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May 2019 · 452
Insects of Misfortune
Silver Raven May 2019
They hold an untold truth,
that is linked to you.
Listen to the sounds,
As they slither around.
Coiled and twined,
Growing in size.
Latched on to your screams,
As they enter your dreams.
Fight the battle long and hard,
Until they are nothing but shards.
But the truth will still remain
until your emotions are slain.
Origin: Had a dream about a snake laying eggs that were actually maggots and they grew in various sizes. Quite disturbed honestly
Mar 2019 · 336
Silver Raven Mar 2019
The will to hold back tears
To not submit to fear.
The birth of bandaids
To hide bruises and scars made.
The talent of using words
To misguide the ignorant world.
A cool barrel shoved with daggers,
A ticket to enter hell or heaven.
Or just eternal blindness, deafness, talking...less
It’s bliss, isn’t it?
Might edit this later ~ was busy irl so just something of the top of my mind
Mar 2019 · 193
Lost Legacy Found
Silver Raven Mar 2019
Passion and I would paint realms of bliss,
Ignoring the evils of the world.
As time passed, I grew… curious
of what darkness had unfurled.
Slowly, we grew apart.
I couldn’t let her be tainted by malice
So I tore her out of my heart,
And left her behind in colored ashes.
Education. Plagues my mind.
Reality. Fills my chest with negativity.
The strongest illnesses combined…
Beginning to accept this,
Forgetting what I miss.
I achieve the expectation of others
Being a people pleaser.
I am complete, but not content.
Until a weeping child
Visits my dream
holding a leaking *****
Trailing an endless crimson stream.
The sight of abandonment smears her face
As if all hope had been erased.
She cries that I am a vessel that follows society,
Not worthy of a name that defies reality.
Saying that I am fake, on the out,
and inside.
A life of succession is not a lie!
She holds out the bleeding mess before me.
She claims that it can make me free.
My rejected heart.
She points at my voided chest
Says all I need is a restart.
Forget being possessed.
Let my imagination breed,
To build the world I need.
This is Passion.
It has been so long since I have felt compassion.
My heart is fragile. Yes,
But can be strengthen as my castle.
It is easy to bruise. Yes,
But should not be easy to lose.
She makes me,
Since then I carry these words,
‘Don’t leave your true self in the past.
Carry it forward and make your legacy last.’
Mar 2019 · 263
Memento Memo
Silver Raven Mar 2019
Grab a hold of what is precious.
Clench it tight or else you will lose it.
With all your strength and heart,
Do not lose to Restart.
Quick! It’s slipping away!
Oh dear, you have gone astray.
What happened to your shine?
Was it released
To the hands of Time
Soon to be deceased?

But! You have a chance
To fly high
And search wide.
No matter the stumbles
Never give in
Hurry now empty vessel
Get your precious back.
Fill your purpose with
Your true version you currently lack.
Always return to retrieve what’s yours
Oct 2018 · 450
Last Letter
Silver Raven Oct 2018
Don’t bother
Mother or father.
You didn’t deserve them
You ungrateful piece of phlegm.
After this is written, I know you will read it again as a spirit.
In fact, once you read this again, burn it!
Despite the sins
Despite the pain
Despite the policy
Despite the gain
You were going to end it all from the start
Cause you always fell apart.
So much for having a bright future
More like dead humor.
We were always ******* you, the past and I,
And it affected you, future, so I know it is not all fine.
No matter our choices
You have to fix it.
Dead or alive
Unforgiving and unwilling.
It’s up to you, future me,
What will it be?
Prompt: ode to future self
May 2018 · 499
Pins and Needles
Silver Raven May 2018
Pins and needles, swallowed whole,
By the liars, that have told,
Chaos, blackmail, secrets too,
Full of pity all for you.
Pins and needles, thrown in their eyes,
To cleanse the darkness, from inside,
The core of every, single soul,
That is painted with blackened coal.
Pins that *****, needles sew,
Pins and needles through lies they flow,
Causing pain, regret, and fear
All to those that do not care.

Red eyes that pleas for aid.
Don’t bat your eye,
For soon they will no longer be here.
May 2018 · 1.1k
Helmet Cycle
Silver Raven May 2018
Built to perfection
From metal destruction
Sent in to battle
Where all men turn to dead cattle
Only for satisfaction
Left with no compassion
Built to perfection
From metal destruction
Rust from tears and screams
Their blood starts to stream
Piece by piece she falls apart
Second by second she loses heart
Weakened from hells playground
She will return to the underground
Zinc, copper, silver, aluminum
No longer perfection, just the bare minimum
May 2018 · 256
Worldly Desire
Silver Raven May 2018
I was brought down by countless enemies,
So, I faced empty caskets for charities.
I was battered by tongues of thorns now I am in hiding,
Running away from their storm of insults and flaws
And I know they’re wrong with honest negativity.
I was left alone to endure this catastrophe.
Now their words become my reality?
My body becomes their masterpiece?
I’m not their opinion meshed in a frame...
I am my one and only fact. Stop playing me like a sick game!

No, I don’t want to believe what they have say.
But I  have to, if I want to survive another day.
Finding who you are takes time. Not taking others frivolous comments.

(Unless it’s constructive criticism... I guess)
May 2018 · 378
Dark Innocence
Silver Raven May 2018
White dressed girl, spinning in the room
Full of innocence, pure and true.
In the distance there’s someone else.
Dressed in black yet standing still,
Full of guilt, naughty and false.
What separates them is the gray line,
Thick yet so thin.
There on the white side,
She spins and sings with a smile.
While on the dark side,
She is standing still.
What the pure girl doesn’t know
The dark girl does know.
The pure girl was never pure,
But instead was evil galore,
Just like that depressing girl.
May 2018 · 293
Body Will
Silver Raven May 2018
Scars and bruises
On my surface
Pain and tears
Are all I feel
Disgust and rejection
Is my first reaction
To keep inside
I showed a lie
A clever disguise:
A simple smile
That could fade a while
A simple laugh
To help time pass

You ask, How am I?
I reply, Just fine
Why do I hide?
So you can be alive
Why do I care for you?
So you won’t be alone
Why do I lie?
So you can leave me

— The End —