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Squirrel store food
Pure nature move
for survival
As mustangs untamed
As bats blind during the day
acting like bees during the  night
maintaining this beautiful midnight flower splendor in desert land.
Flamingos are what they eat
Doing a ritual circular dance to find their mate.
The swan moving graciously
Not even moving the waters
to meet a mate for life
A lonely tree once green and lushes.
Many destroyed because of sour rain and human greed
Blue green waters
Disappearing slowly, everywhere pollution,
killing everything beatiful.
Sky ,different  kinds of blue
Nature , Godmade, Godgiven
A blessing to us all
Let’s handle it with care and the respect it deserves.

Looking at nature. A wonder.
Let’s take care of  our beautiful nature.
Fresh morning
Bluest of skies
Not one cloud to be seen
The sun in your eyes
Warm breeze
Beach sand tickling the feet
Close your eyes
Let it be
Do what you must today
Have fun
You don’t know what will come your way
You don’t know what tomorrow brings
and ...... if it comes along.
Carpe diem!!

Shell ✨🐚
Here I stand
In sun and rain
What’s left of me
You didn’t care
to take care of me
Come closer, don’t you see
It’s you
You’ve hurt yourself
along with me.

Shell ✨🐚
By not taking care of nature we are destroying ourselves.
You can only give
what you yourself have.
To give love
Love yourself first.
To be kind
Be kind to yourself first.
To mean something to anyone
Treasure yourself first!!!
This makes you a happy person.

Shell ✨🐚
you can’t give what you yourself don’t have.
She picked a flower
and put it in her hair
She felt beautiful.
They laughed at her at school.
It didn’t matter.
She smiled and the flower smiled too.

Shell ✨🐚
Always know your self worth.
What others think of you is their problem.
Autumn is here look around
A different view appears
Summer is gone
Other feelings arrive
Time to slow down
Take it all in,  adjust your pace
Green leaves leave
Landscapes are down
All one of a kind
Different shades is what you see
Beautiful leafless tree shapes appear
look with an open mind
The beauty of a greenless land, behold
different shades of brown and gold
Caressing the eyes.
Sooting the mind
Feeding  the soul.
It’s time for coziness inside
Time for peace of mind

Shell ✨🐚
Different season different feelings.
When  looking with
eyes closed  and open mind
you can see perfection coming together.
A sooting calmness within.
The way it was in the very beginning.....
When  everything was pure.
Immaculate like the ****** Mary.
When all souls were filled with light.
Feeling the wind caressing
while listening to the sounds
of nature
Putting you  in a state of meditation.
Love, winning field  over all the hatred
Light, taking over
Nothing but peaceful bliss

Shell ✨🐚
Looking at nature can give you this feelimg.
Standing on one foot
in the rain
Who is to blame
Holding out a hand
for a dole
or..... for another hand
to hold
to help go
People just passing by
Looking away
To avoid
eye to meet eye
Who’s to blame?
We hide in shame.

Shell ✨🐚
People look away most of the time if they see someone in need  on the street!
I guess they don’t feel comfortable being confronted with it.
Soft smile in pastel color
Under sun so bright
Waited forever all evening
to bloom in shining light
Then someone
killed a living dream
Sad and shattered feelings
Still the scent will linger
Cause a rose it is.

A rose will always be a rose.

Shell ✨🐚
To shine
face the sun
To glow
Come out in the dark
let the moon
enhance your colors
let  the stars sparkle
you with showers.

Shell ✨🐚
If you want to accomplish something you have to do your part
In the comfort of the dark we stand
To the light we grow
All in need of love
To  find our true self and shine.

Almost my whole life
I’ve been writing
short simple lines for myself
I love all little beautiful things surrounding me.
Love to look and discover
all the beauty in nature
It makes me so happy.
I know there is so  much going on in this world where we’re living in. Things that make you really sad!
But then I saw a documentary
And all I can say
I can’t post a quote today.

Shell ✨🐚
We don’t know what’s going on in several places in this world. I mean you think you know. Until you see it.
The moon watched him every night.
He looked up and searched with his eyes.
Told her he was lonely.
If she had seen his love.
That’s when she knew
she was falling in love
Shy moon
hid behind the clouds.

Shell ✨🐚
The moon watched her every night.
She looked up and searched with her eyes.
He  was sure she was looking at him.
Even could hear her talking .
Talking in such a sweet voice
Told him she was lonely
if he had seen her love
That’s when he knew
He was falling in love
Falling in love with  big sad eyes.
Shy moon
hid behind the clouds.

Shell ✨🐚
The magic of the moon
Colorless land
Deep under
fertile ground
Flower in the dark
Like a shining light
In search of light
A promise
Everything will be good tomorrow.

Shell ✨🐚
Never lose hope. Never
There’s always a sign of hope, look around in nature ,🌼
Six o’clock morning
Half ripen peaches sky
Sign to expect a hot day
Hope there will be a cool breeze.
No movement.
Ominous silence.
Restless birds
Will there be storm?

Shell ✨🐚
Nature God given. Human stands helpless against the power of nature.
White orchids petals overlapping in sweet embrace
Like silence between raindrops falling
breathe in peaceful place.
Let music of nature reach you deeply, lift you up
bringing you to higher ways
Leaving all stress behind
Letting inner peace enter mind.

Shell ✨🐚
The bird sat still
For years.
One wing was free.
First moving wildly,
while the other was tied down.
The bird learned through watching.
Fed by the wind.
To survive this flightless life,
still full of light.
Never reaching potential heights.
Now set free he didn’t even know how to fly anymore.
There sits a still bird still.
Wondering what it’s like
up there .

Shell ✨🐚
A metaphor.
When I lay myself to sleep
When actually I want to weep
That’s when I close my eyes
and say a silent prayer
while teardrops falling sideways.

When you are sad or distressed that’s the time that you need a silent prayer
Child in warmth or cold.
War and homelessness
with Christmas
please no more
We all deserve light.

Children must be
warm and safe
Around the Christmas tree.
No more pain and fear.
Feeling safe.

Cold white winter night
sharing food
open presents
classic Christmas Eve.
That’s how it’s supposed to be.

Wishing all of you a peaceful Christmas weekend and a blessed and safe time.
Look beyond the falling raindrops
Beams of sunlight coming through.
Look between the dark clouds
A silver lining is there for you
Parts of a rainbow will soon appear.
Giving color to a grey sky
Such is love, such is life.
Never give up on both
As long as you see your own worth
As long as you love each other
There  is hope.
You will always have sad and difficult days but beautiful and happy ones are also there.
Just look.

Shell ✨🐚
Never give up. Always stay positive and hopeful.
Look beyond the falling raindrops
Beams of sunlight coming through.
Look between the dark clouds
A silver lining will get you through
Parts of a rainbow will soon appear.
Giving color to  grey sky
Such is love, such is life.

Shell ✨🐚
There is always hope for a better tomorrow. Always stay positive
She was weeping silently
No one knew
He was her mate
Covid took him away
Nothing more to say.

Shell ✨🐚
Still many are dying on a daily basis.
Many are crying inside.
When the day disappears silhouettes appear.
Lamp of sun lingers, fluorescent ball sinks.
Slowly burning out with fading pastel colors.
Birds like dark drawings on canvas
Serene image before my eyes.
I stand still and watch in wonder this amazing wonder.

Shell ✨🐚
Every time mesmerizing sunset
Behind closed doors we all are
Through the cracks of darkness
See the  light beams
coming through
Choose light
In your lifetime
Find your own silver spoon.

Shell ✨🐚
Just simple.

A  simple person
With a simple life
Using simple words
to tell a simple story
to create a simple picture
which stays forever
in the mind
That’s what poets do
Just simple .

Everybody has a story
Everyone has their own way of expressing feelings inside.
I don’t need diamonds
I don’t need wealth
Just pick me a flower
for me to smell
Show me the moon
to caress my eyes
Play me a song
to sing in my heart
Give me your love
to elevate my soul
I’ll be happy
wherever I go.

Shell ✨🐚
Appreciate all little things in life and you’ll be happy.
I don’t need diamonds
I don’t need wealth
Just pick me a flower
for me to smell
Show me the moon
to caress my eyes
Play me a song
to sing in my heart
Give me your love
to elevate my soul
Then I’ll be happy
wherever we go.

Shell ✨🐚
A simple life filled with love and gratitude  gives you peace of mind.
I don’t need diamonds
I don’t need wealth
Just pick me a flower
for me to smell
Show me the moon
to caress my eyes
Play me a song
to sing in my heart
Give me your love
to elevate my soul
Then I’ll be happy
wherever we go.

Shell ✨🐚
You don’t need much to be happy in your heart
Be simple
like the bird sitting quietly
in the tree
before nightfall.
Like the first peep
of flowers bloom
Bow your head in gratitude
Always say thank You.
Be soft at heart
Inner peace will come to you.
What one needs
Is simpleness
to let real beauty of life
come through.
Love each other,
hold hands in time of need.
It’s that simple.

Shell ✨🐚
When you’re confronted with human pain on a daily basis it puts things in perspective.
Waiting in early morning  hour
The sun is still asleep
The fog is very quiet holding its breath
afraid to move the trees.
Smooth waters are still,
not a wind is near.
Mystery of the new day hidden behind curtains of mist.
Where will life’s boat take you, over silent dream under the shadows of big old trees.

Shell ✨🐚
When the moon falls asleep
That’s when the stars shine to see
They look at the moon
On this pillow soft bed
Can’t help but smile
Smooth like a baby, facing the sky.

Early morning view
The city is still asleep
Most people not awake yet...
Blushing colors in the east
Promise of golden sunrise
to be born soon.

Shell ✨🐚
Early morning view
Sleep tight in moonlights touch
Sweet dreams will reach the mind
Like angels kisses on the cheek
You’ll see smiling face asleep.
When full  moon is looking down at you.

Positive vibe,
Soothing gentleness
Can heal a life
A connection from deep inside
to reach someone deep inside.
Connection without words
No matter the circumstances
You’re here
To survive, makes a happy someone
Makes a happy you too.

Shell ✨🐚
The power of a smile. Be kind.
A divine painting in Earths frame
Morning dew, no one knows what story lies behind today.
Mountains afar waiting for warmth of the day.
Trees in all kinds of green standing still waiting for a breeze to let the music in.
Rustling leaves whispering messages from deeds of mankind.
Happiness, sadness, good luck or bad .
For all of us the same.

Shell ✨🐚
Eating together
Feeling happy just being
Telling someone why you
want them in your life
Saying Thanks!

Sitting close on a couch
talking and laughing
Drinking hot cocoa
Sipping wine...
While it’s cold outside.

Decorating the Christmas tree
with loved ones
while listening to classical songs
of this special time
Feeling thankful and blessed.

Lie at night on a warm blanket
In the coziness of the fire
In the embrace of the one
who is close to your heart.

Moments of happiness.
Snapshots of luck.

This  special time of the year
Many are sad, still... life goes on
Be thankful, be happy.
It’s been and still is a difficult time
for many especially now.
We all lost someone. Let’s be strong together.
Snowbird in the snow
Two unique creations

Part 1

White  owl white and pure
Sits and watches .....
falling snow. Quietly.
Snowflakes created uniquely
White, light and heavenly.
Falling down in winter frequently
It was then.....
Snowowl was born silently

Beautifully unique,
don’t know what to say.....
Both Precious creations
Natures art all the way


Spread your wings
white bird and fly
high into the night and thrive
fly up while snowflakes are  falling down , falling down, falling down!
sky’s own created diamonds .

Majestic bird of wonder
Created so divine
Wings like from  an angel
White as snow so fine

Part 3

When you look up into
and  watch skies  falling diamonds.
While Snowowl  flying winter high
You’ll see a precious painting,
on this  blue canvas called the sky
And God our holy painter .

Nature is like art, no is art!!!
Early joy of spring
Wants to say goodbye to all that’s cold
Little wildflowers are born
breaking through the snow
To remind us that spring is
First snowdrops appear
Beautiful wildflower hangs its head down while rising up.
Purity of fresh landscapes from white to soft pastel.
Out of the dark into the light
color is near
Giving hope,
Making us thankful and happy .
Soon daffodils will appear.

Spring is near.
Today I saw an impressive colored sky
One color, deep nuance
of strange dark blue,
almost purple blue
as far as the eyes could see.
Not one  cloud in sight.
And what took my breath away,
yes I smiled ,
was a snow globe like moon.
Very rare.
A bright yellow sickle at the bottom
and a thin line shaping the globe.
Inside little yellow dots.
It was a snow globe moon.
It followed me to work at 6 am
It was my Christmas moon
and made my day.

Shell ✨🐚
How precious to feel happy just looking at nature
While living in extreme drought of lands
Sitting under a brown silhouette tree
Many questions are overwhelming me.
Am I born on the wrong side of Earth,
no one seems to understand or care.
I look at the shivering air in front of me
Must walk miles to get me some water.
Thirsty throat made me feel drowsy
I close my eyes sitting here.
Pretending I am in a land with pastel colors
I see a beach with rolling waves
A soft blue of sky and waters.
Never saw a beach before but it’s good
to be there now.
Cool breeze is touching me
I feel goosebumps creeping on my skin.
I can hear the sounds of ocean
In my mind it made me sleepy
Drifting away drifting away
Further more further more.
Realize I want to keep drifting to never
to  return to land of thirst.
Please God keep me here.

When feeling trapped, close your eyes.
Let your imagination carry you.

Shell ✨🐚
Think about all the children living under these circumstances. In famine . Pray.
Stroll in the night
Pretty shape of light
Caress you in my imagination
Island in a sea called sky
Let me sleep under beams so tender
I am in love, I surrender.

Shell ✨🐚
On canvas sky blue
Grey clouds blocking late sun
from coming through.
a bright fluorescent lamp glow
hiding behind opaque white snow.
Leaving a
sharp silver lining aura
staying on my retina.
Underneath a citrus colored glow
clear blue with cotton white puffs,
inviting the sun to set.
Not ready yet.
I’m so impressed
Can’t stop looking
Can’t take my eyes away
on my way home.

Shell ✨🐚
When driving home from work I look at the sky and realize my Creator loves me.
Cotton wool landscape,
silent music of the howling wind brings
Shivering cold melody from afar
Nights winter in the heart
Jasmine fragrance
bringing old memories back in time
Sitting alone at night wondering.
All peace and quiet,
time stands still
Midnight blue sky
Snowflakes falling, like little white diamond stars
The mind is wandering off.
To places deep within.
Beautiful Christmas tree
It’s warm and cozy in there.
Hear a familiar song
People sitting by the fire, talking and laughing.
Hidden red tears
Never reaching the eyes.
No Christmas tree more,
those times are gone.
Let this month pass quickly so life can go on
No need to remember moments that are long gone.

Many are alone in December.
For many a difficult time.
Especially the elderly who have no one
The homeless who once had it all
Let’s care.
a sun is  rising
Coming above the horizon
Somewhere a day is dawning
Waiting for the night
The  moon will soon come out,
breaking through when day is done.
Somewhere  in the world
Every second of all time
a sky is  golden shining
a sun or a moon somewhere .

Shell ✨🐚
Golden sky so beautiful.
Appreciation for our beautiful nature that is everywhere.
Happy New Year my dear
Wherever you are.

Shell ✨🐚
Everytime you are broken
So much so that you must cry
Everytime you are broken
So much so  you fall apart
Fall apart
in so much pieces.
So much so you want to die
Everytime you are broken
So much so .......
It’s time to write
Write it down
its time for healing
So much so
to never again
fall apart.

The healing power of writing.
Fragile passerine  
Singing songs, expressing art
Seems you want to tell the world,
everything you saw up there.
Letting nestlings know
Mama is on her way.
Selflessness of love’s defense.

Shell ✨🐚
Precious songbirds bringing joy and beauty to the world.
In twilight’s light
another day is passing
Like a little sailboat on open waters.
Sinking sun slowly fading.
Looking through the frame of life I see
different pictures passing.
Seems like yesterday I came through dark waters.
Embracing light of life full
of sunshine full of rain.
Soon the time will come as twilight time is over.
Stepping into night of life
to meet the light of darkness.
Pastel view, soon yesterday’s
Smelling blooming fragrance and the scent of fresh coffee
while life is growing older.

Yesterdays, yesteryears
Soon only a memory of you.

Shell ✨🐚
When you lose  someone you realize even more how we all will be a memory sometime.
soothing sound
of falling falls
through evergreen forest you flow.
calming echoes in the mind
silver streams
through golden fields you go
To everlasting seas of blues.
Giving peace of mind.


Shell ✨🐚
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