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White face burns in night  .  .  .
Light of moon slides across lake,
  .  .  .  Spot on loneliness.
 Apr 2014 Michael Amery
the warmth of your hands
as they hold my heart
messages are a treasure when you speak in poetry
 Apr 2014 Michael Amery

Simple short phrases

Taken from the grayest clouds,
charcoal mist collecting my thoughts
Entwining my heart with pointed sorrow
as my stupidity takes center stage to a sold out show

Weakened at the knees, dis-jointed disappointments,
assumptions falter my eyes
Blinded by the sight of one more
licking the seasoned wounds of past regrets

Channeling frustrations with a remote, the mute button not working
Shoe fittings find my mouth, at least in silent words
Crying inside and outside too,
rivers of lost dreams stored in a mason jar…its lid rusted shut

Wrenching my fingers, twisted knots,
lacing fears that are merely a mirage
yet still flourish in desert dreamscapes fluctuating
as camels drink from my oasis on Wednesdays

Then, as if a window opens, words are heard

simple short phrases
tiny syllables counted
in Senryu fashion

and in an instant my heart spins in circular motions
A smile of winged happiness adorns my face,
sun pours through and zephyrs unfurl their sweet aromas,
dancing from flower to flower…to my heart

It is amazing how words can effect us
and all it takes is a whisper of affection, a declaration of caring
from you to me,
to make this moment, this day, this world…the perfect place
It's getting hot again, and I always start
to come back to life in the heat,
something to do with being covered in sweat
and the way things smell,
plants exploding everywhere,
wind caressing before a thunderstorm,
and the throbbing of drums deep in the night.
Somehow I always wake up with bites and scratches,
recurrent love-making and the urge
to put up mosquito netting so I can leave the windows open.
Ah, the sun turns everything soft here,
well, not necessarily everything when you're with me
and the world dissolves into a tangle of limbs and tongues,
something akin to dancing in private
and I'm not sure which I prefer;
the sensuality of moving to drums and guitars with you,
or the ferocity of our moonlight sonatas.
One day, those who have been dismissed to the shadows will see the sun again in all it's glory.

One day, those whose origins have followed them like demons in the night, will arise and face the past as conquerors.

One day, these oceans of ignorance and fear will recede, and humanity will bridge the gap between haves and have-nots.

One day, I will not need a substance to open my mouth and speak about what I truly love.

One day, the world WILL change, and those who have been crushed beneath the weight of a thousand wailing voices will awaken.

One day, you and I will stand on the brink of a world without the need to succeed at the expense of someone else's livelihood.

One day, we all may be able to look on a new dawn and finally breath in the scent of an unbroken soul.

One day, there will be no need for Saints of Lost Causes, or children picking garbage all over the world.

One day, I will say that I love you, and in so doing, finally achieve my freedom.
 Apr 2014 Michael Amery
Christmas came
on a Thursday in the middle of June
The snow swelled up around us
Our bodies, did it consume.
I drank the whiskey
And you drank the gin
We made love until love could be made over again
By the light of a cold Christmas Eve
I waited for you
Waited for you to leave
But you came again
And again
And again
And I wanted to close my eyes and wash you away once again
But when I looked up there you were
At the top of the moon
Or the sun
Or maybe the end of the Earth
Heaven knows I know you were not the worst
I could have
But you definitely made a mark
On me
Didn’t you, that.
Nothing is as it seems.
 Apr 2014 Michael Amery
The worst thing I've ever done
Was love a man who wasn't mine.
Day-colored wine,
night-colored wine,
wine with purple feet
or wine with topaz blood,
starry child
of earth,
wine, smooth
as a golden sword,
as lascivious velvet,
wine, spiral-seashelled
and full of wonder,
never has one goblet contained you,
one song, one man,
you are choral, gregarious,
at the least, you must be shared.
At times
you feed on mortal
your wave carries us
from tomb to tomb,
stonecutter of icy sepulchers,
and we weep
transitory tears;
spring dress
is different,
blood rises through the shoots,
wind incites the day,
nothing is left
of your immutable soul.
stirs the spring, happiness
bursts through the earth like a plant,
walls crumble,
and rocky cliffs,
chasms close,
as song is born.
A jug of wine, and thou beside me
in the wilderness,
sang the ancient poet.
Let the wine pitcher
add to the kiss of love its own.

My darling, suddenly
the line of your hip
becomes the brimming curve
of the wine goblet,
your breast is the grape cluster,
your ******* are the grapes,
the gleam of spirits lights your hair,
and your navel is a chaste seal
stamped on the vessel of your belly,
your love an inexhaustible
cascade of wine,
light that illuminates my senses,
the earthly splendor of life.

But you are more than love,
the fiery kiss,
the heat of fire,
more than the wine of life;
you are
the community of man,
chorus of discipline,
abundance of flowers.
I like on the table,
when we're speaking,
the light of a bottle
of intelligent wine.
Drink it,
and remember in every
drop of gold,
in every topaz glass,
in every purple ladle,
that autumn labored
to fill the vessel with wine;
and in the ritual of his office,
let the simple man remember
to think of the soil and of his duty,
to propagate the canticle of the wine.
 Apr 2014 Michael Amery
We were the mystery
We were the shaking of heads
We were the whispers in the bathroom at 11 am

We were the smoke in the hallways

We were the leaves catching on air currents
like "I don't care how or why but I'm going somewhere"

We were balled up bills in the crook of
someone's sweaty Xanax palm

We were the lamps at night burning
We were the lasers on the ceiling
We were the lines of chemicals waiting on the counter

We were nothing good
nothing but mud and regrets on our feet

The teachers shook their heads
wondered to themselves how we ever got to sleep
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