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 Jun 2018 Riham
JL Smith
I diverged
From the foreseen path most follow--
The route adhered to avert one's fears
Instead, I boldly strayed into the uncharted
Inquiring answers to what ifs and the unclear

© JL Smith
 Jun 2018 Riham
samantha page
you dyed the lawn pink
when you spilled your lovely, flowery words.

you filled my home with the color red
with an exciting, loving hue. with you.

you added rainbows to black and white movies
more vibrant than i could ever imagine.

but then, your green lights began to flash yellow and red
causing me to be unsure about my every move.

blue skies turned grey and filled with tears
like a sunny saturday sabotaged with a sudden storm.

you stained my bed orange
eternally drawing attention to where you no longer lie.

and you painted me a royal purple
royally *******, yet, mysteriously still wanting you.

you taught me how to live a life, filled with color
only to wreak black and white havoc in my life.

you left me feeling more color blind than ever
and in a dark, colorless shell of my former self.
 Jun 2018 Riham
Sara Kellie
This writer HAS been damaged.
This writer WILL, well, who knows.
This writer IS distracted with life
and all that life
tries to **** her with.

I don't understand it but then I am happy with life* (go me!)

p.s Is she still alive? Who knows.

Poetry by Kaydee
*life= Living within the constraints of socially engineered rules & laws for the purpose of 'mass population control'
Submit and obey, you will pay anyway.
Either as a good citizen through taxes or with your life.
 Jun 2018 Riham
 Jun 2018 Riham
When I say "I'm scared of falling in love"
What I really mean is that
I'm terrified that my shining eyes will betray people who reach
For a glittering diamond heart
And instead cut their hands on broken glass.
That they will leave me,
Thinking I am not worth being scarred for.
I am scared of people
Who will press their cookie-cutter expectations against me
And leave me trying to mold myself
Back into the girl I vaguely remember being.
When I say "I'm scared of falling in love,"
I'm saying that I am scared of imprints remaining
While memory-foam hearts forget me.
So I guess I'm not scared of falling in love,
But of what will happen when I hit the ground...
Of inevitable pain.
 Jun 2018 Riham
Mohd Arshad
Attachment with good people
Is deep love to correct one's errors!
 Jun 2018 Riham
 Jun 2018 Riham
water is entering to our lung,
our tongue sourish, we are drunk.
our souls shape due to command,
killing follows after cause one want.
why your heart rejects beating,
and pitifulness watching us all the night?
 Jun 2018 Riham
 Jun 2018 Riham
don't waste your silence
on words better spoken
holding your breath will only make you suffocate
 Jun 2018 Riham
Pablo Neruda
Day-colored wine,
night-colored wine,
wine with purple feet
or wine with topaz blood,
starry child
of earth,
wine, smooth
as a golden sword,
as lascivious velvet,
wine, spiral-seashelled
and full of wonder,
never has one goblet contained you,
one song, one man,
you are choral, gregarious,
at the least, you must be shared.
At times
you feed on mortal
your wave carries us
from tomb to tomb,
stonecutter of icy sepulchers,
and we weep
transitory tears;
spring dress
is different,
blood rises through the shoots,
wind incites the day,
nothing is left
of your immutable soul.
stirs the spring, happiness
bursts through the earth like a plant,
walls crumble,
and rocky cliffs,
chasms close,
as song is born.
A jug of wine, and thou beside me
in the wilderness,
sang the ancient poet.
Let the wine pitcher
add to the kiss of love its own.

My darling, suddenly
the line of your hip
becomes the brimming curve
of the wine goblet,
your breast is the grape cluster,
your ******* are the grapes,
the gleam of spirits lights your hair,
and your navel is a chaste seal
stamped on the vessel of your belly,
your love an inexhaustible
cascade of wine,
light that illuminates my senses,
the earthly splendor of life.

But you are more than love,
the fiery kiss,
the heat of fire,
more than the wine of life;
you are
the community of man,
chorus of discipline,
abundance of flowers.
I like on the table,
when we're speaking,
the light of a bottle
of intelligent wine.
Drink it,
and remember in every
drop of gold,
in every topaz glass,
in every purple ladle,
that autumn labored
to fill the vessel with wine;
and in the ritual of his office,
let the simple man remember
to think of the soil and of his duty,
to propagate the canticle of the wine.
 Jun 2018 Riham
Mohd Arshad
You can't be Shakespeare,
But you could be a new Shakespeare!
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