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I lost my job.
I lost control.
I lost my friends.
I lost my soul.
I lost my appetite,
My thirst.
I lost my blessings,
Found a curse.
I lost my dignity,
My pride.
I lost my heart.
I lost my mind.
I lost my vices,
Virtue too.
Nothing hurt —
Until I lost you.
In this dream I'm with you, and we're together,
yeah, you've got your arms resting on my hips
that's when your lips lean into mine
that's when your tender kiss
makes me glow/and I shine....
then you're whispering sweet words in my ear

and, its all the things I want to hear...
in this dream
we're flying through planets in outer space
noticing all the beautiful colors in these amazing shapes...

in this dream we pass the moon
we write a song/yeah, we play a tune...
as you look at me/and, I'm all you see
we're rolling/twisting/at the speed of sound
flying so high above the ground...
now we're shooting through brilliant stars
to a galaxy we know is ours
it is the home we've missed so much...
in this dream I've had night after night
when we land after flight...
we've missed our family's so very much...
because for so long we were out of touch.
© Krisselle S. Cosgrove
 Nov 2014 MahoganyPumpkin
Please tell me you'll fight this fight,
I can't see without your light,
I need you to breathe into my life.

Don't tell me this is goodbye,
I won't grieve - it's not yet time,
Each breath breathed is keeping hope alive

So keep breathing,
Go on breathe in:
Just Breathe

Each breath breathed means we're alive,
And life means that we can find,
The reasons to keep on getting by.

And if reasons we can't find,
We'll make up some to get by,
'Til breath by breath we'll leave this behind.

So keep breathing,
Go on breathe in:
Just Breathe
My mommy
Sold me
She was cold
and Lonely

inheritance I didn't have
Her drug/pill habit took all of it
So sad

My mommy was so sick
she took the world
around her with her

She did things that rhyme with slick
butter things
that make a twitch

In college school
she found a ray
Her cowboy hero
had found his crazy

My mommy was that crazy
So beaten, unloved/enslaved, insane
My mommy was so crazy
So crazy So crazy

So Crazy  So Crazy  So Crazy  So Crazy
So Crazy  So Crazy  So Crazy  So Crazy
So Crazy  So Crazy  So Crazy  So Crazy
So Crazy  So Crazy  So Crazy  So Crazy
So Crazy  So Crazy  So Crazy  So Crazy

My mommy was so sick
she took our family with her
killed all of them
So sick

"There's no good dyin' alone."  she said
"There's no sense livin' alone."  she said

My mommy threw all of it
Never saved
She only spent

She bet her roll
on all of it

and fed them death
She died with them

My mommy was so sick
she took the world
around her with (her)

My mommy
Sold me
She was cold
So lonely
i think we still exist
somewhere in the universe
behind the sun
where all of earth’s abandoned
soulmates go to rest
i think i can see us
when i look up at the sky
and squint directly into
the rays of light,
your brown eyes burning
into mine

i think we are together
in the time that trails behind
the present, dancing
in circles until the last stars
fizzle out

i think that our promises
seeped into the soil, like
february rain, our souls sown
together, tucked in
beneath the world

i think what we had is
somewhere just out of reach,
pulsing in the dim spaces
between heat lightning

and although, in this lifetime,
we became nothing but shadows,
monsters that linger on bedroom walls

we are there, we are alive,
and we are still in love.
I was there with you that day
You went to the doctor with the pain
I thought it would be ok
But we both cried
When the doctor
That you had cancer
I was with you every step of the way
You had the treatment
But still day by day
You got weaker
And weaker
Until you couldn't  eat anymore
They said you were going to die
But I didn't believe it
Till the very last day
When you lay there in bed
Knowing what was going to happen
You hugged me one last time
And said I love you
I turned away from the bed
I cried for days on end
Never stopping
I still cry today
But it's hidden
Just like you
In my heart
The slam of the door
The scream
The blood on the walls
Something was taken
I smiled
When you smiled
When you walked
When you talked
I followed in your footsteps
When you were gone
Now that the traces
Of your footfalls
Have washed away
What should I do?
Rose petals lead the way through the suite
They covered the bed
And were carefully placed around the hot tub
The stage was set
All that was needed was him
She waited and waited
The hands of the clock kept moving
But she was frozen
She chanted, "He will come"
Over and over again
The water in the tub became cool
The rose petals became dry
Crumbling to dust
A few rose petals floated lifelessly in the tub
She gets in...
Still chanting....
Her body became lifeless, like the rose petals.... a warm red hue took over the water
A knock at the door, then another
He sees a single rose petal outside the door
He knocks again, intrigued by her lure
But their lust was deadly,  to be no more...
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