•b
Bra-Tee Feb 2015
I'm so bad the Devil warned me that if ever he sees me in Hell again, he'll call the police on me.
They think I write while I'm starring outside a window of a plane...   Nah, I'm actually starring from outside the window of a house.
937 · May 2014
Afrikan Seduction
Bra-Tee May 2014
Holding a conversation like I'm holding flowers. I saw only pleasure with my naked eyes; I bet she could've been a president cause she got bush... My fingers slipped slowely next to a cave similar to the one found in Oudtshoorn. And now she's breathing heavily as if we having an uphill conversation...

#****, I'm so innocent I should've been a Judge...
936 · Feb 2015
Bra-Tee Feb 2015
My family has been stuck in the same ***** old slum for decades now.

My father is a electrician. He fixes stoves, radio's, tv's and sells them for alcohol no wonder everytime I get home the house looks bigger.

I was only 9years old when I started picking up my fathers habitats: like the broken pieces of whiskey bottles he throws around the living room every time his favorite team loses.
I picked up my fathers habit to swear, hit and poke a woman if ever she doesn't give me what I want.
And every Monday my father loses his voice from shouting too much on previous weekend and I also picked up his habit to NOT think before I speak...
Last night I asked mother to help me out with mathematics. But all the answers she gave me started with: "Go away, I'm busy!"
898 · Jun 2014
Wake up®
Bra-Tee Jun 2014
He took a few cups of love, he took one table spoon of patience, three grams of generosity, one litre of kindness, two spoons of laughter and commitment, with a mixture of happiness, added lots of faith and support, stirred it very well wisely. Then he let everybody take a sip...

#‎And‬ that's how he took your woman...
882 · Jun 2014
Bra-Tee Jun 2014
If justice is a blind folded woman holding a sword, wouldn't it make sense if Valentines day was a man with no legs holding a Gun? Naaah, there'll be too much Red roses in the bathroom...

And when it comes to Evidence; I love the way how a "SCREAM" is sometimes the only way of saying goodbye to our physical bodies... And I also love the way how constitution hugs the colour of your skin better then mine...

#Cause ****, your sense of humour has a lack of common sense... How the hell do you expect me to believe that the moon walks?
876 · Feb 2015
Emotional intelligence
Bra-Tee Feb 2015
We seek the truth, in others.
We seek answers in books, written by people. Yet the greatest question we are never, in the mood to answer is...
"If this life is yours, why do you seek answers from the strange?"
861 · Jan 2015
Dear Woman
Bra-Tee Jan 2015
I do not expect you to be perfect for me; because I myself am not perfect either.

The only thing I expect from thee is to be atleast normal, and normal is not necessarily popular.
Smoking is popular, but its not normal.
Being a slacker is popular, but its not normal.
Bisexual is popular, but its not normal.
Plastic surgery and too much make-up and is popular, but its not normal...
And posting all your business on twitter/facebook is popular, but its not normal.
Yours truly.
858 · May 2014
Change your game
Bra-Tee May 2014
Your conclusion has no recognition to a horse wearing Adidas-stripes. Falling on the grass doesn't make you a coward, tho the grass is greener on the soccer field.
And before I get ******, I listen to Rock...

In other words: Your hustle is not relevant till it has multiplying effects...
831 · Jan 2015
Bra-Tee Jan 2015
Listen to me body! I am your master.
Listen to me hands! I command you!

My eyes I demand that you dry. Stop showing this world how fragile we are.

Legs stop shaking and causing earth to reach for me.

Hands stop sweating. Your letting strength slip through our fingers.

Emotions we do not need you here. This house is to small for your boolshit!

Body I'm the master and you the slave
Don't forget that.

Stop exposing my weakness!

You cowardice flesh stop shivering its only pain! Hold still!

Tongue, shut the **** up! you hold your self still and keep my secrets.

In fact body stop being so Human or I will fvckin **** you!!! Haaaaaaaaa!
I think I'm too much obsessed with perfection .
800 · Aug 2014
Understand me.
Bra-Tee Aug 2014
I was born not understanding. Therefore I shall Die not the same way I was born. Life comes with experience and lessons. And Love becomes stronger when there's commitment and trust. So do not teach me how to love. But do try to appreciate the Wrongs and the Rights. Appreciate the good and the bad. For life is not For Sale. And Love is Key to no Door, but a key that can lock your heart and mine together...

#Therefore I was born not understanding. So don't let me love you, without understanding you...
Bra-Tee Jan 2015
Ghetto conceived at night, aborted by the morning sun. The cost of living is too high! Even mother nature can't afford to raise the morning sun...

Pay-day: where is father time when you need em? Perhaps he'll come home tonight drunk again! With some leftovers from BurgerKing. Braging and singing about his brandnew Italian shoes that are now hurting his feet...

Me: Its Friday night, I decided to go out again. And seek for warmth in the dark shadows of my neighborhood. Death(gun) is my only friend. He's the only one who keeps me warm and my stomach full everytime I BANG him!
Bra-Tee Dec 2014
Do you know Solomon of love? Cause I can tell you about the love of Solomon.
Solomon cries, he has issues, issued in a male-magazine. Magazine to refill our knowledge that all MEN are created equal.
This has nothing to do with an athlete called Oscar Prestorius cause Solomon never owned a gun. Gun gives birth to a metaphorical insult known as "Son of a Gun"
Bullet is the name of my girlfriends Dog that triggered her father to shoot in the air.(BANG!) But Bullet's bite is not as loud as his bark (personified). And Bark is the name of tree we engraved the date of our first meeting I had with Delila. And I hope that oneday we'll plant seeds of love and grow our own family tree...
And for all the things you're destined to lose e.g: Your beauty, your youth, your teeth. I dare pray not to lose you as a friend. Delila
726 · Jul 2014
Sonnet nr.7
Bra-Tee Jul 2014
I read within a writer's book.
Don't let your eyes stare the page:
"Stone walls don't make prison,
And iron bars don't cage make!"

And those marble floors and walls of glass,
Will also never make Home.

Because only a house where Love abides,
And Friendship is guest.
Is surely home-sweet-home:
And place where the Heart can rest..
719 · Jul 2014
Bra-Tee Jul 2014
Nobody knows how ICE feels like cause everybody knows how the COLD feels like. Even alphabetically, its been proven that LOVE doesn't start with a Kiss; it starts with an "L".

#‎And just because you turned 18: doesn't mean your skirt should be higher then a GAS price...
659 · Jun 2014
Bra-Tee Jun 2014
Nobody knows how ICE feels like, coz everybody knows how COLD feels like. Its even alphabetically proven that LOVE doesn't start with a "K"iss; it starts with an "L". In other words, gravity is what attracks me the most; not you...

#And ‎just because you turned 18: doesn't mean your skirt should be higher then a petrol price...
656 · Jul 2014
Bra-Tee Jul 2014
Law is based on established facts to say that  LAWYERS are not LIERS...they are only trained to defend their clients. Therefore to claim that Lawyers are trained to Lie makes it sometimes difficult for anyone else to tell lies...

#In other words: Lying is not by Nurture, but by Nature
635 · Oct 2014
Bra-Tee Oct 2014
I have bled and I'm still bleeding. Love is painful, and so are the thorns of a Rose. We rose like roses. We blossom, we sprung. We stay together like the Black & White keys of Piano. No segregation just beauty and purity. We beauty soulful that is Music, when You & I collide...

#Lets stay together like "DO RE MI FA and SO"
625 · Jun 2014
Bra-Tee Jun 2014
Life is a ***** but to Malcolm she's an X...
624 · Oct 2014
Believe me
Bra-Tee Oct 2014
If a killer says she's dead, then she's really dead...
If the best says she's good, then she's really good.
And If a dog says its a *****, then its really a *****...

But, if a lier says "that's the truth"

614 · Feb 2015
Bra-Tee Feb 2015
Dear Soldier Lady.

How can I get your attention without holding my hand against my head?
#secret crush
614 · Jan 2015
Our Father
Bra-Tee Jan 2015
Father, your love was the toughest kind of love... It was the kind of love in which doubt played a huge part.

You doubted my abilities, you doubted my strength. You always thought that mother's love was making me weak. And that Mashmellows and PlayStation can't teach me to be brave.

Yet each denial or doubt has made me stronger! Each harsh word,(Bastured, *******) made me realize that some words are made to be ignored!

I don't listen, Yes, you were right...
I always complained that You never understood me. But yet again, I never understood You.
Perhaps the father of your fathers father raised You the sameway that You are raising me! (With a rod, belt and endless shouting)

#With me not being your favorite child of the family. I vow not to follow your footsteps as Father oneday; I'd rather start my own footsteps.(Support, loyalty and endless love for my kids)
Inspired by one of the best poets I know: Yacov
608 · Apr 2014
Two in One...
Bra-Tee Apr 2014
I don't watch Wrestling... Coz I'm a lover not a fighter. If Valentine is near, I hope she likes them Red Roses. We all in the same picture, but we all got different Poses.
And If ever Two was One.. Then surely we are Two in One.. If ever Man was made to love woMan, then surely I was made to love thee. If ever Man is complete with a woman. Then next to thee is where I long to be.. I prize thy love more than gold mines of Gauteng. "Oh My" I'm in love, and I know not Why... And yet I shall love thee till the Seas run Dry....
#And if ever we are Two in One.. Then surely we don't need Three... Four, Five, Six etc
593 · Feb 2015
Bra-Tee Feb 2015
I think about all the terrible things that are happening in life....................

And I realized that these things don't prove to us that God is present; They prove to us that God is absent...
Bra-Tee Feb 2015
She'll write on your wall every week(or sometimes more) till your wall looks like a Valentine joint.

She'll post pictures of Her and tag you even if you are not there with Her, and you'll always feel that the LIKES you get from the facebook audience means alot more to Her than your happiness....And for the most part, you may be right.

She'll write love notes about how she feels about You but will never say it. She will comment on your pictures and tell you that you're so cute/handsome - but those words will never come out of Her lips.
On the inbox, you'll both have the hottest conversation but when the two of you are together, she'll transform into this "Shy miss Goody2shoes" even your friends will be shocked!

And later that very sameday she'll have the nerve to write on your wall again letting everyone on facebook know what a lovely day she had with You cause she doesn't wanna seem boring.
You'll get annoyed, and you won't even comment or like Her post...
Deep down, she will realize that you are breaking up with Her.
And there will be no need for words........(Just like that)
589 · Jan 2015
Play or be Played
Bra-Tee Jan 2015
Her eyes worked perfectly fine.
But She was blind: maybe because she chose to be.
I lied, I cheated, I played silly games on Her every chance I got.
Yet, I told Her that she was my only One,
And she listened. (She wasn't deaf)
But ****! She was blind as *****!.

And now,

I got this beautiful Dime that I'm recently dating. Her names Casey. ****, everytime she smiles my kidneys faint.
Her sweet voice commands me to do almost anything.
Sometimes she doesn't pick up Her phone and in public she doesn't wanna hold hands too much. She lies about where she been last night...
She tells me I'm Her only One,
And I believe Her...
Am I blind too?
586 · Feb 2015
Thank You
Bra-Tee Feb 2015
Dear *******

They say you are what you eat, so am I a nothing?

Nah never mind that: first of all, I'd like to thank you for ruining my life and making it a living hell, and for making me drop out of school too.

Thank you for making me distance myself from the people who beg me to stop using You. Thank you for making people fear that I might rob or hurt them and thank you for making me hate the police and act like I don't give a ****.

Thank you for making me not to believe in compliments and for making me think they're all just lies. Thank you for the illegal foreigners who bring you to my country and offer more drugs even to our pregnant women.  
Thank you for making me believe that I'm not myself when I'm sober. Thank you for not being so cheap and affordable.
Thank you for making my family so scared for my life. Thank you for turning my body into a junk yard.
Thank you ******* for giving me ideas to break in my neighborhood and steal flat screens and jewelry just so me and you can be together...

I think about you all the time, I hope you think about me too.
Yours truly
571 · Jun 2014
Testing Testing....
Bra-Tee Jun 2014
Let's promote the things that bind us, and let go of the things that devide us.
Unconditional love comes with unconditional appreciation.

#Faith should be tested, and love be expressed...
542 · Sep 2015
Bra-Tee Sep 2015
Dear self.

Stop listening to others.
539 · Mar 2015
A letter to all teachers
Bra-Tee Mar 2015
Is FIGHTING a way to show that I have grown-up or a way to show that I am still immature?
#Rising-up #Turning the other cheek #Revenge Or #Forgiveness
Bra-Tee May 2014
Dear Ruler, how long is the word love? Is 30cm long enough to make her scream for more love?
536 · Jul 2014
Point of veiw®
Bra-Tee Jul 2014

Ralf is a player, and sometimes he loves to play Ruff.
But tonight he was patient, because he was with a girl named Patience...
Ralf and Patience didn't speak the same language...but since Ralf got expirience; He understands a girls body language.
And he also understands that to get inside a girls body, he must first get inside her mind...

#If beer and child-support were the same price, would guys still buy it?
536 · Jul 2014
Her fruit®
Bra-Tee Jul 2014
I hate Fairy-tales and I hate Pony-tales even more... Knock-Knock I am BlackBerry, are you StrawBerry? Invite me in for another December; Next to my favourite body part, between your Legs and your Lips..
Oh excuse my French for I am a very long kisser...
And my mistake is my Correction.
So don't ever make me stop when I get on Top...
Bra-Tee Oct 2014
See, there's no way you can ever win his heart: Specially when He can't envision the same vision of YOU being his main chick...

And if ever the world needed place to sleep: I bet He would tell the world to go sleep in your bed, because He knows that he aint never coming back.(And since He used to BANG you in the bathroom, you should get yourself a name tag that says Oscar Pestorius)

#But why bother question his motives: because all along you've only been dating his Body, not Mind...
531 · Jun 2014
Bra-Tee Jun 2014
It doesn't count saying something is before but it was after. Coz at the end of the day, there is no domestic cleaner in domestic violence... Yes we all know that love hurts; but why do you love to hurt her?
Wrong is Wrong and Right is Right...

#‎Persides: Wrong is not a direction, but Right is..
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