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There ain't no comin' back,
                 you always fall too far,
Into abyss, never ever learning,
You ain't comin' back,
                 from being that bad,
Leavin' you tomorrow, a promise made,
                  yesterdays last glass,
Forgivin' by the mornin', you'll always,
                  get your wish,
Nothin' is gonna come & save you,
                  you told me this,
Now look at the bliss, broken man,
                  a shot & a miss,
A kiss with a prayer; thirst, hunger, flesh,
                 heart filled boxes,
Crossing lines, blurred, unhinged,
                 beauty queen quest,
Disaster honey, the finest catch,
                trust earned with just one touch,
***, lust, a sincere must for you,
                fill it, empty it out,
Waking sober, harrowing saint,
               throw back the bottle,
Ain't no angel saving you,
              smoke another puff,
Drag it out long,
               shadow seeking,
Dissipating in air,
              polluted landscapes.
The world ain't yours any more,
              lost; born to die young.

© Sia Jane
Sorry for the epic absence and the lack of reading etc I am just crazy busy right now. Miss you all and miss your works and writing <3
An acrobat of love is she,
who contorts,  sensing
which way he loves to move,
constantly making spirited coos.
In all aspects of love, lots of times this is what happens
 May 2014 Michael W Noland
sick of playing this game, of
heart ache and pain, I'm
losing my mind, I'm
so sick of you, I'm
love sick, I'm
 May 2014 Michael W Noland
If I were a tear
I would never leave the eye
I would stick to my origin
and never say goodbye

If I were a memory
I would never leave the priceless moment
I would stick to my origin
and would be forever stagnant

If I were what you are to me
I would always be there
and never stop trying
I would never make a fight
and never go away when you're crying

If I were a butterfly
I would kiss all my pains away
Although, this is impossible
But without pains, I would want to stay

If I were in place of him
I would run and come to me
So that things become brighter and not stay dim

If I were in place for her
I would support me
and understand the pain inside my eye
and never say goodbye

If I were the words you speak
I would never come out of your mouth
and would remove my existence
and let the love come out

If I were the place of our wedding
I would keep our love safe in a platinum ring
I would make sure that the couple who came here
remain forever and mistakes would spare

But I am what I am today
And I know that will never be enough
Because no matter what I do or say,
loved people will stay rough
And someday everyone will leave me alone
I guess I deserve this
But all I can do is to give them a li'l bliss
And then my dreams i would weave
Cause people always leave!!
Contain the wind and darken the Sun
Dim the stars and let Havoc run.
Let Havoc run the world once glad
And thieve the joy that we once had.

Let Summers scorch the dying soot
And Autumns grow darker than the dirt under foot.
Let Winters cover the dead with fierce cold
And let Spring's regeneration never be told.

Harken pain and mourn the slain.
Let cries fill the skies and drive thee insane.
Never smile lest it be brightly seen
And thou be known as Evil's Unforeseen.
the soothing sensation
all feelings, erased
all the people in my thoughts
defaced and replaced
by an emptiness so bold
it's solid in shape
I am lost to its liquid embrace

it brings me to a quieter, simpler place

and I lust for its soul-numbing taste.
 May 2014 Michael W Noland
I have inhaled the air of countless cities
and left some of mine behind.

My distinct fingerprints are invisible
but they exist
in a place amidst many others
on tables and handles everywhere.

My voice had probably made someone turn
and wonder what type of a person I was.
Do I sound happy because I am
or is it a mere façade I have covered the truth with?
It will leave them pondering over the masks we wear.

Lipstick stains on coffee mugs
Kissing the worries goodbye
they flutter away into thin air
and become someone else's instead.

Eyes darting to the clouds above,
that water was once down here in the sea
but now it is above hovering over me.

Like snakes shed their skin,
and dead matter turns to trees
we leave a part of ourselves
on dusty shelves
for others to recover and use

the cycle goes on.
its a cycle
 May 2014 Michael W Noland
ketika berjalan di atas rumput
waktu seakan melambat
seakan aku melangkah terseok
seakan bumi berusaha menelan kakiku

kubiarkan tubuhku terjatuh
sementara mataku memanah langit
menunggu alam menjamahku
menggerogoti nadiku
tulang sumsumku

biarlah darahku menjadi nutrisi bagi tanah
mungkin dagingku bergizi bagi hewan liar
sementara tubuhku membusuk
bersatu dengan hara
tunas-tunas mungil muncul dari dalam
dan bunga-bungaan bermekaran
di antara tulang rusukku
Inspired by Edvard Munch's quote: "From my rotting body, flowers shall grow and I am in them and that is eternity."
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