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Sean Achilleos Mar 2020
Something lies beyond
The power of Love is unity
Fear thrives on division
Life online ... A virtual existence
An implementation of fear
Something unseen is at work
Is the beast on his way
Or perhaps already here
A blanket of darkness has covered the earth
An awkward silence hangs in the air
And fear has become tangible
The earth seems sad and tired
Then a division line shall be drawn
Across earth and sea
The time to separate sheep from goat has come
And what is hidden shall be exposed
Like an overripe fruit that has fallen from a tree
Burst open for all to see what was lurking inside
Written by Sean Achilleos
20 March 2020
Sean Achilleos Feb 2020
You are the world you live in
Every time you crush a cigarette on the ground
You're burning yourself
Every time you cast a piece of plastic to the wind
You're littering in your own garden
When you dispose of waste in the waters
You're poisoning your very own well  
When you pollute the air
You're defiling your lungs with menacing toxins

I am the world I live in
You are the world you live in
We are the world we live in
S. Achilleos
27 Feb. 2020
Sean Achilleos Jan 2020
For God is the ocean
And we are the rivers
And all rivers run to the ocean
No matter how far

6 Jan 2020
6 Jan 2020
Sean Achilleos Dec 2019
When someone gives you something special
Be glad if you can't return the favour
For greater shall be their reward

Give without expecting

Be happy when people discuss you
It's a sign that you've got something they wish to have

Smile even when sad
It will confuse your enemies

Never make a promise you can't keep
It's better to say no
And later change your mind
Than to say yes
And not to do what you had promised

The light and the dark
Are as far from each other
As the north is from the south
East from west
Yet they are undeniably aware of each other

Avoid telling lies
Your memory might fail you

To have faith to believe in the impossible
To know that hope exists
Because we live in an imperfect world
For if it was perfect
There would be no need for hope

And above all
Love with all your heart
As if your life depends on it

S. Achilleos
10 December 2019©
S. Achilleos
10 December 2019©
Sean Achilleos Nov 2019
I love walking in the wind
clutching my jacket
I love eating ice cream in the cold
I love the way your eyes change colour when you're mad ... It turns me on
I love it when you say no
but you really mean to say yes
I love you not because you asked me to
but out of free will
and your tattoo reads ... I love you
Written by S. Achilleos 06 Nov. 2019
Sean Achilleos Oct 2019
At the age of 47
It was revealed that it would end at 63
A line shall be drawn 
And the white winged dove shall take flight
No questions asked
It was what it was
It is what it is
Circumstance of no change
He did not ask for an extension
In fact he said nothing at all
Victim of fate
Or simply the art of knowing
Sometimes a curse
Sometimes a blessing
S. Achilleos 24 Oct 2019©
RIP 1972-2034
Sean Achilleos Sep 2019
To read people like books
I've read many books in my time
Some good ... Some bad
Some deep ... Some sad
Some books don't relate to their covers whatsoever
Some consist of a simplistic cover
Yet relay a deeper story
Others have an immaculate cover
But with no substance inside ... Blank pages
And yes everybody can write a book
But not every book is a Best Seller
S. Achilleos
28 September 2019©
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