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Donna Bella May 2015
Alone at home
House is filled with people
But that doesn't stop the anger or sadness
I'm alone
Donna Bella Apr 2015
Land of the free
Land of the whites
Hell for the blacks
Equality non existent
KKK running land
Blacks running dead
Blood splatters everywhere
KKK never stops
Blacks broken with grief
Whites uplifted with grief
Donna Bella Apr 2015
Blood splatters
White devil
Black angel
Killed by the devil
Debatable sentence
Death sentence or a couple of years?
Killed a brother
But it's debatable
If our brother got a death sentence and 8 shots in the back
It's only right if you get a death sentence
Can the government protect our brothers and our sisters?
AmeriKKKa government can not protect us because it was not made for us
But we can change that
We have to keep on fighting
We have to keep on protesting
We have to keep on studying
We have to get in the office
We have to get these law degrees
We have to become governors
We have to win
Because we've been losing
We've gotten so far
But not that far
I wrote this poem April 8, I was waiting to decide if I was going to pose it but this is the right time. I'm praying for Baltimore tonight
Donna Bella Apr 2015
I sit here
And I feel so empty
I feel like I was emptied out
My thoughts are empty
Everything is empty
Donna Bella Apr 2015
Don't live today thinking tomorrow will come
Don't live today thinking a change will come
Don't live today fretting for tomorrow
Don't live today expecting joy in the morning
Don't live today expecting sorrow in the morning
Don't live today thinking I'll be here tomorrow
Don't live today thinking I won't be here tomorrow
Donna Bella Apr 2015
I felt pretty empty
All I see is white walls
Noises from laughing children
Annoyance from sadist adults
Tension from everyone around
An emptiness that could not be described
A defeat that I felt happened
The road is short
But I'll roam in the woods and find another way
The road is short
But I'll turn back around and find the exit before
The road is short
But baby I'm not giving up
The road is short
But I have to go farther
When I write, my words just flow out. But behind each poem is a meaning of what I'm feeling at the present moment. Be lovely! Be you!
Donna Bella Apr 2015
She stared blankly at me
Her beautiful bold eyes
Deep down she was in pain
She was rejected by society
Was she good enough?
Her big curly Afro
Her smooth face
The mark above her lip
She stared and I stared back
I wonder what she saw
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