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Dec 2017 · 280
The Girl in the Mirror
Haruhi Dec 2017
They don't know.
They don't feel.
I wish I knew.
I wish I couldn't.
Your eyes are weary.
Your heart is a deep maroon
it's still trying to stay up.
Using the bare minimum to sustain itself.
They can't help.
You can't help.
You need help.
You can't find it.
The Girl in the Mirror.
Jan 2017 · 411
Haruhi Jan 2017
Abandoned, left for self-determination.
Betrayed, sacrificed to inner demons.
Obliterated, a mind shattered beyond recognition.
Misheard, a brutal display of unspoken needs.
Iridescent, veiled feelings in one’s mind.
Nocturnal, midnights are the coldest.
Afterlife, we all get two.
Bent, once admired.
Lies, questionable.
Exasperated, done.
Oct 2016 · 442
The Writer
Haruhi Oct 2016
She is a Writer.
She writes of things that help others.
She writes for freedom.
She writes for fun.
Her style is unique in it's own right.
Her pens all drained.
Her thoughts expressed.
Not by violence.
Nor by explosion of the voice.
Just by paper, through pen.
She writes for friends.
She writes from life.
She writes for anyone who stops by.
She is a Writer.
An idea not at all new, but still as rare as ever.
Sep 2016 · 450
Haruhi Sep 2016
I'm malleable, new dough.
I'm stained, old clothes.
I'm tainted, old soul.
I'm crashing, my life.
I'm thriving, my mind.
I'm something, nothing.
I'm safe, unfold the debate.
I'm happy, let the tears flow.
I'm grateful, surely this you know.
I'm disrespectful, to me we see different sides.
I'm thankful, soon we will all die.
Sep 2016 · 561
Storm Clouds
Haruhi Sep 2016
Ahead of me are storm clouds gathering.
Gathering violently.
I can't escape this each time.
My time to leave.
My time to run,
I'm sorry I just can't outrun it this time.
But in the nic of time,
I get swept up.
There's no way to get out of it now.
These storm clouds are of a different variety.
Ones full of different emotions.
Ones full of hate.
No matter how hard you try,
You can't outrun family.
Aug 2016 · 413
This is Because of Society
Haruhi Aug 2016
At night I dream of hugging you.
Kissing you gently.
Keeping you warm during winter.
Dressing up lazily during the summer.
Laughing through the day.
Taking care of one another through our darkest days.

You're my aspirin.
My bottle of *****.
I get drunk off of your body.

You're a candle on fire.
You're the sway of the ocean.
A beautiful masterpiece.
When I wake up and you're not beside me.
I start to think out loud.

"This is because of society."
Nothing is wrong with this.
I only wish to cuddle you.
Make sure you feel loved.

I need you to know I care, that I would never leave you.

You're so cute when you have that messy hair....

You're the love of my life!
People are far too rude when it comes to these things.
No one even stops to think.....
If you can love a boy.
Then why can't I love one too?
It's wrong to hate on people just because they love someone.
Aug 2016 · 385
Haruhi Aug 2016
When can I reach you?
A separate land.
A place unknown to our universe.
When can I feel you?
Your sweet embrace.
The tender feel of your hair.
When can we meet?
A longing; forgotten by man, unrivaled by lust.
When can we kiss?
The kind images projecting into my eye.
The stories I make in my mind.
When can I stop?
The barriers, walls separating our two kinds.
You are nothing but an image on a screen...
Yet you mean so much to me.
Mar 2016 · 747
Haruhi Mar 2016
Depression is a black mass that swallows up the sun.
Depression is the lightless cavern in the sea.
Depression is the monster eating away at me.
I always think and it always gets the better of me. Don't take this the wrong way, but why do boys ****? I just need to know. x(
Mar 2016 · 653
Hanging On to You
Haruhi Mar 2016
I'm hanging onto you like a kitten on a branch.
Calluses appear on my hands like acne on a teen.
Sweat beating down my face, glistening against the sun.
Holding on takes too much.

There is no support system.
No beam.
No ground.
Nothing to lean on.
Holding on takes too much.

I watch you from down here listening to every word.
Hoping I hear you say my name.
I feel the weight on my body grow heavier and pull me down.
Holding on takes too much.

Falling, still gazing back up at you.
Hoping you catch me.
Hoping you notice me.
Hoping you care.
Holding on takes too much.

Depression. Dark and empty.
The only result of chasing you.
Depression the only result of needing you.
Holding on takes too much.
R. I thought of this. Sounds like the two if us right? Any one feel like this?
Sorry if you're a teen and you don't have acne. xD
Feb 2016 · 587
Haruhi Feb 2016
This sadness is bottled up **** a nicely aged wine.
I going insane and trudging through the pain.
Mother, mother my friends are fine.
They would never let me stray.
Or fall behind.

I'm crying on the inside by showing off a smile.
My lies are the truths and my truths are lies.
I couldn't bare to see you mad or sad.

You've tried to make me a respectable young woman,
Tried to push me to the light,
But the monster in me is holding on tight.
Time and time again you've pulled me out,
But the madness is overwhelming consuming me inside.

It's not your fault.
But mine.
I'm the stain on your heart,
You can't rub off.

I still care even though I blew it.
I wouldn't be surprised if you walked out just like daddy did.
But that doesn't matter now.
I'll go to sleep shut my mouth.
But in the morning don't expect me to be sitting there on the couch.
I don't know what to say....
If anyone needs someone to talk to I'm here! ^.^
I'm a good listener! I swear! <3
Feb 2016 · 696
Haruhi Feb 2016
Recollecting on a paper ,
With the one you love,
Is hard to do and hard to fight.
The time comes when we must be strong.
Strong enough to remember when things were bad for us.

Relationships, family, even life in general.
We were meant to be happy and joyous, not hateful!
When memories creep up on us,
We acknowledge them and say "Hey!"
This may be hard and seem impossible
But we can only go as far as we paddle.
Be strong for us.
"Together we stand divided we fall."

We remember the emotions and mix them in our heads,
Wanting the emotions to be buried again.
I'd like to try over. Do everything right.
I want the chance to make him happy one more time.
I'm and idiot and can't remember where that quote is from so if anyone wants to tell me, I'm all ears. xD
Fight for what you want and be strong and confident.
It may seem hard but you're strong enough for the job!
Feb 2016 · 373
A Place
Haruhi Feb 2016
My mind runs and my mouth can't keep up.
It never seems to rest.
I run through dark places trying
To find a place where my heart isn't a mess.
To find a place where thoughts aren't heard.
To stumble upon a place where
No one can here my voice crack.
Where no one can hear my pitiful pleads.

I always run down shadowy lanes.
Turn left and right.
And just when I think I've met the end,
I have to go back and start over again.
A sanctuary with peace and tranquility
Is where I can let my mind reset and begin.
I have been thinking too much this week. x| I need to stop, but I can't.
Feb 2016 · 527
Valentines Day
Haruhi Feb 2016
For others Valentines day means love.
I've never had a good view on this day,
Mostly because I, myself destroyed the positive.
I meddled with my own love,
Contorted it into something I didn't recognize.
I sought after the culprit but never expected it to be me.
I looked for myself in the love once again,
But only found a empty hole, a canyon.
He was cool, sweet and nice.
I didn't realize it in time.
In my mind it crossed through over and over,
But in the end I was doomed to relive it again
Tomorrow is the day I broke up with my first boyfriend. I feel bad but hey he seems to be doing fine. ^.^
Feb 2016 · 378
Yesterday Follows
Haruhi Feb 2016
~When midnight strikes it's a new day,~
~But yet it follows the mood of yesterday,~
~Yesterday's pains and worries we will carry.~
~Yesterday's shadow lingers and in it we wallow.~
~In the days that we seem to swallow,~
~Yesterday will always follow.~
I wrote this a couple weeks ago and I forgot to switch it to Public. xD
So um, here ya go! I think this is three weeks late? >~<
Feb 2016 · 784
Haruhi Feb 2016
Sometimes you must
HURT in order to KNOW
FALL in order to GROW
LOSE in order to GAIN
Because life's greatest lessons are learned through pain.
I was watching Naruto and Pain came on and gave his speech and I liked what he said so I decided to put it here so everyone can see it.
Jan 2016 · 308
Eyes in the dark
Haruhi Jan 2016
When you are at a mental high.
The fall is always too hard for one person to handle.
The landing is all too crushing to bear.
The hole you made is all too deep.
The falling never seems to stop.
The agony in your mind is all too real to set aside.
It's all too real to forget.
Happiness falling into the hands of Nothingness.
Light being smothered by the dark.
The eyes in the dark piercing your skin.
Burning a hole straight through your core.
But you can get past this.
You must open your eyes to see who is there.
You must open your eyes in the dark in order to see the light.
I don't know how to feel anymore. >_<
Jan 2016 · 330
A girl
Haruhi Jan 2016
A girl without self pride is like,
A sun that does not shine,
A star that does not twinkle,
To brighten up the night sky.
Dec 2015 · 5.6k
Haruhi Dec 2015
You're stunning.
You're stunning with all your "flaws".
Your "flaws" make you unique.
Your "flaws" make up your physique.

All your "flaws" are your true beauty.
They make you shine brighter.
The "flaws" make you a human.
"Flaws" make you complete.
Nothing is a bad flaw.
If you're not as skinny as the other girls
You're not fat you're curvy.
If you're not as fit or as good looking as the other guys,
You're not hideous, unlovable you're a late bloomer.
(Even if you are like 23 or freaking 67 doesn't matter)
We all have "flaws", whether we choose to accept them or not, determines whether or not they are bad thing.
Dec 2015 · 401
The Pain of Moonlight
Haruhi Dec 2015
When the moonlight reaches my window at night,
I break down and start to cry.
It reminds me of when things weren't so bad.
When my life was filled to the brim with lies.
When all I had to do was color really bad.
Now a days I've seem to have forgotten,
How to enjoy the little things,
That I stand here idly watching.
I can't forgive myself for wrong actions done,
But neither can I forget about the lessons I've learned.
The moonlight causes these pains to surface,
each and every time I lay down for night.
It's not all that bad though,
No really it's fine,
Tortuous memories are just what I need to survive.
Dec 2015 · 594
"Mother"and "Father"
Haruhi Dec 2015
The Ashes of a Phoenix brings life but means death.
The bee stinging a human brings death but means strength.
A girl and a boy means bad news,
For me and you.
But if they have the strength to resist.
The families will live in bliss.
But if they were to give into temptation.
Their bodies intertwine and make the heat rise.
But if they could keep it under wraps,
It just means they're back to being "friends"
All because of the weight of being a "mother",
Comes to early for the girl who couldn't resist.
And comes the label "father",
For a man
that was still a boy.
Don't get pregnant till you're ready to take responsibility of that child.
For real.
Simple as that.
Hold back.
Keep your pride.
Dec 2015 · 495
I dream of passion
Haruhi Dec 2015
I dream of passion.
A fiery love.
A relationship full of electricity.
Too bad it's still only a dream.

I dream of men.
Imagine the perfect man.
Unrequited love changes in a instant.
A special moment for two of us.

I dream of women.
A cute girl that's perfect for me.
Cover ourselves with blankets at night.
Her warm embrace.

I dream of passion.
I see us as one.
In unexpected scenes.
I dream of me loving you.
Tamera the Teacher. x3
Dec 2015 · 315
Haruhi Dec 2015
There's a motor in me in need of oil.
It grinds and squeaks,
Like a turn table.
My gears are rusted and have stopped turning.
My brain is down and needing a surgeon.
There's no way to win when you live in doubt.
If it came down to it,
Who would you ****?
Who would you save?
Who would you allow to operate?
When will you switch out my batteries,
So I can move away?
When will I be able to detach from the puppet master's fingers?
I'm sick of this way of living, living by their rules.
Everyday obeying and going to school.
My life was simple without all this tech junk,
But now I'm on it 24/7 and I can't seem to get enough.
Dec 2015 · 368
Because of you
Haruhi Dec 2015
The shattered vase lies on the ground.
The broken plate crashed against the wall.
The glass of milk spilled on the floor.
My mascara running down my face.
My hands sill, lifeless, not a trace.

Rain splattering on my window,
Leaving it to run.
Why can't I run from you,
Like the rain runs from the window pane?

I can't run from what I feel.
I can't be ashamed of what I think is real
Not all my dreams come to fruition
Not all heartaches go away
But that's okay

Every thing is not what it seems
I'm freaking out inside
But not because of me.
Because of you.

Your smile weakens me,
Like an arrow in the knee.
But that's just me.
So I think you're cute.
This poem just screams it!
Can't you see?
Dec 2015 · 363
The Next Stage
Haruhi Dec 2015
My life is great
Dreams are my safe haven
Fantasies keep my mind awake
Life keeps me wondering
Friends keep me thinking
Crushes force me to keep fighting

One day these will turn for the worst
My mind will break down
My fantasies will turn into a dark place
My dreams will turn to nightmares
My life will turn on it's head
My friends will banish me
My crushes will cease to amaze me
This will be the next stage.
Spanish class.... Whoooo!
Dec 2015 · 1.3k
Haruhi Dec 2015
My body aches.
My palms are sweaty.
My breathes are between screams.
Every time I'm with you.

My stomach is in knots.
I feel alive, I feel pain.
I feel the blood trickle down my throat
The sensation of a knife on my skin

Tear jerking thoughts of self mutilation flood into my mind.
My body is heavier, almost like cast iron.
I fall, knowing it will hurt you.
So I'm sorry.
Tomorrow I won't fall, so I won't hurt you.

Tomorrow you will be free.
I'll carry the burden of pain,
So you won't have to.
Tomorrow I will be stronger so I can carry,
My pain and yours as well.
Nov 2015 · 442
Buffer Action
Haruhi Nov 2015
That buffer action finds me,
ensnares me.
Ruins my whole show.
Buffer action.
Why do you haunt so?
I need to know why.
Buffer action.
I went to the help center,
I found a solution.
I clicked on your tab,
and it showed me the message.
Internet has stopped working, restart application?
What did I do to you?
Oh, bitter sweet,
Buffer action.
Trying to watch things... and stupid nuhhhhh. Have a great day! <3
Nov 2015 · 395
Haruhi Nov 2015
When my eyes shine there are tears threatening to fall.
When I smile there is a frown engraving itself onto me.
When I laugh there is a cry creeping into me.
I am a screen
When you look at me there's a crack.
When there's a crack there's a piece falling to the floor.
When that piece shatters I'm less a person than I originally was.
When I appear happy there's a deep feeling of hatred within.
Don't leave me stranded after the things you have seen,
instead stand by me and help me wash it off my skin.
I feel kinda weird... but that's fine. Have a good night everybody. :3
Nov 2015 · 516
Lucy's and Xavier's stories
Haruhi Nov 2015
This is a poem about Lucy
She's thinkin' about someone
she loves
someone far away
someone who can''t help but think
about Lucy too
even in their hardest times
someone older then her
someone mentally ready for pain

Long distances love stretches through
far across the globe
never thinning even at the farthest distances
between shots the one across seas
will say "I'll come back for you.
I won't come back in a letter
I won't come back in a coffin
I'll come back
I'll come back in person
I'll come back to you alive."

Xavier is 15 he is in 10th
his mom is a veteran who knows her past
She was a mechanic in the gulf war
she was beaten down
and broke

Now every day she has to take ten different
pain killers, and two kinds of muscle relaxers
she is always in pain
her back is the main reason for this

Xavier asked his mom to get something for him
She leaned and dropped to the floor
and said
"Sorry Xavier, I'm hurting too much. We'll have to leave."
Xavier frowned and pouted
he looked down at his mother's face
she was on the brink of tears
he bucked and lifted his mom
and took her to the car

there she took more pain killers and a ibuprofen
she sank down into the car seat
her became calm and sighed before he opened the door
he handed her the credit card
and started the car
he drove her to the Va
where they gave her more pain killers
and  prescribed her more
and more pain killers

Our Veterans and Active members of the Military
are the reason for our freedom
the reason for our living
they gave us this gift
and Veterans day just isn't doing it
we shouldn't just thank
and support them around this day
Veterans day should be every day
It's sad we can't that happen, even after all they've done
Today is the Marines Birthday, Happy 240th Birthday!
Tomorrow is Veteran's Day! You know what that means!
Yep! You know so I don't have tell you!
Happy days guys!
Oct 2015 · 393
Haruhi Oct 2015
The usual lives of every one gather
Dust in my mind
I really don't have time to
Sit and think about theirs

When I can sit and think about my own
And the mistreated people of the world
Or as a matter of fact how about
The friends I know
The friends that know
How their lives are

I know mine but I never took the
time to understand theirs
How can I call myself
A friend
When I can't even sympathize or
Be of comfort

How can I just sit back while some are being threatened
While some are being cursed at?
All this and my friends still take up for me
Is that what a real friend is?

How can I just sit there
While they're fighting my battles
How can I let myself be there for them
When I can't do anything

How can they expect me to be happy
All the time when sometimes
All I want to do is cry?

How can I know myself so well
But resent the fact I know myself at all
How can I force myself to
Be happy for the ones' I know
But not for myself

My laughter and smiles are not
Always genuine
I bet I fool my friends
I bet I fool them all
Heck I even fool myself sometimes

I know my friends well enough
To not let them
See me sad
The feelings are REAL. Right now....
Oct 2015 · 379
The Ugly Truth
Haruhi Oct 2015
I used to fear not being good
Enough for anyone else
But recently I have taken a liking
To not caring what they think
I have been afraid of
What people might think if
They found out who I actually was
Or rather what I liked
So this is the truth
The ugly truth
It's not fun being something else
I have been around too many friends that
Don't seem to care so why should I
I'm different and that's how
it's always been
The difference is I know it
But sadly, some others don't.
Tada! This is what happens when I'm left alone in my room. Thoughts come out. .-.
Oct 2015 · 440
My "Dad"
Haruhi Oct 2015
When the air gets colder
And my clothes get heavier
Your hugs only seem to get warmer
Your kisses on my forehead only seemed to get sweeter

But that was all a dream a forgotten storm
You left so many years ago
I have even forgotten your rank
I have forgotten why you didn't come home

At first I only thought the worst
I only thought the inevitable
That you died in combat
That I wouldn't be able to say to
Good bye to you

I loved you so much
Mother says she kicked you out
because you
were mean to us
That you called us names

The sad thing is I only hold on to the
Fondest of memories with you
The happy ones
The ones where you held me and
Cradled me in your arms

I know somewhere in your heart you
Didn't come home because you
Didn't feel like abandoning your post
Or maybe you were way too busy!

I was only four when you left
I was a only a child
I was only a kid
When you left it was just brother
Mother and I

We made it work without you though
I grew up idolizing other father figures
I grew up wanting to be more like the
Man of the house to take over
YOUR role

Hey! You should see me now!
I am a teenager and I know you would
be proud of the woman I've turned into
If only you were here to see us
After all this time
And hey! Help my mom pay for
Things considering we are still your children
Maybe you should think about us

I know you're fighting with
The Marines but I still can't handle the fact
That I HAD a dad
That someone was there for us

But that's fine now
Who really cares
I know you don't
Uhm... I kind of... Uhh....Never mind.
Oct 2015 · 751
Haruhi Oct 2015
Joy is my life
She is the most beautiful girl
She is my woman
She knows how to dress to impress me
I love her with all my life
She can cook *** pies like
a southern woman
Joy brings me happiness
And puts a fascinating smile on
me everyday
Her smile brights up my day
Her laugh gives me comfort
Her eyes gray and blue
the colors of my mind
Joy can do everything
I could never be mad at
Joy is my Jo-Bear
And Joy is mine
Joy is my girl and I love
Oct 2015 · 378
Inpending Sleep
Haruhi Oct 2015
As my eyes grow weary
My body starts to fall
I know now
that I need sleep
So tomorrow I can
be headstrong
Oct 2015 · 401
Haruhi Oct 2015
It's 9:20 and the girl in front of me
is thinking about him
She's thinking about how he
can forget about what they had
She's thinking about how
bad she feels and
how it doesn't even seem to faze him

Is she not worth the memories?
Did he wipe their wonderful times
out of his mind
Or was he thinking she hurt
him so much that
he never
wanted to think of the
pain she caused him
ever again?

They see each other at school
practically everyday except
Saturdays and Sundays
Fricks' sake they even talk!
So why is it that he doesn't seem to
remember their relationship?
She still remembers

She still remembers his warm
greeting smile
The tender hugs that
just screamed
I love you

She was too shy and young
to say it back then
She'd always blush and look down
whenever he said that to her
She really couldn't control it

She knew she should
have said it back but she ended
up ditching him instead
yes she feels bad but
this isn't your normal kind of bad
This is the kind of bad
you get when you mix
fear and despondency
together in a bowl

because she doesn't want
to hurt anyone gain
because she misses his warm embrace
and soft, vibrant smile

I have a little problem with this though
Why do I constantly narrate
my own life?
It's because I'm afraid of
saying I hurt him
I held him that
I had his smile for myself
and what did I do?

I threw it out like garbage
because I thought
I would ruin our relationship
sooner or later
I just didn't understand
the concept of
"breaking up" with someone
and "loving" someone

And so here I am lying
in bed
writing a poem about
the person I miss
just because
I couldn't say
"I love you"
Yeah......... so.................
Oct 2015 · 418
Haruhi Oct 2015
Isn't it funny how similar
Computer viruses are to
a broken heart.
The longer you hold on to them
the worse they seem to get

Or how similar a
crashed ship is to a
broken girl
Both were once beautiful
in everyone's eyes

Or how the outside of a person
is the same as a costume
A costume to look like someone else
A costume to shield yourself
from your own hatred

Or could it be that all these
similarities are merely a
Frankenstein like doll
Put together like stich work

Or is it actually true?
Just as true as the sky
Just as true as the soft hum
of a mothers' song

Whether it's true or not doesn't
matter to me
as long I have the strength
to put down this
heart shaped glass
and face the true reality
of my heart.
Oct 2015 · 6.9k
Sakura Trees
Haruhi Oct 2015
One day I'll be like a
Sakura Tree
Standing by myself leaning
Only on myself
Supplying food and shelter
For just me
I'll be as independent as a
Sailor on the open seas
I'll be like a Sakura Tree
So pretty and free
With a brown body and
Beautiful pink leaves that couldn't
Care less about anything
I'll be like Sakura Tree
Branching out to touch everybody's soul
And their inner sense of beauty
I'll be able to let the cool breeze flow
Through me without caring about a thing
One day I'll be like a Sakura Tree
Dying oh so beautifully
I love Sakura Trees look, they're really something aren't they? The right side is different huh? x}
Oct 2015 · 2.0k
My boyfriend
Haruhi Oct 2015
He was the best one I've ever had
He was my only
and the only thing I had
He was my lover my pride and joy
He said such nice things
to me day and night
He wanted me to himself
All to him
Not family not friends
Not even his friends
He lied and cussed me out
He lied and cheated on me
Why did I stay?
He broke up with me without my doing wrong
I cried all night long
He tore my heart out again, and again
He broke up with me if I didn't
like what he liked
He broke up with me if
I didn't stay the night
And yet I still stayed with him
We got back together and I loved him
I loved him so much even
When he hit me again
Why is it that I loved him so much
He hit me and bruised me
Why is it that I loved him so much?
Even though
He beat me every-day continuously
For a year and four months
I loved him so much till he broke me
I could never acknowledge him
The same way again.
My friends were there for me
Each and every time
Every-time I'd start to cry
This poem I wrote because of a dear friend Elizabeth. She is awesome, and sweet. She is one of my best friends. I love her dearly and I want her to be happy. I threatened the guy she was with. Love! X}
Oct 2015 · 1.2k
My Girl, The Temptations
Haruhi Oct 2015
I've got sunshine on a cloudy day
When it's cold outside, I've got the month of May
I guess you'd say
What can make me feel this way?

My girl, my girl, my girl
Talkin' 'bout my girl
My girl

I've got so much honey, the bees envy me
I've got a sweeter song than the birds in the trees
Well, I guess you'd say
What can make me feel this way?

My girl, my girl, my girl
Talkin' 'bout my girl
My girl

Hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey

I don't need no money, fortune or fame
I got all the riches baby, one man can claim
Well, I guess you'd say
What can make me feel this way?

My girl, my girl, my girl
Talkin' 'bout my girl
My girl
This is a really great song. I  love it so very much! Listen to it, like right now. CX No really. Now. Haha.
Oct 2015 · 434
When I'm Around You
Haruhi Oct 2015
My eyes stare when I'm around you
My mind begins to freeze
My body starts to melt and
My knees do as they please
My heart begins to pause
Momentarily not a lot
My eyes dart everywhere not
Wanting eye contact
When you smile, I smile I feel
Like a wall still and upright
You never cease to amaze me
Or make me forget what
I was going to say
The poem She Doesn't Know made me think of this guy, then that made me think of this! And Tada a poem was born! x3
Oct 2015 · 491
What about that?
Haruhi Oct 2015
When life gives you lemons
You make lemonade but what do you do
when life hands you sorrow
and confusion
I don't know
Do you know?
What do I do when the one
I love forgets all
About me?
What do I do when my friends
Always have my back
But I second guess
Having theirs'?
Am I supposed to feel bad or
Feel delighted?
Should I succumb to my emotions
Or dominate over them?
All these questions
Without a single answer
Well I guess that's fine
For the time being
Oct 2015 · 369
Vivir Una Vida
Haruhi Oct 2015
It's hard
It's hard to live
Every turn there's a new obstacle
for you to go through
Sprinkle some fun happy moments
and you get a normal life
Then there are others
Some that are overwhelmingly extravagant life and then those
that were never meant to be good
No matter which of these lives you have
It never hurts to make the best out of it
And to those that would rather die than
Live your life
Why? Why waste a perfectly good life
You were meant to rule over
A life you were meant to lead
A life YOU yourself can change
To those that look down on those who don't have the finer things
What have they done to you?
Do you even know WHO they are?
Do you know why they ARE
Who they are?
Lives were meant to be lived by one person
And one person in particular
You live your life YOU make the decisions
On your own
Why take for granted a life someone else would want
Why frown on someone for having a life
they themselves didn't want?
What's the point in judging the lives of others?
There isn't one.
For my final say
I'll say just one thing
Don't forget to be happy
At least once a day
I just kind of thought of trying to make today a good day for every one, so I typed this in hopes of putting a smile on every ones' face. c:
I was also trying to be inspirational to those who can't accept others or ones' own life. So I hope this helped in both point of view and happiness. <3 c:
Oct 2015 · 477
Regrets and Myself
Haruhi Oct 2015
My mind is always kneading
The regrets in my mind
If  it doesn't stop
It just might die
I'm so very regretful
But you still hold
That grudge
Even after my silent pleas
You just won't budge
How many times
Do I have to cry
Myself to sleep
Before you can hear
My heart weep
Please forgive me
Let the past go
Let the dust settle in our minds
This is part of a slam poem I wrote for my English class. :3
Oct 2015 · 576
My Ice-cream Sorrow
Haruhi Oct 2015
The time flies by
I wait for my time
but it never comes
Never have I been sadder than
the time I lied
to the Ice-cream man
I did have a five.
Yay. 8th period thoughts!!

— The End —