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The sharpest clarity graces my mind and sight
Accompanied by an increase
in gravity and thicker air.
Wading through something dense yet
less resistant than water
I feel hazy and intoxicated by
the prickling stars above
Falling to the bed of grass,
dew caress my weary bones.
I've found my home,
familiar and alien,
Its all my own.
Trying to write... Forgive my clumsy wonderings....
I noticed a small scar on my German teacher's elbow today
It called to me, reeled me in, filled my senses
It whispered of days and nights thought long-gone
When any sharp object in reach would do
When any little remark or joke or situation would set me off
It whispered of the sound of skin parting
And the bite of metal
And the eureka! of blood
And the taste of satisfaction
It whispered of the moment of peace
When everything becomes nothing
And pain becomes everything
And nothing is painful

Then I remembered the tears of my mother
The horror in my friends' eyes
The shame I felt
The bitterness before each guilty slice
The stubbornness inside me screaming don't let it win!
The worry they feel
The pain I cause them
By causing pain to myself
And I return to reality
And she is still talking
Oblivious to my dip into darkness

I have won the battle
But the war will not be over for a long, long time
 Apr 2015 Makenzie Robison
It's my Birthday today,*
The clock's getting louder.

Tick Tock,
My dreams need me to be punctual,
Tick Tock,
The years are passing in a haste,
Tick Tock,
There's no time to waste,
It's kinda scary.

I hope things don't get worse,
That the pain doesn't get more painful,
That my glass shell stays intact,
Doesn't break.

I want to be happy today,
At least for the most part of it,
So last night,
I broke my silence,
No serious problems are invited,
Not into this new age.

It's an ordinary day for most people,
Not for me though,
It's my Birthday today.
It's been a lovely morning... Happy Birthday to me...
In the midst of confusion
No one seems to notice
Time spinning with frustration
His hands moving in force
Emitted through destruction
Made by the walls once
Of a heart torn and broken;
Opening for a chance
Determining the sensation
Fluttering in the breeze
Of the mist and cool condition
Rising in confidence
Like an eagle after predation
Of prey in a quiet race,
Very still and calm it mentions
"Even you want love of pure existence."
// a little request from a friend, "hd"
I wish I could put into poetry
How I feel, exactly
Without sounding so **** cliché
How I want to run away,
Every day, is spent
Amongst decomposition and decay
A dialogue of broken words
From dead flowers in a vase
A truth I can't evade
That time on Earth is not a thing to waste
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