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Watch out, ******
Your humanity
is showing.
Such a tragedy
to be robbed of one's youth
like a plant that has been uprooted
before it blooms.

But there must come a day,
be it soon or late, when our bodies shall
kiss the earth as she welcomes us home
with open arms.

We will all
bloom again, but in a different way,
and our petals shall decorate the graves
of those who return.

It is alright to cry,
because our tears shall water
the fields of the ones we have loved,
for when we die,

we are flowers.
I did not know Andy. We never spoke, since I recently joined, but I know all too well the pain of having lost someone too soon.
All I can hope is that everyone who has ever loved him stays safe in this time of grief, and can soon find the comfort and healing they need. I can see he was loved very much. You are all in my thoughts.
This poem is for him and for the rest of you.
I'm sorry it is not very good, since you all deserve so much more, but I can not offer anything except my words. I feel as though anything I say will be the wrong thing to say, but I mean well.

It is my belief that when we die, our remains will eventually become flowers. When I think about this, it personally helps me cope with death. Perhaps it will help someone else through their grief.

With love,
J.E. DuPont

"From my rotting body, flowers shall grow and I am in them and that is eternity."
-Edvard Munch
I see you dancing with him
I see you grooving on him
I see his friend tap him on the shoulder
I see him smile and point at you
I see you waiting for him
Dancing on your own
I see him
Using you
And I'm sorry
as one
a play between
a man and a woman
fantasies of a man in jail
and the woman who released him
so let us go for a five mile walk and imagine
hold a pulse in our hands
while we listen to
"All my lovin"
to remember he said
'don't ever take one day for granted"
 Jan 2015 MahoganyPumpkin
When I say you don't deserve her,
When I say that you should leave,
When I say you won't make it here,
When I say you make her grieve

When I say you should be better,
When I say you'll have to change,
When I say you don't treat her well,
When I say you're acting strange

When I say you don't love her,
When I say you'll hurt her heart,
When I say you aren't good enough,
When I say you should stay apart

When I say you never should've met her,
When I say you should've stayed far away
When I say you will be the worst thing that could happen to her,
I beg you to prove me wrong!
A single candle glows,
In a shadowed room,
The warmth it gives out,
Does little against the gloom.

The flame has burnt for so long,
It's begun to feel the strain,
The wax and wick are burning low,
An end to light's long reign.

The feeble glow begins to die,
Reflected dimly in the glass,
Of windows showing only dark,
The final night at last.

It clings on for as long as it can,
Though by now weak and frail,
Its fuel is used up, no longer it shines,
And inevitably, it fails.

With a slow, painful splutter,
The flame flickers and fades,
The last light goes out,
Marking an end to these charades.
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