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Feb 2021 · 294
Unfake it
Riju Gupta Feb 2021
I took my skin off
Looking into your eyes
Shredding my ego to core
Putting my armour aside
Walking naked towards you
With my vulnerabilities laid beside
To embrace immaculate sunshine
Of faith, hope and love
Aligning to form life
What i thought was just a lapse of time
Until the emotions ignite
Causing a swirl of time
Landed me on this site
Face to face in plain sight
With the driver of this life
Looking into my eyes
Calling me inside
I took my skin off
And walk naked
To embrace whats mine
Sep 2020 · 260
You and us
Riju Gupta Sep 2020
You us
What we are
What we will be
What we want to be
You and us
Thinking to be one
Fighting to be one
Living to be one
You me us
Like this universe
Love, hate, fear, grudge everything is between us
You and us
You and us
Wanting to be one.
When two souls wanna be one
Sep 2020 · 149
I love you
Riju Gupta Sep 2020
Its been long
Long since, we looked into eachother’s eyes
And said, I Love you
Long since,we held eachother’s hand
Felt others skin
And said , I Love you
Long since, we cooked
And said, I Love you
Its been long, Since we said I LOVE YOU
Missing the loved ones
Sep 2020 · 178
Sex with the stranger
Riju Gupta Sep 2020
*** with the stranger
In a dark night
You feel
the unknown hand
the coldness of an unknown bed

Warm body
Heavy breaths
Dry lips
To be held
To be kissed
To be felt

Trembling with joy of love
Yet the fear of unknown

Lips felt
Breaths synched
Warmth shared

Bodies celebrated
Clutched in comfort of
*** with the stranger

Eyes locked
Bodies wrapped
Hands held
Sereneness took over fear
Trembling body became calm
Unknown became known
*** became love
Feeling when you share yourself with someone
Sep 2020 · 777
Dying star
Riju Gupta Sep 2020
I remember
Cool brezze at night
Shinning stars in sky
Birds chirping at dawn
Sun rising in east
People walking to their farm

I see
Polluting brezze at night
Darkness in sky
drunkard shouting at dawn
Sleeping as sun rise
People walking to their hallow life

I remember
Kids in street
Families in house
Love in lives
Health became wealth

I see
Kids with tab
People in house
Greed in life
Wealth became health

I remember
The joy
The love
The care
The bond
The happiness
All shared

I see
The pride
The envy
The greed
The jealousy
The loneliness
All given

I remember
The days of past left
To became what
I see
Remembering the past when everything was simple
Sep 2020 · 209
2 am: love
Riju Gupta Sep 2020
Blue screen
Red eyes
Frowning with smile

Looking straight in her eyes
As he swipe through her profile
Switching app to app
To see her latest stride

At noon
Tired eyes
Still she is on mind

Follow, friend request or ping,
What should he do?
To let her know,
He too subsist

Full of Fear
Followed, requested and pinged too

Felt as a proposal
For her to choose
Between him and the other guys who send her posts too

Thinking, he is ignored

He was being okay
But Phone chimed
Notifying “one new request”.

Shaking breaths
Fear of uncertainness
As he opened,
Its her request

He accepted as soon as he can
Showing his keenness
Thinking to makes his move
Without caring if its too soon

Mutual friends
All know what it meant

He thought
Hi, hello or what up?
Before, he asks
“If she mind being on her what’s app?”

Full of expectations
“Hey, how you doing?” He texted

In seconds
Phone chimed
It notified, she “posted a new picture”
He instantly commented and liked
Waiting for her to reply

Days passed
Likes, comments, content shared
But she didn’t replied
How she was?
And He thought
He was someone more

Another night

Red eyes
And one more profile.
Virtual dating in todays world
Sep 2020 · 136
Riju Gupta Sep 2020
The world is moving fast
The things are sliding too
Ohhh what to say about time
And don’t forget your will for it

In this hustle bustle
The time stills
Starting with the fading voices
Zooming into people’s expression
Somehow feeling what you inhale and exhale
As the mysterious power raises your spine
Powering every hair on your body
Its strike
Than and there.
And suddenly everything is at pace again
Everyone is racing for their share
Even you.
But you feel
You feel the calming urge
You feel the heart soothing
You feel the breath slowing

You feel
What it is
You feel
what to be

And you know
You just know
Feeling when you are surrounded by unknown people in a party
Aug 2020 · 152
Riju Gupta Aug 2020
You know
Sometimes its just you and time
With thoughts in mind
Wondering whats beyond
The walls you sit behind
Structured by your own mind
Filled with love and fights
Shared by your own kind
To make you feel
Its worst behind

But when you look up
at sky
Moving beyond and high
Sitting with your thoughts and time
You wonder
Is it really
How i wanna live for life
Believing its worse out there
And warmth inside
Feelings right now
Aug 2020 · 163
Street called: Life
Riju Gupta Aug 2020
Blazing sun
Moderate winds
70-80% humidity
Cracked roads
Racked foot paths
Scattered waste
Rising smoke
Pile of bricks in corner

Group of 4 children
Not older than 10
Running and shouting
With all laughs and giggles
On behind another
Carrying a white sack

Crossed the drenched children
In white shirt and blue pant
Soaked in sweat
Like they are carrying the world
On their back

one of the child
In check grey shirt
Looked at them
As he moved across
In back seat of benz
With ice-cream in one of the hand

18-20 year looking  guy
Smoking ciggerate at one end
With eyes Hooked to moving benz
Surrounded with his gang

As the aunty from across
Drying her dress
What a cheap ***

Mason passing by her house
Basket on his head
And shouting
To mark his presence

A girl wearing heals
With a mid thigh and deep neck dress
Crosses a pool of water and mud
Worrying about all the effort
She made to look her best

Every man on road
Eyes struck to her pose
Thinking what a *****
Can’t she wear some more

A group of 4 may be 6
In mid 40’s to 50’s
Sipping their tea
While judging every thing they see
Discussing how its better &
How its worse ,for sharma’s son
Ignoring their own worse

Bells ringing
Azan singing
Ik Onkar ecoing
Horns honking
Dogs barking
People shouting
Life’s running

A sadhu sits aside
And Ignites
Now With glassy eyes
Grasped all this mundane life
Mumble’s these miserable lives
Om shanti Om shanti Om shanti!!

A guy, on top
Watching this all
And gasps
What a crazy life

And writer’s write
Welcome to street, Called
Aug 2020 · 125
Red and White
Riju Gupta Aug 2020
In a sleep,thoughts strike
Nurtured by life,A story arise

A boy, haunted by his mind
Tried and tried, it only went wild
Asleep or awake it kept nagging his mind
A guy in red and white

“Questioned the boy, Who are you?
He replied, who am i?
Said the boy, yes you
He smiled and replied “you”.
“what you mean”the boy whispered
As He approached and handed a note scribbled over with death
Boy took a breath as he watched the man walk back and fade to darkness
opened the note and
Screamed to his best.”

Boy awake full of sweat,heart pounding out of his chest
Swallowed some air to quench his thirst
Chipping his lips, trying to remember what he read
“Not again” he said
As he walked in a room and snuggled his dad
Time again and again
Till one day he walked in a room to his dead dad.”

With a deep breath, we open our eyes
and realise its not a real life.

We turn around
close our eyes
For another ride

Till we see a guy in red and white
Standing with a note to death in sight
And hearing a scream as we open our eyes.
Aug 2020 · 652
Here i am
Riju Gupta Aug 2020
Here i am
Legs hanging from top
Wind is blowing fast
Its hard, with all the hair
In my eyes, intruding my beautiful sight

Imagining a sky
A little yellow and red
with a background of white
In the centre lies a star
Brightest of all, Circular in form
Luminating us all

But there’s still something odd
There’s a fear that evolve
What i am?
What if i can’t?
What i am here for?
Is this all?

To this
I smile with a clutching eye
Holding my fear inside
Waiting for someone to rely
Someone with similar cry
Someone who is also building a sky

Day after Day
I try, to build a better sky
With all the birds that fly
With all the shades that glide
But the fear still slides
Ruining my beautiful sight
(Like a hair in eye)

One day
I saw someone
Wondering with his neck raised a little
Smiling with the clutching eyes
Nodding like, something isn’t right

I said,”Excuse-me”
Is it “A little yellow and red, with a background of white.”  
He said “its just, A golden sky full of flying life.”
I laughed and
Held his hand
Brought him, where is stand

With our legs hanging from top
Wind blows with a different odour
There’s no more intrusion in my vision

We stand at top
He created the golden sky
Full of flying life
I created a fallen star
Circular in form
Sinking in the west

It is the best
We looked at eachother’s face
And smiled our best

There were no more fears,
no more nodding’s of head
Its Just us and Our sunset
Holding hands and talking
How it really felt,How we can
How it matters , what we can?

Here i am
With a coffee in my hand
Watching the sunset
With the wind in my face
Hair in my eyes

Thinking what it really can
If there’s someone to hold my hand
And walk me through sand
Sharing his sunset
With what he can.

— The End —