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Hello everyone at HP,

Starting this month, we hope to bring something new to Hello Poetry: a spotlight on our fellow poets here in this community.

Each month we will highlight one poet by posting an interview with them complete with a little background, how long they have been writing, what inspires them, etc. We will also highlight a few of their best or favorite poems (with a link to each one).

If you have any thoughts or questions you would like us to include in these interviews or would like to participate, please feel free to let us know via the comments section or direct messaging.

We hope this will be well received and provide a way of getting to know one another better.

Thank you,
Mr. & Mrs. Timetable
Trying to find oneself?
yeah right,
that's like looking for
the rock of ages
in a stone quarry,
but don't worry
if you're lost among the lost
you'll be in good company.

They'll come for me
one day,
not many get away from them,
but If I can't find me
they've got no chance.
 Jan 2018 Lunarian
Sasha Scarr
 Jan 2018 Lunarian
Sasha Scarr
I've never hated one as much, as I thought I hated you.
For all that wicked **** you did, and hell you put me through.
I snuck into your room one night, and tried to take your life,
but then I lost my way and then I ******* dropped the knife.

I don't know how I'm feeling now, I don't know what I think.
I want to watch you die here, but instead I'll have a drink.
When my head is filled with fog, maybe I'll try it then?
Or will I lose my nerve, and just **** it up again?

I saw you when you woke up and you looked and smiled at me.
But I still ******* hate you and I want to watch you bleed.

But worst of all, I hate myself because I love you too.
Even after all that hell you ******* put me through.
 Nov 2016 Lunarian
Austin Bauer
I'm the pillow you
threw off the bed
because you thought
you wouldn't need me.
Little did you know
that in thirty seconds
you would pull me
off the floor to
support your back
so you could lean over
your smelly handmade
journal pages to write
this short silly poem.

Don't be so naïve to think
you don't need me.
Don't throw me aside
in arrogance thinking
you'll be more comfortable
without me.
A Soft Rebuke
 Nov 2016 Lunarian
Austin Bauer
White Converse shoes,
Pants pulled up like
You came straight
From the 50s.
McFly! McFly!
You were reading
The paper when
You got up to ask me
To borrow a chair.
After all, it was dark
Where you were sitting,
And it takes a healthy
Amount of natural light
To read the paper.
At least that's what you told me.  
Of course I obliged because  
It does make it easier
For me to write about you when
You're sitting right across
From me. Mr. Plaid Shirt with
A Pilot G-2 Gel Ballpoint Pen.
Maybe if you're lucky,
Your coffee won't be cold
By the time you read,
"Animal Cuisine, for Animals,"
Or, "This Sushi Waits for No One."
What does it say about me
That I would sit here
And describe you as you read?
I could interrupt you,
Asking you a few questions
To really get to know you.
I assume you're a kind person
Based on the laughter-lines
Surrounding your eyes;
Based on the way you smiled
At that young woman as
She walked by.
By the time you hear the shot
it's either too late and fate's dealt a blow
or it's not and you live
to fight another day.

Sounds only get in the way of the silence
precious moments
when silence is the sound of the shot.

Doped up with ***** is the only hope
left for men,
take a concubine
or a glass of wine
think that things are fine
then the shot.
 Oct 2016 Lunarian
Sarah Michelle
They are here every
morning, tripping down the stairs,
laughing, repairing
 Jun 2016 Lunarian
And now I lay myself down to sleep
My soul is here, in your arms to keep

Protect me from those sorrowful scream
Keep your eye on my dreamy dreams

Sometimes I'm scared, look upon me
Slay all the nightmares I may see

My goddess, take my care through this night
Wake me up by your kisses by morning's light
Only for you :)
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