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  Dec 2019 Moon Wright
i laugh at the irony
that love broke my heart.
  Dec 2019 Moon Wright
A poet is no more than a person
A mother
A daughter
A lover  
Someone needing release
Or someone needing to recover

It’s the art they create when that ball of ink or stick of led dances on the canvas they so perfectly prepared.
And when the end result and their purpose become perfectly paired.
Moon Wright Dec 2019
I've been gone
for a while
You see, I've been struggling
learning how to smile

I've been missing
for quite some time
You see, I've been hiding my pain
and trying not to cry

I've been away
for a minute
You see, I've been trying to convince myself
that my story isn't finished

I've been hiding
for the moment
You see, I've put back together
the pieces that are broken

I've been gone
for so long
Because every. single. thing.
seems to be going wrong
Sorry I haven't posted in forever. Can you forgive me?
  Jun 2019 Moon Wright
my grip is slipping,
and falling scares me.
my world is fading away.

                          ­     p

writing was an escape but even now words slip off the paper like tear drops.
why does it have to be like this?
  Jun 2019 Moon Wright
Penguin Poems
If want was water,
I would be drowning, my head under completely
and my oxygen quickly depleting.
If confusion was cold,
My fingers would be numb and I wouldn't even
have a coat to ward off the freezing.
If youth was you,
It would be slipping away by the second,
And I can't get a hold to stop it.
my air is gone,
I'm shivering to the bone,
and can't keep a hold on.
But, this is only a poem:
I know I'm not suffocating, subzero, or slipping.
But I can't help but feel like the more I write,
the farther I get from reality
and the closer I get to metaphor mortality.
  Jun 2019 Moon Wright
do you have moments, where you can’t imagine a future?
you’re lying there, staring at the
same walls
same ceilings
same words
with nothing but the same feelings-
empty and pale,
like there’s no reason to go on,
when you can’t even do enough to fail.
the future is coming, but you don’t want to be in it,
can’t imagine yourself in it.
where you just want to stop.
and just sit there for a while.
maybe not death, as that’s too permanent,
but something close to it.
when you can feel the rope around your neck,
the razor on your wrist,
the way the pills taste.
you can imagine it, and you aren’t sure if it’s what you want,
or just the feelings you imagine it will give you
Is this depression?
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