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I'll tattoo a bandaid on my heart
So it'll keep the broken pieces together
and perhaps, one day
you might have liked to grow
and share your Neverland
with someone you’d come to know

but was life ever fair
to boys who were lost
granted, you discovered yourself
but at what cost?

they said to never say goodbye
and to never go away
but they forgot to warn you
sometimes life won’t let you stay

and you’ll never be forgotten
because we all believe
with a bit of fairy dust
in our Neverland, you’ll forever live.
Remembering Michael Llewelyn Davies, one of the boys who inspired  J.M. Barrie's Peter Pan.  This poem is dedicated to him and to Jonathan Ferrara, an author whose upcoming book  inspired me to write this poem.
take me in your
aching arms, my love,
sing to me a lullaby
love is painful
and when you collapse
darling, with you i’ll cry

i won’t take you in my
aching arms, my love,
but let you fall
not only painful
but sometimes one sided
it’s only love, after all
 Aug 2016 SteffyWeffy
All I ever wanted
was to make you smile.
When you smile,
the world realizes
it can too, and even the
flowers left to rest
find the will to live again.
I'm sorry all I ever made
you do was leave.
i don't have flowers anymore
Silly me to think that you were able to change and be a better person,
silly me for thinking that you would forget about her.
Silly me, for seeing the best in you,
even when you gave me no reason to.

Silly me, for letting you **** me in,
only to spit me out once you got what you wanted.
Silly me for telling you what you wanted to hear,
all for you to just throw me away like an old T-shirt.

Silly me for letting you get inside my head and eat up every ounce of my being.
Silly me for forgiving you and letting you break my heart all over again.
Silly me for missing you.
The first time you kissed me against the wall, I still feel the coldness against my spine and the warmth on my tongue.
The second time you kissed me as we danced to a ****** song, my feet still hurt.
The third time you kissed me on the forehead, your lips are still imprinted on my skin.

The way you pulled me on top of you and held me close, your touch still sends shivers down my thigh.

And now, not a single word, not a phone call not a nothing & I'm the one that's stuck wide awake at night replaying your voice in my head over and over as I feel your touch on my skin.
And I promised that we were just friends and I didn't have feelings, but ****, I lied, I lied so hard.
And I tried to be strong when you said goodbye, but my heart shattered when you came running to me and kissed me for the last time.
And whenever I try to move on, I just can't forget about you and the way you made me feel, over and over again.
Joseph Childress

Soft words
Are usually preferred
During pillow talks
I foolheartledly
Brought hard words
& Disturbed
Hardily makes sense
Your sentiment
Didn't deserve
The sediment
From my concrete heart
I argue
Our argument
Was all my fault
I dumped asphalt
On the sandy beach
You provided
For our sweet retreat
You retrieved
My roughness
And smoothed
The edgy conversation
Tamed my
And soothed
The painful consternation
You could
Ease the temperament
And impatience
Of anger management patients
All the while
The peacefulness in his
War within
Finding righteousness
In his right to yell
You respect
His freedom of speech
But with each
Negative comment
You seek
To find
The positive content
In the layers beneath

You see the beauty
In the mess
Like an abstract painting
Made for the
Artistically elite
My poor sense
Of creativity
Is lifted
From your richness
I dropped
But always
Pick it
Back up
Like bad habits

Rehabilitate me this
Last time
And I promise
I’ll never
Cast a shadow again
I’ll shine
In every way
I direct my attention

Its not too late
But knowing you
My lateness
Will be welcomed
Like a homecoming
You seldom
Look at my faults
And not find
 Aug 2016 SteffyWeffy
Juju Juju
Come and I'll tell you a secret,
I'll say it no more than once,

So listen well my dear,
Ever wondered about the devil?

Well then beware ***,
Humans are the devil himself.
My child,

As you watch your worlds get torn apart
With a malevolence you can’t comprehend,
Please do not throw yourself into the crossfire,
This is a war you cannot mend.

Their anger is too deep-rooted,
Their hurt is much too strong,
They will insist on going down fighting,
And refuse to see where they are wrong.

Find shelter from this constant storm,
Please close your eyes and ears.
They won’t listen to your pleading,
They choose not to see your tears.

Your screams won’t penetrate their spiteful resolve,
Your little voice will go unheard,
You have no choice but to be strong now;
A responsibility so undeserved.

My child, you cannot help them
As they stand firm on this battle site.
You must know this will be one of many,
There is too much wrong to put right.

If they could see how their bellowing makes you recoil,
See you cowering on your knees,
They might take heed of the damage they’re wreaking,
Reconsider this incessant, vindictive reprise.

But this road is far from ending,
So don’t exhaust your resilience here,
You must protect yourself from the barrage,
For they have not the strength to shield your fears.

It will be another long and tiresome night
As you are again dragged through this mess,
Processing all of their vicious accusations
For all that they refuse to confess.

So as you watch the two people you revere the most
Spit venom at volumes you can’t stand,
I beg you not to let it make you hateful -
This is not what they had planned.

I know how you long to fix it,
Desperate to appease their pain,
But my child, too much has already been broken,
Just please know you are not to blame.

I wish I could offer an escape route,
Tell you everything will be OK,
But there is no choice except to ride out this bitterness,
Await the dawn of a new day.

And on that day you’ll find a way to forgive them,
For destroying everything you knew as home,
For their selfishness stealing all innocence
And turning safe places into war-zones.
 Aug 2016 SteffyWeffy
Mike Patten
She once thought,
she wanted to be a poet,
but deep down,
she knew,
she wanted to be a poem.
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