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 Nov 2015 Nieve
 Nov 2015 Nieve
You said I was the first
And only girl you ever loved.
To show me,
You gave me
a little black ball of fuzz,
A tiny life,
with eyes as green as yours,
And with that cat,
You sparked my newest love.
When I doubted,
You didn't bother to ask why,
You just ran.
I came back,
Hoping you were there.
Ironically enough,
You had left me for a girl
Who already loved cats...

But she will never love you.
 Nov 2015 Nieve
 Nov 2015 Nieve
I could not find myself an ocean
That mimicked your eyes
So I went down to the river bed.
I looked at the grass and I realized
Your eyes were never blue.
 Nov 2015 Nieve
dating a writer
 Nov 2015 Nieve
dating a writer
is like guessing the weather.
you think you know what you'll get,
but you never do.

you never know

she'll create a hero
from your weaknesses

and she'll write a great character,
from every last flaw.

she'll create a thousand plots  
from your worst nightmares.

she'll take every last thing you hate
and create something you'll love.

she'll turn your anger
into confessions of adoration,

and she'll make you,
everything you're not.

but worst of all,
she'll leave you wondering-
is it you she's in love with,
or things she's created from you?

but here's the beauty of it:

if you date a writer,
you'll never die.
When the day is done
the sunburned moon
breaks down on the lonely river.

Glistening in her tears
the river carries her away to the sea.
 Nov 2015 Nieve
Here in my heart,
You are housed like the life-force.

Here in my mind,
You are housed like the conscience.

I feel victorious in your company,
I feel prosperous.

I feel completed in your company,
I feel inseparable.
A poem originated from Facebook comments.

My HP Poem #907
©Atul Kaushal
 Nov 2015 Nieve
These Poems
 Nov 2015 Nieve
These poems I write for you,
Might just be words for the rest,
But I know what these are for you.

These poems I write for you,
Might well be my heart's crest,
Waves they send of love for you..

These poems I write for you,
Will always stand time's test,
But... These are only for you...
My HP Poem #909
©Atul Kaushal
 Oct 2015 Nieve
Raghu Menon
We die momentarily
When dear ones depart us
But we are reborn
with their energies
transferred to us
and may be
they live in us,
through us
we are worthy
of being the carrier of
"their" lives..
for what
they stood
in their lives,
the values they fought for
the virtues which they cultivated ...
 Oct 2015 Nieve
You Are Fire.
 Oct 2015 Nieve
the wind blows like
there is a tremendous fire
it has to put out and it is afraid
not to give its very best

but the problem with the wind
is it doesn't see anything else
except for that raging fire
blindly damaging everything around it

now when I walk the streets I see the wreck
the fallen branches and the leaves
and the uprooted trees that
the furious wind left in its wake

sometimes, people are like the wind
and you are the burning fire
everything around you might vanish
but you will still be there, raging on.*

I hope you will still be there.
Let the wind fuel the fire within you.
be strong. #LandoPH
 Oct 2015 Nieve
Just Us
 Oct 2015 Nieve
Don't warp it into something that never was.
Just a game we played inside our heads with our hearts.

Failed predictions of a future that could never be.

You'll only ever be you.

I'll only ever be me.
Together, alone. Separate but whole.
 Oct 2015 Nieve
I do believe
Tonight, more than all others
The distance pierces my soul
A deeper depth
For each mile apart
A thousand punctures through
Still, after the red gums black
What is left
To course through my emptied veins
Is nought but you
The very life within me
The very beat of my heart
Your sweet breath
My only air
'Tis love that bridges the distance
But pain flows in rapids beneath
With you souls soar with angels
Anticipation of your return
Leads each day
As my smile is painted
With the memory of your own
Traversing the bridge
A tricky feat on stormy nights
The rain sparkles like diamonds
The moonlight never more beautiful
As in their reflection
Feeding the river
Yet, somehow, fortifying the bridge
Love is rooted deeply
Bound in eternal light
To a world tinged in darkness
A beacon within
Home is always in sight
If just out of reach
With eyes closed in slumber
United in bliss
Wrapped in the last time
Living for the next time
As much as it can be called living
Being stabbed by each
Of a thousand miles
Missing you painfully
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