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 May 2016 Sannie
Snigdha Banerjee
I'd rather be paper,
And I mean this with every word,
I know this sounds like a contrary,
But my decision is firm.

Because darling', people can write upon you,
Stories of pain and remorse they wish to let go,
You can be their solace in this dying breath,
Say, has not ever paper made you feel home?

Then somebody can play origami, you know,
They could turn me into a butterfly,
So before this paper girl flys away with the wind,
I'd have my wings to shoot across the sky.

And I'd rather have a paper heart,
I'd rather be fragile than strong,
Because darling', just listen to me once,
Aren't strong the people who've been hurting weak for so long?

Yes, I'd rather get hurt than hurt the millions,
Because if you didn't know and if you didn't see, fragile is how we start.
And fragile is beauty, beauty born from pain,
Just take my own and hand me over a paper heart.
Doesn't it !?
 May 2016 Sannie
fall, (v.)

what i did.

home, (n.)

when i am with you, there is nowhere else i'd rather be; and i am a person who always wants to be somewhere else.

hurt, (v.)

i have vague memories of what i said the night i lied to you that i did not love you, but i remember my voice hitching in my throat. i remember it hurt.  

kiss, (v.)

our faces are inches from each other. you freeze, and i giggle before calling you a coward. i rarely kiss first; but if i didn't, then i don't think that distance between us would've closed at all.

lost, (adj.)

i was willing to let you go, and yet, at the same time, i have never wanted to be so /selfish/ in my entire life.

love, (n.)


mine, (n.)

what i want you to be.

name, (n.)

your mother's maiden name was the same as my ex' middle name. i remember laughing until my sides hurt once i found out.

prom, (n.)

"you're all mine on prom night." prom night never happened, but it's the thought that counts.

song, (n.)

all those corny tunes on the radio have been reminding me of you lately.

sick, (adj.)

you, too very often. i wish i knew how to take care of you but i can barely do that for myself.

sing, (v.)

my most vivid memory of you includes you auditioning to our glee club with *together in electric dreams
. you ******. we would laugh about it later on.

stay, (v.)

you make it so hard to leave.
 May 2016 Sannie
hilary okello
silence is the coffee table
where books and men,
in a knowledge seeking game
drink to the rhythm
of learning.

new pages, new tastes.
for the mind's empty cages, more distances
are raced.
call it a silently loud
of men with their pride
when books
ever thought of the language books speak...of silence embroidered in noise, of fear and peace...books speak, infact, they SCREAM!
 Apr 2016 Sannie
Oskar Erikson
I saw you smoking,
one of those old cigarettes.
didn't know what you were thinking
but your face said regrets.
But me being me,
turned myself to ash
cause we all know how fast love
will run quick and dash.
You stomped on the one that was dangling on your lip
This is where my common sense should of took grip.

Because you love as it suits you,
no mutual affection.
But stupid me.
thinking i could be a
Dangerous love has bright embers
Once I was sad and lonely,
having nobody around to comfort me.
So I created a mask that always smiled,
just to hide my true feelings.

Once I had many friends;
with my mask, I was one of them.
Deep inside I still felt empty,
Like I was missing a part.

Nobody could hear my cries for help,
for I designed my mask to hide those lies.
Nobody could see the pain I was feeling,
for I hide my mask to keep on smiling.

Behind the smiles there were tears waiting
and behind all the comforts were the never ending fears.

While my tears where crying,
my feet kept walking.
My body was left behind,
to keep on hoping!

Day by day
I was slowly dying
I couldn’t go on,

I’m still searching
for the thing that’ll stop my crying,
for someone who’ll erase my fears
and for someone to wipe my tears.

But until then, I’ll keep on smiling
hiding behind the broken mask I’m wearing.
Hoping one day I can throw my mask away.
But until then, I’ll be here… Waiting.
 Apr 2016 Sannie
 Apr 2016 Sannie
Deep breaths become chokes and gasps...
As the air seem to get thinner.
I had promised that I shall not fall today
for people to see.
But I had just realised...
That my eyes have already betrayed me.

So here I sit, out in the clear.
Out in the rain.
Face partially drenched from the spray.
Head turned away from passing umbrellas.
I thank god for the rain,
for even if they notice me.
They wouldn't be able to tell droplets from tears.
 Apr 2016 Sannie
 Apr 2016 Sannie
I wish for a hug...
One that lasts only mere seconds.
Yet could only mean nothing
but eternity.

I long for a hug...
One that finds me struggling,
and offers the line that'll hoist me up
so that the whims of the world
would simply fall away.

I yearn for a hug...
An embrace that grants me the briefest
moment of solace.
Amidst the clamour and chaos
that overwhelm.

I want a hug...
One that's unconditional.
One that'll just take me in, as I am.
One that wouldn't cringe
at the misfit of my bones.
One that wouldn't judge
if our heartbeats don't
thump in sync.
They told me
that to make her love me
I had to make her laugh.

But when she laughs
the one who falls in love is me
I love,
how you allow me to take pictures of you.

But do you know,
How hard it's to get something that beautiful
in such a normal frame
When I see you,
and you say “Hi” in the sweetest voice in the world
When I see you,
and I see your beautiful blue eyes sparkling with a hidden smile
When I see you,
my heart skips a beat and I don’t know directly what to say
When I see you,
Love and Happiness fulfills my thoughts and all of my troubles go away.
When I See You,
I wonder if you think about me as much as I think about you

When I See You,
all I really want to tell you
is that I think I love you!
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