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 Aug 2018 Raiven Pryde
 Aug 2018 Raiven Pryde
He is gone
She is gone
Sing a new song
Was so tired
Tired of the play along
He is gone
She is gone
Never to be seen
Never to be wrong
Help them fine where they belong...
Stay gone!
weakness is the bane of my existence.

if strength were an equation,
my weakness would negate it.

please just let me be strong.

i've made so much progress, after all.

weakness is a Demon
i can’t control.

a Demon that will swallow me whole.
 Aug 2018 Raiven Pryde
 Aug 2018 Raiven Pryde
I try so hard
Just see
The light,
But it's not
Always there,
This curse
Never subsides
As if a brick
It from
Being Found.


If only
Weren't bound.
 Aug 2018 Raiven Pryde
 Aug 2018 Raiven Pryde
I have been away for too long
In a solitude, burried with remorse
For I've lost a very close loved one
And the situation got worse

I prayed to be taken away
For my life to end
As soon as possible
Coz nothing much was left to mend

Tears rolled down my cheeks
To stop the negative thoughts
Got taken back many times
To untie the invisible knots

Voices got into my ears
That ached to explode my temple
Closing my eyes eveytime
A picture painted, to resemble

It's you, O'mum...that I can't get over with
Life seems, more like a lego
Feelings that can't be put into words
Every bit pierces through the core

Your smile, your beauty, your essence
Has all been captured by this heart
Now, in troubled weak times
Another scene peeps as an art

How will I ever, comfort myself
That now I am all alone
None that are left by my side
All have fallen and gone

May your soul rest in peace
Exactly, a month today
Missing you heaps in this crowded shell
Hope to meet you, someday...

Voices from my weak heart.
 Aug 2018 Raiven Pryde
Break and tear at my skin
Pull down the covers
Reveal my true sins
I'm not a real lover

Chip at my fortress
That I've build high in the sky
Knock down the door
Its within there I hide

Fight the dragon
That stands in your way
Pass by him with ease
As he's quite easy prey

Scale to the furthest tower
Within there I lay
A lonely girl hiding
This is where I stay

The walls mean nothing
Nor the doors that are bolted
That dragon so fierce
Is weak though devoted

Its easy to break through
Its simple to get in
But the real question is
How do you win?

The real challenge wasn't
The doors and the riddles
It was whether or not
You could cure me, even just a little

To rid me of this curse
Lay upon by a witch
To forever feel this loneliness
Though I am a complete *****

So tell me darling do you know
The way to set me free?
Or will you be like the rest of them
If so, go on and flee

I'll stay in this tower
Dont you worry
You weren't the prince for me
I know that the truth is that I'm the one
The only one who can set myself free
 Aug 2018 Raiven Pryde
Lead me to paradise
to the place that exists
in beautiful tales and folklores
in fantasies and wild imaginations
hitherto was only a wish

I pray not you leave me here
in a land of sadness and sorrow
where the wind does not blow
and the grass does not grow
the stars have faded from view
there's only light in the dark

The sweet scent of savouring flowers
songs of birds fill the air
whistling winds soothe my ear
the trees talk to each other
like a work of art
everything is perfect and in order

There I want to spend eternity
waking up to an utter delight
free from pain and worry
surrounded by nature's finest
of everything best and beautiful.
My death will be liberating.

And I do not say that in the sense
that I am going to find a cliff
and take a good jump off.


I am just trying to find a
clever way to tell you

that I do not know what is going
to happen next.

You see,

there is a
fine line
dreaming and


I am finding out for myself
that being in love
does not always

being awake.

And for my sake
I fall in love with daydreams,
hazy realities

the hung-over idea

of not being enough.

It is all out of my hands.
                 It is all out of time.

And the only thing I have left to do,

is decide.
Thank you to anyone that reads this.
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