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Ryan Jan 2018
An age of silent desperation
Reaching to that beyond mention
A call for words in a stream so sickly sweet
Milk flowing below my feet
Children rejoice in a world of snow
White silk slipping and swirling as I row
Through screams and shouts that echo
In the chamber of my dreams
Ryan Jan 2018
You find yourself alone, oh, so alone you are,
Hiding from that horrid grasp
Of breath; a roaring rasp of air
As panic rears its child of lurid dreams;
Whispering to you in a muttered verse:
“oh, so alone you are, unbeknownst to those you love,
Accept the embrace –
That warm, loving embrace –
Of solitude beyond the grave!”
You whisper to yourself,
Calming. Soothing. Let your breath breathe,
In silent, Consistent, steady beats
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven.

Let the forest hide your fear,
You know no one can hurt you here,
Wrapped around a cloth of silk,
You embrace solitude like mother’s milk.

The comforting gaze of a fire ablaze;
A roaring rasp of flame.
It nestles softly in a nest of cherry,
Kissing the eyes of new-born child laying in the grasp
Of a common saying:
“let the lost be lost!”
And so it was, the destined child in a house ablaze
Finds itself in the comforting embrace
Of lustful licking flames
Who bring the child to a peace everlasting.
I really enjoyed writing this one and like "Balance" it has a very nice rhythm to it which I really enjoy.
Ryan Jan 2018
Teetering on edges fleeting,
My sanity close to meeting
The granted expectation of ages past –
Understand the world beyond the laugh
Come to me,
Come to me,
Come to me – Now!
Understand the world that bows
Goodbye to a fleeting dream,
Running on empty steam
Help me now to
The world
That is
This is one of my favourite poems that I've written and the more I read it out loud the more it grown on me. The way it sounds is really fun and I made it shaped like a spinning top which it is loosely based off.
Ryan Jan 2018
Thinking is a difficult thing.
Thinking is a difficult thing.
You think that thinking may be too much thinking for you,
Your mind flowing like the wind, in the wind, on the wind,
Stepping through the passage of the wind, unknown to you.
Highlight cities in grass so green
That thinking seems a silly thing
Thinking is a difficult thing.
I've decided to post all of the poems I've written, in the order that I wrote them. My first has already been posted and it is called "Movements of Water".

I didn't like this poem at first but it's sort of grown on me and it's fun to say.
Ryan Jan 2018
Finding the words to let flow –
Such a difficult thing to know –
To accept the fact that they may be inadequate
Or that your failings may be more than simply adequate
For opening up your mind and soul
To allow the world to know
More about yourself – than you would deem
To know about yourself – a whisper to an insight
More profound and more elaborate than the whole worlds sight –

So find yourself, in a pitied endeavour,
A repetitive task that scrounges the dirt like
A beast of some withered forest path
Screeching an echoed laugh
Your words floating, oh nothing worth mentioning
Across to nothing worthy to mention
A harrowing dimension
Of endings, non-existing,
Calming yet sadistic
Feeling oh so reminiscent
Of paths beyond reminiscence
And rambles that hold no meaning
Beyond the words at their conceiving

So don’t reconcile yourself
You ****** defender
You’re nothing but a severed member  
A piece of soul so worth forgetting
That the soul troubles existence
In a setting beyond that which can reconcile
The peace in your heart, you imbecile
Leave me in a peace worth forgetting.
Ryan Dec 2017
Wandering lines of water
Lost, flowing through the glass; not
known not certain,

A fragment of a lost source, vanished from begotten source,
Etching lines, deep lines, an impression into
Glass with a responsibility, a sire to
That which ridicules the world that
Stands avast in light that wanders past the eyes,
Eyes of wonder,
Peering to that beyond yonder,

A world of ink, flowing through the vast
Cacophony of falling waves, crashing, raging,
Violet indignation.
Cursing the gazing sun that holds the world
In yonder;
A pair of open arms,
To the passion that precedes the red velvet that amasses in the east.
An army that shall never cease.
They ponder on silent dreams as they plough
Through the sea that never fails
To open up the arms of isolation.

— The End —