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i will not



a p a r t

to make someone else

Showing me,
parts of you,
no one else can see.
Through poetry,
these words express
my heart literally.
It is proven that light conquers darkness.
It breaks through like a sharpened sword
slices human flesh.

So then why does sadness extinguish bliss
with such ease?
Why must a happy moment be fleeting
while the pain of a bitter memory lingers for days,
for months,
for years?
Songs might not solve your problems...
*But they can help you through them
Without music my life would be very different. On a daily basis im listening.
[ Do you love flowers? ]

Honestly speaking, I do love flowers,
not the ones I have to give showers.
I do like beautiful flower gardens and more,
not the ones I have to mow oft or to care good for.

I love to go walking every morning,
to watch all birds in the trees singing and fluttering.

Walking along emerald meadows, where diamonds do grow.
All kind of gems and flowers, according to my list, you know.

One special kind attracts my attention,
in fact I never care, but this time it was never my intention
to discover such delicate jewel, these rare flowers
a reddest colour was smiling at me lovingly, all hours.

Do I wish to turn my eyes from this flower or not,
I took paces back to be on that hottest spot.
Why does this flower attract mine attention?
since it was looking at me with such fine perfection.

Oh, you have never seen such a most wonderful plant,
this is only able, I reckon, through God's greatest grant.

This flower had such a beauty of its own, it did not pose,
a jewel of a flower, as red, as wild and most beautiful.

As a gem, a jewel of a flower, it did never pose
it is a mesmerizing wild rose most beautiful….
….most ardent Rose….

© Sylvia Frances Chan
Copyright protected
Sunday, the 5th of July 2015
4.30 hrs a.m. WETime.
the dark
it swallows me whole saying,
"come here"

there's no happy ending, or beginning here
the monsters inside are always inviting more
im lost
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