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  Dec 2015 May Asher
John michalski
She said;
Let's make love under the sun,
Paint eachothers bodies with emotion.
Love is our adventure,
So lets stay young forever.
We can dissolve in eachothers minds,
And stay high on life.
Evaporate like water,
And soar like clouds through the open skies.
Nature is a work of art,
A world in itself.
Let's become one with nature,
Naked in its beauty,
Fragile in its womb.
She twirled to the music in her heart like a butterfly.
She followed the rain,
And sang to the storms.
She had a soul of a gypsy,
A heart of a hippie,
A personality that was wild.
She walked barefoot with freedom,
And hung her spirits high.
Naked in the clouds
where I got high off her love,
And never came down.
May Asher Dec 2015
I’m staggering and stumbling on air
climbing the clouds as I tear  

Because I can’t still see the rays of sunshine
And twinkling starlight in the night

I build hope with fragile beams of light
And sew them into my dreams

It’s constant blue stretching beyond my sight
And specks of white floating in these heights

But sky turns dark again and I shiver
And I soak again and cry and quiver

And I watch while the light fades
From my brittle dreams and false hope

And the clouds beneath me cracks open
And I fall through, tearing the layers of sky

I scream in the dark and my joints snap apart
And muscles tear and eardrums rip

And my shins split and knuckles wrench
I drown into seas and my broken body drenches

And I take breaths through my torn lungs
And try to move my severed bones

And my heart bear scars, all rusted and dried
and failing to beat one more time

And my dreams scatter on the clouds
I want to scream but my voice is gone

My whispers don’t carry through
And tears spill out my ebony eyes,

reflecting all shades of black
But not one beam of sunlight

I break down and let my mouth drop open
As if I could howl despite my slitted vocals cords

But only blood seeps through the blue
And I notice my gashes bleed

And streams of vermillion track around my arms
And neck, hands and legs. I’m all finished

And my veins burst and bloodstream erupts
And tendons break and numbness claims me

I’m gone because once I believed
I could build my dreams amidst the sky

The blue cradles me for I’m tired to stay up
And water gushes down my throat

And leaks into my lungs
And my insides suffocate

My last sight is sheer darkness
And only one star as it breaks away

And streaks across in silence
I smile and let go slowly

As the pain fades
And memories are left behind

I’m leaving here forever  
As moon smiles and draws my soul

And wraps me in shimmering moonlight
And stars show me my place

And I start my eternity as a dim glow
As a star that’ll never fade, never break

As a light that will never flicker
A glimmer, one amongst the thousand others

But I wish I could be a beam of sunlight
And reflect across the clouds

And maybe collect my dreams
And keep them forever.
May Asher Dec 2015
Like emerging from a canvas he rose,

Taking away my breaths and sanity

Like dusty scent, through lanes now he blows

While I take in his scent and keep him captivated.

The shadows of death lingered in his mind.

And I tried but I couldn't chase them away

And I saw our failing love,

Our fading red.

Our souls used to collide within our shells,

It was hollow inside us, we were just two empty wells.

Our depths couldn't be seen through eyes,

We were so deep, we defined infinite

I saw our falling love,

Our fading red

One day, he screamed, wrapped in agony

And I howled while vacancy shook me.

His breaths were taken away

And mine were not but empty again, we lay

Although we belonged together

Still we were torn apart

This was the last time I saw our dying love
May Asher Dec 2015
Your eyes are empty, love, so impossibly vacant
Devoid of any emotion, dead of dreams

Because your tears flow away,
ripping the feelings, the pain

And I reach out but our ways are separated
As misery seeps through the space between us

You walk on broken glass and still smile
I walk on flower beds but still scream

Because we're one and you can't see
I feel your pain, and with every fake smile you **** me

I'm trying, love, just close your eyes
I'll take you far far away from all this agony

I won't say I'll tear the moon for you
Or clench the sun within my hands

But, love, if their shine hurt your eyes,
Because you're too deep in dark

I promise, I'll shield you,
And heal your dark wounds

And gashes of loneliness
And scars of memories.

And I'll hold your shattered pieces
until the storm inside you ceases

I'll put them together and fix you
I'll steal your breaths away from the death

And I'll fill you again with hope
And I'll show you what's light

You're scared, love, I know
But just hold my hand and don't let go

I know you're afraid to leave the ground, love
But if you stand once, I won't let you falter

I'll hold you until you can walk on your own
To your destination of dreams all alone

I will let go then and you won't fall ever again
You'll break through all those metal chains

And through those thunder clouds you'll rise
Like piano notes and wind chimes

Love, my life was always yours,
I'll give it away if I have to

But till then I'm here, watching
As your smile flows towards realm of reality

And your dreams strengthen
With hope and my light I gave you

Its okay, love, I can stand the darkness
I'm just wishing to see you face once

But don't turn around, love,
For you've left the past behind,

And I'm amongst your past now
It's okay love, I'll live with your scars

And your memories, your broken dreams
Those dreams that you left with me

I still have them, love,
Your dreams have become mine

Only to protect and cherish
And love and remember

Until the last breath leaves me empty
Like your eyes in the start of this journey.
Drop by :
May Asher Dec 2015
Through strings and wires I've walked
Never lacking courage or hope

But now I'm utterly empty,
Just an infinite space with thousand black holes,

digging through my screaming soul
Only hollows within me that fail to contain echoes,

though I've felt my tears scream,
on every track they course down my cheeks

Slowly, I sink into the oceans of wide holes,
into the betrayal, misery that makes my home

It's not honey, flowers, and butterflies
and not care and a love on high

It's built of bleeding thoughts,
pricking my heart with needles scalding hot

Puncturing through my wounded existence,
and lost clemency tumbling through dark shadows

My sky is red and clementine
because all my hues bleed

They bleed a deep red of melancholy
Seeping through the clouds of despair, slowly

I watch as I sit numb on shadows
Just wishing to fill these hollows

And smile because I have courage to still believe
in those fairy tales I could never defeat.

Someday maybe I could stop,
weaving threads of darkness into hope.

Until then I'm a doll with no features
Wearing another facade, just a cheater.

Because I've cheated so much
One every breath and every dream I've touched

Now I'm just waiting for truth to rend me apart
from this tired body, and bleeding heart

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